Posts Tagged ‘Italy’

Racism And Prejudice On QVC’s Online Forums: Jewelry Made In Italy And Mexico Is OK, But Items Made In China And Korea Prompt Nasty Rants

October 26, 2009

We read QVC’s online jewelry forum regularly, and we believe there is racism from some posters regarding jewelry made in China and Korea.

On Monday, one QVC poster immediately complained that singer Marie Osmond’s new Shine! jewelry line is manufactured in China and Korea.

This is not the first time we’ve heard this complaint made. There have been many such posts over the past months. Robert Lee Morris, for example, was criticized on the forum because his QVC jewelry is made in China and Thailand.

Now, QVC sells a lot of gold jewelry made in Italy, and does remote shows from that gorgeous country. The home shopping network makes a big deal about touting the talent of Italian gold factories.

QVC also sells a load of handmade silver jewelry from Taxco, Mexico. Again, there is lots of information offered about the specific Taxco silversmiths and their familes who are creating the jewelry.

QVC also offers artisan-crafted jewelry from Indonesia, where the vendor dresses up in costume and talks about the way the jewelry is handmade in her country.

Is it us, but doesn’t it sound like a double standard — or a touch of racism — for QVC viewers to complain about jewelry being made in China, but not about gold imported from Italy or silver coming from south of the border?

What’s the prejudice against China? We don’t see any rants about some of QVC’s gold not being manufactured in the good old USA.

We’re just saying.

QVC’s Quest For World Domination Includes A Network in Italy

October 16, 2009

QVC has done plenty of remote shoots in Italy to sell gold jewelry crafted in that country, but it is also planning to launch a home shopping channel in that European nation.

The new channel is set to launch next October, with 15 million subscribers, double to triple the number that such channels normally debut with, QVC CEO Mike George told analysts Friday.  

That Italian version of QVC is expect to break even in less than three years. QVC is eyeing China, France and  Brazil for additional global expansion. The Q already has networks in Great Britain, Japan and Germany.