Archive for the ‘Meg Flather’ Category

Do You Know ‘Home Shopping Diva’ Meg Flather? Well, Apparently Millions Of You Love Her

November 23, 2009

Have you ever heard of Meg Flather?

According to a press release, Flather “is known to millions as one of home shopping television’s most popular on-air personalities,” appearing on QVC, HSN and ShopNBC.

It says she worked on home shopping networks as “a cosmetics salesperson…One of television’s top cosmetic hawkers beloved by millions of women.”

Well, we’ve been watching home shopping networks for at least 15 years — maybe more — and we don’t know who the hell she is. Never heard of her. In other words, the press release is full of crap.

Be that as it may, Flather managed to get a blurb Monday in the “Inner Tube” column of the New York Daily News’s TV section. The item plugged Flather’s Dec. 12 performance at the Metropolitan Room in Manhattan. Her show, where she does comedy and sings, is called “Home Shopping Diva…songs of love, loss, & lipstick.”

The News says that Flather is looking to trademark her moniker “Home Shopping Diva.” Yes, we’re sure there’s a long line of women looking to use that name.

The press release on Flather’s Dec. 12 gig says, “In addition to hommage to the great female singers and composers who inspired her musical career, Flather’s ‘Home Shopping Diva’ includes some comedy songs as well as sendups of the home shopping TV phenomenon and heartfelt snippets of her work advising women seeking the lost luster of their youth.”

We can’t wait.