Posts Tagged ‘Selena Gomez’

Margo Manhattan Brings Her Divine Jewelry To Evine Live

September 28, 2015

Last month Evine Live announced a bunch of vendors who were coming to the network this fall, including jewelry designer Margo Manhattan. We didn’t know who she was, but we do now.

We looked her up because lo and behold, Evine Live invited us to a launch party this Tuesday for her jewelry line. That shindig will be held at Studio 450 Penthouse in Manhattan, of course.

So what’s the deal with Ms. Manhattan?

She makes jewelry for celebs such as Selena Gomez, and Beyonce wore one of her necklaces for her “Blow” video.

The pieces are chunky sterling silver and gold, and remind us of the late Scott Kay’s work. In fact, we have a large Scott Kay silver cross that looks very much like the one Beyonce had on.

Super star Bey is wearing Manhattan’s necklace in a scene where she’s decked out in a colorful bustier.

We can’t wait to see what her Evine Live pieces look like. We hope that they are not so scaled down that they lose the appeal of Manhattan’s more upscale jewelry.


Manhattan made headlines in New York City a few years back when her shop on tony Madison Avenue was robbed. In fact, the necklace that Beyonce wore was reportedly one of the items taken.

We liked the fact that Manhattan said she wasn’t worried the lose of $54,000 in merchandise, she was just happy that her saleswoman was unharmed by the thief.