Joy Mangano Returns to HSN With The ‘Boss’

One of our readers tipped us off, and we thank her, that former HSN clean queen Joy Mangano is returning to the home shopping network.

On Facebook Mangano, inventor of Huggable Hangers and a zillion other items, announced she will be on July 31 hawking her Clean Boss product. We looked it up, and it is self-described as the “most powerful botanical disinfectant,” according to its website.

Mangano was a fixture on HSN for decades, and the network owned her company. But when HSN was absorbed by Qurate Retail, QVC’s parent, that seemed to put an end to Mangano’s tenure on HSN.

A few years back there was a feature film about her life, where she was portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence.

It was quite a jolt and disappointment when Mangano exited, or was forced to exit, HSN.

We admit, she did get on our nerves sometimes, but she will be better than some of the other fare that HSN is airing, we suspect.

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67 Responses to “Joy Mangano Returns to HSN With The ‘Boss’”

  1. Lovie Says:

    When JM came on, that was ALWAYS my queue to turn the channel. It didn’t matter what she was selling.

  2. Linda Says:

    CANNOT stand that loud mouth overbearing hag. Be ready for her repeating the same crap, okay here we go, exactly, you know, exactly, exactly. The letter that pissed off a lot of “vendors” was directed to her and over talking the hosts and thinking she ran the show. Her outdated stiff hair, outdated fake nails. Did I mention that I cannot stand her?

  3. Linda Says:

    I forgot her other annoying repeat. OH MY GOSH

    • Lainie Says:

      I’m with you. We all have our likes and dislikes, and she was def on my dislikes list. Her and Greenfield of Curations. A couple of annoying yentas if ever I saw some!

  4. Janet Scanlon Says:

    I was so happy when she was gone. Sigh, fortunately the remote works and I can change channels.

  5. Aria Says:

    Hopefully her Clean Boss product is better than the Miracle Clean that she sold on HSN 3 years ago. I purchased that product, but had to return because it smelled like bug spray. I could not stomach the odor.

  6. Linda Says:

    LAINIE – OMG, yes the Curations yenta is another one…LOL

    • Gina Says:

      Lainie, Linda,
      I think “yenta” is too kind a word to describe those 2. I think they are nearing “harridan” territory! Click! Bye!
      Watching Diane Gilman (speaking of yenta) earlier this week. Weird jeans, dip dye, that looked fugly. Colleen is putting on weight; noticable on Facebook, too. She really looked heavier on Gilman’s show. Her face is fuller and so is her midriff. She still looks nice, but at our age those pounds are beastly to take off. Hopefully she doesn’t wait too long to slim back down. A few years ago I had about 15 pounds to lose. It was a BITC#. Took forever and if I’m up 3 pounds now I starve it off!!
      Rachel Huber’s house sold; gorgeous place. I don’t care for Huber but I hope they’ll be ok. Curious to see what’s next for them. I know she loves Florida; I guess we’ll see where they end up.
      Lots of humidity and electric storms my way; staying in and renting movies online. Seems like it’s raining everywhere! Strange weather patterns all across the country.

      • Bette Says:

        Raining where I am, too. Raining almost everywhere! This has been a summer for the books.
        I look at Colleen’s Facebook occasionally. Just what’s available online. I don’t have an account. She’s looked heavier to me for a few months now. She’s been wearing blouson-type tops; I think to hide her middle. Like you say, she still looks nice. Her face and neck are noticably fuller, and that Gilman top was not flattering.
        Colleen is in her 60s. I’ve been there a few years. I noticed at 50 that weight was noticably harder to take off. Even moreso at 60. The most overweight I’ve been is about 20 pounds. Like you said, it’s a bitc& to take off.
        Colleen should start doing something before it gets to the point that she’s much more noticably heavier. We have to think about our health, too. Anyway, she’ll probably do something when she’s ready.
        That Gilman show was weird. Those pants look funny. I think she’s grasping at straws, trying to come up with new stuff. Just improve the rags you’re already making!
        And I will NOT watch Joy Mangano. And Lainie you’re right….the Curations yenta is worse. Instant click. More smelly Mangano cleansers for my suffocation pleasure….no thanks and click!

      • Lainie Says:

        Yenta Greenfield has quite a past. She co founded Scoop brand fashion, and was there from mid 1990s till 2008, when she got Curations ready to take to HSN. Before scoop, she worked for Donna Karan, then Esprit.
        But….and some of you might remember this….she appeared briefly on HSN during her scoop days, around 2001. She sold hippie bead necklaces and bracelets. One of my friends was visiting while Greenfield was on, and remarked that she was selling the same stuff we used to make in high school for big bucks. We’d spend $10 on a few packages of beads and make tons of jewelry. Ours was actually prettier. We just wore ours; we didn’t sell it. Greenfield was selling simple bead bracelets and necklaces for $50 and up. She didn’t last long on there (hippie beads- what’s the draw?) and later she said she wasn’t disciplined enough to keep up with her HSN schedule.
        She’s been on HSN since 2008 or 2009, selling way over priced crap. I’m frankly surprised she’s still on there, especially with the bad reviews of her stuff and her grating personality. She makes Mangano look pleasant.
        Just a little FYI for your Saturday, folks. Have a good one.

      • Kim Says:

        Bette, Gina
        I saw that Gilman show. I think the red top Colleen wore is one of “her own designs”. I saw it on another show recently.
        That look isn’t flattering on anyone, but I do believe Colleen has gained a little weight. I’ve noticed the fullness in her face and neck for a little while. I just took off 40 lbs….and boy, was it hard! I am in my mid 50s, and it does NOT come off like it does in your 20s and 30s. It takes a great deal of discipline to take it off, and keep it off. Hopefully Colleen starts addressing this before it gets worse. Not a fan, but I sympathize with anyone fighting the battle of the bulge!!!!

      • Bette Says:

        Congratulations on losing 40 lbs! Blessings and more good health to you. If you don’t mind sharing, how long did it take you? And what factor(s) made it more successful?
        In my 60s, I find it hard to take off 3 – 5 lbs that creep on! And I’m not a Colleen fan, either, but she needs to get going before she gains too much. It DOES take great discipline to stay at a healthy weight, but it’s worth it.

      • Kim Says:

        Thank you. I worked hard to lose that weight and so far I’m keeping it off.
        It took nearly a year; I injured my ankle and was chair bound for some time. I watched what I ate but with no physical activity it mostly kept me from gaining (which is good) and I didn’t lose much.
        Even after I was able to walk, I had to baby my ankle. I started doing Pilates, which is mainly done on the floor and doesn’t burden the legs. Watching my calories, carbs, and eating healthy helped. I occasionally intermittently fasted, which helped speed things up.
        Since I lost the last of it, I’ve aimed at eating “realistically healthy” and allowing SMALL treats here and there. I actually lost 4 extra pounds, and I’ve maintained for close to 3 months. I do NOT want to gain it back and go through all that work again!
        People, if you’re overweight, start losing NOW before more adds on and makes it harder.

      • Kim Says:

        Bette, I did not write “Better”, autocorrect did. I’m sorry. I absolutely hate autocorrect!!

      • Gina Says:

        Interesting info about Greenfield. I was aware that she co founded Scoop, but I didn’t know about DKNY. I may have heard that she worked for Esprit.
        I do remember her being on HSN, long ago, with her bead jewelry. I made that stuff in my school days, too. Cheap to make…..and she was getting outrageous prices for it on HSN. She wasn’t on there long; never sold much, and I figured it was just a dud product so they axed her.
        Anyway, because you have a little bit of talent doesn’t give you the right to be a bitc#, and she certainly is one.

      • Lainie Says:

        Although Greenfield’s resume may be “impressive” to some, I never got on the Benetton/Esprit fashion train. To me, designer clothes came from Valentino, Versace, McQueen, Mackie, DKNY, et al.
        Esprit was like very expensive J Crew stuff, to me. But it had its appeal. And was definitely cheaper than Valentino!
        I guess what I’m trying to say is, Greenfield does have talent, but she would never make it at YSL or Versace. But those brands wouldn’t sell on HSN, so……
        I think her main talent was predicting trends in the world of fast food fashion. Which is why she’s hawking sub par clothes and accessories at HSN, instead of working at DKNY. And why Scoop only lasted a hot minute.

      • Bette Says:

        Isn’t auto correct fun, lol?! πŸ₯Ίβ˜ΉοΈπŸ€­πŸ˜‚. No offense taken.
        Thanks for sharing your weight loss journey. I looked up intermittent fasting, and it seems like a good way to dump those few unwanted pounds if they creep on. Having an injured ankle was certainly a drawback, but you handled it well.
        I hope you bought some new clothes to celebrate, or at least have some killer jeans to enjoy wearing again! You deserve to celebrate a job well done.

  7. Lovie Says:

    Okay, y’all. I’m watching ShopLC right now (7/23 @ 8:59PM CST) and it looks like Karen Connelly is leaving for real this time. She just said that we can keep up with her on her facebook page. Those of you who follow her on facebook might already know. Personally, I don’t have a facebook account, so I didn’t know until just now. I think she still has another show this week.

  8. Judy Says:

    I, too, am not a fan of Joy. And most of her “inventions” were junk. But I agree with those up thread about Greenfield, she is much more abrasive. I, too, am surprised she’s still on there.
    I’m actually surprised Joy is coming back. There are fans who will be glad, and others, like me, who will change the channel. I’m getting so I don’t watch annoying/aggravating people on TV, and I stay off social media, other than glimpses we’re allowed online. Both are great ways to lower your blood pressure, and remove stress.

    • cp Says:

      Hopefully they don’t pair her with Iman again; it was easy to tell Iman didn’t like her a lot.

      • Judy Says:

        That’s an understatement. And, Iman couldn’t get a word in when Blabgano was paired with her. No matter who she’s with, she takes over and totally dominates the presentation.
        And, as mentioned above, Greenfield is worse. I can watch Joy for days compared to her.

      • Elisa Says:

        Frankly, their collaborations were crap. I returned a handbag and a couple pieces of luggage. Felt cheap, looked cheap, and probably would have lasted 1 day past the return warranty.
        I’m thinking the manufacturing of the Joy/Iman brand was more on Joy, it had her trademark junky feel. Maybe Iman helped with the “designs” πŸ™„.
        Anyway, I doubt that Iman would go for that “partnership” again, even though her own stuff has gone way down in quality.

    • Joy Says:

      You should go on tv sell a product or anything for that matter! As you are Fat as have no life or quality about Joy! That’s why you’re Just Stupid as weak! I know see you are poor and crap, as then if you highly don’t enjoy the fabulous famous Joy who made millions! As lots of people happy then you should get you’re Fat Lazzy Ass up and made as invent and patent a product as promote it! You can’t Afford πŸ’°Nice as Quality! As some people are Broke like you and others just have Money! No Patience or passion!

  9. Andy Says:

    CleanBoss/MiracleClean have been my hero products throughout the pandemic. Joy’s return is the best news I have heard in a long time. Her products were one of the few reasons I shopped HSN; besides Ingenious Designs and ProCaps, they present very little you cannot find elsewhere at better delivered prices.
    I hope she brings back the pillows and the luggage!
    BTW, Joy and Iman are friends IRL.
    I feel like if you have feelings about a homeshopping presenter, it is mostly going to be that they are annoying, LOL. People trying to sell you something are generally annoying and if they are on air for like a third of the day every day they have a TSV anything mildly annoying is super annoying. Her products obviously generally sold well and I am glad she is back!!!

    • Judy Says:

      Although I don’t share your enthusiasm for Mangano, I think you’ve made an excellent point about why many presenters are considered annoying. Being that much in your face IS annoying, no matter how low key your sales pitch is. And now, with smaller inventory, OAPs are on air longer and more frequently. To your point, and it’s a good one.

  10. Mary Says:

    I loved Joys energy and enthusiasm in her presentations. I ordered her luggage, purses, cleaners, hangers, all great products that I actually used. I may have to lock up my credit card in her return. Welcome back Joy. I missed you. Look forward to seeing you back on HSN

  11. Kim Says:

    Yuk — horrible products — except for the hangers and steamer, I sent everything else back — pure junk — broken, holes, bad manufacturing, didn’t work and on and on. There is a class action suit against the steamers because of burning but you have to prove you’ve disabled the steamer. Annoying personality and never believed a word she said particularly when she was teamed up with Shannon — those two wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them. And by the by, isn’t it a little late in the day for the miracle disinfectant?

    • Kim Says:

      My steamer never worked. I kept a hard-side fold up jewelry box; the clasp gave out early on but I taped it closed when I needed to move it. I never tried the hangers. And don’t think I missed anything. The other few things I ordered, all went back due to defective manufacturing, like the steamer.
      As mentioned above, there are more annoying personalities on HSN than Joy, but that doesn’t make watching her any easier. Hard pass.

      • Gina Says:

        I still have that Mangano jewelry box! My clasp stopped working, too, but it’s still useable. Her selling point was that you could keep it on your dresser, but it was compact enough to travel with. Now, mine holds some older jewelry that is more keepsake stuff with sentimental value that I rarely wear.
        I thought the hangers were a ripoff, and I also bought luggage that I sent back immediately. Plastic, smelly, horribly cheap feeling… enthusiastic baggage handler, and poof! It’s broken. The heavy chemical smell was unbelievable.

  12. Lainie Says:

    Up early this AM; Dolly Parton on HSN selling perfume. She usually looks good, but she looked very rough around the edges this AM. Travel and on air schedules are no fun on home shopping.
    I never buy perfume without smelling it first. Years back, I bought a Marilyn Miglin sampler kit off HSN, and ended up returning the whole thing. No matter how well they describe it, you have to smell it.
    Other perfumes have had some success there; let’s see how Dolly’s does. She’s a cool lady and a good personality for them; let’s see if she brings in more viewers.

    • Kim Says:

      I saw Dolly yesterday, too. She may have been suffering from jet lag.
      It seems that perfumes come and go on HSN; which is to be expected. I’m πŸ’― with you; I have to smell it before I buy it. I have also tried several of Miglin’s scents and samplers; the only one I liked was the one with no top notes (Goddess? Destiny?) I didn’t even like that enough to keep it. I have 2 fragrances from Ecco Bella that I love and I stick with those.
      There’s nothing worse than being around someone with tons of perfume. When my son was a baby, I made friends with a beautiful woman who lived in my building. She wore exquisite fragrance, and you could only smell her slightly up close. She said the secret to putting perfume or cologne on, was to spray it in the air, and then walk through it. I’ve been doing that for about 30 years now, and it really works. Just make sure you close your eyes and mouth, and hold your breath while you walk through the perfume. It just takes a second. And you will not smell yourself, or be overpowering to others. They won’t smell your fragrance until they are close to you, and then, only faintly.
      And I would advise smelling perfume in person, then ordering if you like it.

  13. Lainie Says:

    I’m pretty sure Destiny was the one with no top notes. It was very popular on HSN when Miglin introduced it. I agree; it was the most pleasant of the ones of hers that I did sample.
    I was really disappointed in Pheromone and Magic; they had an overall cheap smell and strong alcohol. Pheromone was fussed over so much in the 80s…..I thought for sure it would be a winner. It had strong undertones of cheap dime store cologne. Anyway, she probably had to change things toward lower cost ingredients for HSN.
    I will remember your tip….I’ve heard of spraying perfume and then walking through; I didn’t think it would work. Much faster than putting miniscule drops on my inner elbows and knees! Anything to keep from smelling like a cologne factory.
    As for Dolly, I’m sure her fragrance will have a decent run, and then another celebrity will pop up with their fragrance. I have found a fragrance that I love that my mom gave to me as a teenager, from Dior. It’s my signature fragrance, and I get lots of compliments…especially from men. Why mess with success? πŸ˜‰

    • Gina Says:

      Is that Miss Dior? It used to smell great. I haven’t tried it in awhile; hopefully they haven’t changed it. It has been around for a very long time…and rightfully so. It is one of the nicest fragrances, IMO. I’ll have to check it out again. I’m due for a change.

      • Lainie Says:

        It certainly is Miss Dior. And as far as I can tell, it’s still the original formula. It does have a very unique fragrance, and I think it adapts to its wearer more than many do.
        You’ll enjoy changing it out with your regular fragrance; it may even become your main fragrance!

      • Gina Says:

        Thanks. I currently use Lolita Lempika’s original scent (in the apple bottle) and love it, but would like to add something for a change occasionally. I’ve always liked Miss Dior. I think I’ll buy a bottle.
        Horrible, horrible ending week; suicide by a good friend and client. Young, in his 40s, and I’ve been in tears for days. Artist, talented, in and out of dark places sometimes, but I always thought the light would save him. I was wrong. I called him a lot frequently; he’d been depressed for awhile, couldn’t see his child due to distance and child’s mom (they never married). COVID didn’t help. I got the call Wednesday night from a mutual friend; I was summoned to transfer his portfolio (which on his death became a trust for his child) to his ex, and of course, attend his memorial service. 😭😭😭😭
        I’m crying as I type this. Anyway, it was in another state, 5 hour drive, hot here, hot there….just get it over with. I stayed in a hotel Wednesday night; had offers from friends (I lived in this area for several years, so I have friends and clients there) but wanted to be ALONE. Service was on the early side Thursday due to heat. It was held outside for social distancing. After the service, I took the ex off to the side, had her show me the required paperwork, and signed the trust over to her, telling her to bear in mind that it was for the child, not her. Said my goodbyes, hugged the child (I’d met them several times with my client), got in my car, and cried all the way home.
        Check up on people. Especially when they are going through hard times. In my heart, I know this couldn’t have been prevented. If only he’d selected a better person to have a child with. I don’t even understand the connection: Iggy Pop dates Karen. But it’s come to this, and we have to accept it. And it had left many of us hurting. There were no dry eyes at the memorial, I can tell you that. Please check on depressed people.
        To keep this on the subject, I’m watching Colleen on HSN. She has definitely gained weight in her upper body. Not fond of the DG2 offerings. I don’t truthfully think anything could please me today. But home shopping is a good background when you’re in mourning. I guess I’ll flip to the Q to see what horrors are on display there.
        Hug your loved ones extra tight.

      • Lainie Says:

        Oh, no, girl! I’m so sorry. What a tragic turn of events. A talented person, gone too soon. I feel for his child. Hopefully they spent enough time with him that Karen isn’t the main influence. I gather the child is on the younger side.
        Who knows why people pick each other. Maybe your friend wasn’t intending to be a dad, but Karen was looking for a baby. And a busy, far away dad was less likely to interfere… that’s just a guess; but who knows. Like you said, it’s the way it ended up. I’m sorry it caused your friend such deep pain.
        Think of him with love, and send healing vibes to him through the universe. And remember him. Do you have any of his art? If not, try to get some. He’ll live on through those things. It’s good you went to his memorial, and took care of his kid’s trust. It sounds like he was a loving, responsible dad. May he rest in peace. And hopefully it will help you with closure. Let yourself grieve; it’s an important process. Especially since this was such a shock.
        Yes, Colleen is gaining in the midriff. I haven’t liked Gilman’s clothes for awhile. They seem to be getting worse. I hope you found something to laugh at on QVC; lately it has been a comedy of errors.
        I’m preparing my house for the arrival of my best friend next week. We’ve known each other since high school. We visit at least 2 or 3 times a year. She’ll stay about a week, and it will be great to catch up.
        I’ll watch for any replies, Gina, in case you want to “talk”. Try to rest, and come to terms with it peacefully. You were a friend to him and I know he is grateful for that. Take good care.
        Love, Lainie

      • Bette Says:

        I am so sorry πŸ’”πŸ’”. I’m sorry for your friend, for his child, and for you.
        I wish the best for his child; his suicide is an awful lot for a child to process. I hope he/she will be ok. I do not feel any compassion for the child’s mom; I just hope she does right by her offspring. May your friend rest in peace and blessings.
        And please take care of yourself. Rest and come to terms with this awful event.
        And, in keeping with the blog theme, what I originally intended to post. Yes, Colleen is getting a midriff pooch. And it appears she may be filtering/photoshopping some of her Facebook photos; she looks unnaturally wasp waisted in a few of the recent ones, and things are at an odd angle or focus. The battle of the bulge is never ending!
        Take care, Gina. β™₯️β™₯️

      • Elisa Says:

        I’m so, so sorry. πŸ’”πŸ–€πŸ’”. May he rest in peace. Take care of yourself.

      • Judy Says:

        What terrible news πŸ’”. I’m sorry you lost a good friend, and under such sad circumstances. I hope his child will be ok. Doesn’t sound like the best situation, but hopefully his/her memories of their dad will carry them through.
        It must have been a terrible shock for you, getting that phone call. Please be kind to yourself, and allow time to process all this. Sometimes the weight of the world is unbearable. Your friend reached his limit, may he rest peacefully now.
        Give yourself a few days to adjust. Take good care. β™₯️β™₯️

      • Kim Says:

        Hugs and condolences ❀️❀️. That’s such a shame, so sad. Bless the little one’s heart; grant them strength and love. And may your friend rest in everlasting peace.
        Take care and give yourself time to get over the shock.

      • Kate Says:

        First of all, I don’t know you, but I’m so sorry for your loss. What a sad, terrible situation. I hope your friend’s child will be ok. From your post, I can’t say much for the mom. Take a few days for yourself for a reset; you deserve it
        I think Miss Dior will be a great alternate for Lolita Lempika. I have both and I love them. Also Opium by YSL. Opium is a deeper fragrance; I use it for evening, and in the cooler months. However, I find myself using Lolita more and more.
        Colleen Lopez has put a little spare tire on. And like another poster said, there are definitely some filters or photoshopping on her Facebook, on pictures where she’s wearing more fitted things. The purple pants outfit, for sure.
        And finally, I’ve never cared for Mangano, and less for her products, but I’m glad she’s back on HSN for all her fans. Hopefully they’ll get some of their favorite products again.

      • Dianne Says:

        My condolences to you on the loss of your friend. The circumstances are so tragic, and sad. My heart goes out to his child. I hope the mother will do right and keep his memory alive. It sounds like he was a good father and a talented person. I’m sure many will miss him. RIP.
        There is a lot of bad news on here today. Bad news is as much a part of life as good news, and reminds us to appreciate what we have. Be sure to take time to come to terms with all this. It sounds like it hit you pretty hard; I’m so sorry. It hurts to lose good people. Take good care. β™₯️

      • Cleo Says:

        Pardon my boldness, I haven’t been on here in ages, and I don’t “know” you. But I am here to give you my deepest sympathy on your loss. That was a tragic, shocking death, and I’m sure many were impacted by it.
        I wish his child the best; that’s a hard blow to take. I hope mommo steps up her game, and does the right thing by the kiddo and the dad.
        As for you, you’re obviously very upset, and understandably so. Take some days off to breathe. Buy yourself a present. Order in for a couple dinners. And realize you were a good, true friend, and did all you could. His troubles had the loudest voice of anyone, and unfortunately, they won. πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” May his soul find peace and tranquility.

      • Cleo Says:

        I replied to your post and it didn’t show; I’ll try again.
        I don’t know you but I wish you my deepest sympathy on your loss. What a shocking, tragic death. I hope the mom does right by the kiddo and the dad. I hope the kiddo will be ok. This is heavy stuff for a child to process
        Take time to breathe. Buy yourself something you want, order dinner in. Know that you were a good and true friend, and did all you could for him. The voice of his problems spoke louder than anyone…and they won. πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
        May his soul find peace and tranquility.

      • Gina Says:

        Lainie, Elisa, Bette, Kim, Judy, Dianne, Kate, and Cleo

        Thank you all for caring, and for your kind and supportive words. This past week has been very difficult. I have taken a few days to regroup and reflect, and try to make sense of all this.
        My first concern is for his child; however, he himself left that in the hands of Karen. We can all hope she does her best to keep his memory alive.
        Lainie, I have quite a bit of his art. There’s art for art’s sake, and furniture and home accessories (lamps, etc). Some are gifted, some, I purchased. His style complements my taste in decor, and has influenced it. So he is all around me. And I can assure you, he is quite unforgettable on his own.
        I have been talking a lot o the phone with our mutual friend there, and learning more about the artist friend’s ups and downs. He had a girlfriend, they’ve lived together over a year. She never came to the memorial. The friend I talked to, “Chuck”, said she’s a bit offbeat herself, but very sweet. If I go back to visit, which I will at some point, hopefully I’ll get to meet her. His main problem was the separation from his child. It affected his life a lot. It made other difficult issues more unbearable. He was more unstable than we thought. πŸ’” And Chuck believes all of us who loved him did all we could. Unfortunately, he wrote his own ending.
        I’m working from home, so that helps. I can take little breaks. Actually, my workload is very light this week. The shock is wearing off, and I feel more connected to reality again. I’ll be ok.
        Thank you all again for your kind words. Kate, Cleo….nice to “meet” you. Thank you for caring and connecting, even though you don’t “know” me. There’s a nice community on this blog, and times like this prove it. β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

  14. Julie Says:

    All of Joy’s products that I tried were junk. I never tried the hangers. She has an aggressive personality that can be off putting. Paired with bad boy chef Todd English, she was almost a comedy act. I sometimes thought he’d like to bonk her on the head with a green pan!
    HSN got rid of her, and quickly. Why are they bringing her back? Well, their bottom line has suffered, and she was a decent chunk of sales. There are people on this blog who like her stuff, so that tells you it’s a very subjective opinion.
    As for Joy herself, she made money off HSN. I imagine she had to swallow her pride in a big gulp to come back. I don’t care for her, but it doesn’t matter one way or the other that she’s back. It will be interesting to see what she brings in the way of products.

    • Elisa Says:

      I think you’re spot on. The only reason they’re bringing Joy back is to try to generate more sales. She was very popular. And, she had to swallow a big hunk of pride to come back. I think the reason on both sides was money, although you’d think Joy made hers by now.
      If you’re not already familiar with it, look up the TRUE story of Esteban, one of Joy’s”discoveries”. When you compare it with his HSN “persona”, you’ll know what a real huckster Joy is.

      • Julie Says:

        Hi, Elisa
        I am familiar with Esteban’s story. The lies about him being born blind, and stumbling around the rough terrain of the Southwest. Learning to play guitar by ear, poor child with a beat up old guitar.
        Truth: mediocre musician, NOT blind, just light sensitive, found in Vegas (or LA, can’t remember now) playing a gig at an unknown club. And Vegas was as close to the Southwest as he ever got. And, he is no way, no how, anything remotely close to legendary guitarist JosΓ© Feliciano.
        He was a shill to sell cheap, cardboard guitars. And to think, they got rid of talented keyboardist Giovanni to make room for Esteban. I think his real name is Paul something or other, definitely non Hispanic. I have nothing against him; he’s a pawn in Mangano’s big scheme. Oh, the lies! Blind my ass, from the Southwest same ass.

  15. Elisa Says:

    What got me were the lies about Esteban. Saying he was blind. And that he was a poor child, who grew up learning guitar from an old Hispanic relative! And yes, clamoring around the rocky deserts of New Mexico, walking his blind self down to said old uncle or grandpa or whatever. Sheesh!! I even remember some hosts leading him to a chair in his beginning at HSN. What a crock o’ crap!
    And people were making fun of him, calling him Zorro! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜³ He is not Hispanic, although he plays that type of music well. Not blind, as you said; light sensitive, and any stumbling around New Mexico by him was by drunken chance, if ever! He was just an “off-off-Broadway” entertainer in a forgettable night club. He does have talent, but you can bet your life that Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page are sleeping well. He made a little money, had his 15 minutes of “fame”, and has disappeared from the public eye. And yes, he is a Mangano “discovery”….or as I prefer to say, puppet
    Let’s hope she doesn’t “discover” any more “disabled”, down-on-their-luck “talents”. πŸ™„πŸ˜¬πŸ˜¨πŸ˜΅πŸ˜³πŸ˜πŸ™ƒ

  16. Andy Says:

    Wow, I did not know about Esteban at all (or that he was ever on HSN). Now I understand the repulsion with Joy from some readers (but I still am a fan of her products). I only saw her the last five years she was on prior to her departure and mostly shop online. I only watch presentations on things already in my cart or things I know I would never buy, so I think my tolerance level is higher than a lot of you faithful viewers.
    The biggest godsent during the pandemic for me was having stocked up on MiracleClean back in early 2019. Seeing that I had stockpile of product tested for coronaviruses was probably the only lucky break I got. It was my favorite cleaner already, so being able to just spray the same stuff I already cleaned everything with back when we thought we had to disinfect our packages was so convenient. And even now that I am less freaked about the virus being on surfaces, it is nice to know that shining things up is also killing the virus. I received the CleanBoss version this week and besides the smell being more subtle, I did not notice a difference, but do not think MiracleClean could have gotten any better.
    All the former Joy products that HSN was still selling without her branding (the entire huggable hanger line and the better beauty case/every.little.thing case) are off the site or clearanced, so I wonder if she is making a return beyond CleanBoss.
    I liked that she presented the “Joy Hangers” and remarked that her hangers are one of the most imitated products out there, since I was not sure if the “Joy Hangers” were tehchnically knockoffs of Huggable Hangers (even if you searched huggable hangers on, the Joy Hangers did not come up in the results).
    I hope she brings back the pillows with an antimicrobial coating.
    The departure was so strange in 2018, with Joy saying nothing ever and HSN just saying she was pursuing other opportunities, so I wonder if the option to return was part of the negotiations.

    • Elisa Says:

      We all come here of different opinions and still manage to get along, which makes this blog nice. You have every right to be a fan of Joy’s products. Since you came in later, you have seen a much less annoying version of her.
      When I read the article on Esteban, my jaw was on the floor. I had doubts that he was blind from the beginning, but that they made up such an elaborate backstory for him was shocking. I don’t remember exactly when he “left”, but it’s been a little bit.
      There were some good reviews for his guitars, but there were tons of bad ones. And even the good ones said they were only fit for beginners’ practice. They charged $200-$400 depending on the “artwork” on the guitar. Or, in layman’s terms, how fancy the design painted on the cardboard was! There were instructions to play, and the guitars sold pretty well…for awhile. Then HSN must have cheapened them, like they do so many other things, and the complaints started piling up. How the cardboard veneer peeled off, and the strings broke….and more.
      I don’t remember who wrote the article I read about him (there were several), but it was legit. And someone did their sleuthing very well, because we weren’t supposed to find out the truth. Once it came out, he was gone…..and you never hear anything about this “guitar virtuoso” anymore.
      Joy did leave suddenly, HSN axed people with no mercy. It has to be $$$$ on both sides, that they’re bringing her back. I hope they keep making your Miracle Clean; it’s nice to find something that really works.

      • Cleo Says:

        Wasn’t that something?! I was shocked by it, too. We all know they embroider and exaggerate on home shopping, but they turned Stephen Paul (alter ego: Esteban) into a different person than he was in real life. The only thing the 2 personas had in common was that they were slightly above average guitar players!
        Just a little updated FYI:
        He sold all his HSN rights (music, etc) to Keith Urban when HSN axed him. He is now Sedona based, doing online concerts, etc. Looks pretty f***in comfy and well off for a semi charlatan. Old Joy made that sucker some money. And he still dresses like Zorro. Oh…and he refers to his “family”. He’s in his 70s now; I wonder if this is a pre fab family or the old goat started one recently? I’m glad he’s ok but I think it’s bogus that a fake ended up with $$$$$$$ and so many good musicians, who may or may not be actually, truthfully, totally blind, are living in the skids. Just sayin.

      • Elisa Says:

        Thanks for the update 🎸🎢. The last I heard he was doing Elvis impersonations in Vegas. He was based in Vegas for a long time. That probably was just after his HSN days. With Keith Urban’s $$$$$$, he bought a new life in Sedona. BTW, my condolences to the people of Sedona. Think twice before you book a quiet getaway there. Zorro may ruin it! πŸ˜‚
        I never heard of his family. Maybe someone is looking to become a merry widow, πŸ€‘, lol! I’ll have to look him up now; my curiosity is piqued. Stumbling through the rocky terrain of Sedona, AZ, a faux blind Zorro plucks a few guitar chords before he slips and goes rolling down a hill. He isn’t hurt; the brunt of the fall was taken by his cardboard guitar. At $2.95 USD, it’s easily replaced.
        🎢The buttes and mesas are alive,
        With the sound of Zorro🎢,
        From cardboard guitars he has played
        For a million years…….🎢
        🎢He goes to the buttes,
        With his fake guitar and
        He will trip and fall,
        And play once more🎢🎢

        Ok, enough. I am also resentful that the imposter has made $$$$$$$$$$, and I’m showing it.

      • Lainie Says:

        You owe me a venti latte! I came on here to “check on” Gina, and I read your post. I laughed so hard I spit out the coffee in my mouth, and accidentally knocked over the rest of the cup! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
        I used The Sound of Music theme for the song, and between that and the prior intro, I almost died laughing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£. The image of Esteban rolling down a hill, clutching his cheap guitar, and decked out like Zorro was too much to bear.
        The info Cleo came up with is interesting and probably most accurate. No Sedona vacation for me any time soon! And a family? He must be in his mid 70s…. WTF?!
        Anyway, he made out like a bandit after HSN gave him the boot. What a story. And he’ll trip and fall once more 🎢. Of course, he’s blind, don’t you know ?!?!?!?!

      • Elisa Says:

        Sorry about your latte. Here’s a virtual one to replace it β˜•.
        I didn’t intend to be funny; I was upset that Zorro got rich and comfortable after ripping people off with his crap product. NOT a good vendor. I think a few rolls down the rugged landscape of Sedona will do him good 😏. And the “family” is just nonsensical. He probably serenades the kids to sleep at night 😩🀒😬.
        I’ll have to check in on him more, and see what he’s up to. I wish him no harm, but it would be nice if he had a conscience.

      • Judy Says:

        Cleo, Elisa
        How to turn cardboard into gold: the story of Esteban.

      • Cleo Says:

        I just saw your post. Great book or movie title πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

  17. Gina Says:

    Like Lainie said, your post was hilarious. I just now read it, and the musical verse and the intro killed me. 🀣🀣 I needed a good laugh! The visual of your words will live in my head forever.
    Sedona, huh? Well, I’ll make sure there are no nearby Zorro sightings when I book a room. πŸ•ΆοΈπŸ•ΆοΈ Thanks for a much needed lol β™₯️β™₯️

  18. Gina Says:

    Like Lainie said, your post was hilarious. I just now read it, and the musical verse and the intro killed me. 🀣🀣 I needed a good laugh! The visual of your words will live in my head forever.
    Sedona, huh? Well, I’ll make sure there are no nearby Zorro sightings when I book a room. πŸ•ΆοΈπŸ•ΆοΈ Thanks for a much needed lol β™₯️β™₯️

    • Lainie Says:

      I’m so glad you’re doing better β™₯️β™₯️. Hasn’t this week been a doozy? No repeats, please!
      Isn’t Elisa’s post hilarious πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚? I don’t think that was her intention …I think she was mad that ol’ Fake Eyes got away with a big bag of money, and is polluting the desert in the Southwest. But it was funny.
      Take good care of yourself, and I think it’s good for you to talk with Chuck. He’s a good connection; it sounds like he had your friend’s back, too. I hope this week winds down on a more pleasant note. And good to hear you have some of his art around you.
      If you feel depressed, just read Elisa’s post πŸ˜‚.
      Love and light to you.
      β™₯️ Lainie

    • Elisa Says:

      Of all people, I’m glad you found my post funny. You needed a laugh. Lainie was right…I didn’t intend to be funny. I was mad because Zorro made out so well. I just pictured him stumbling around the rough landscape of Sedona. The rest just followed.
      I’m glad you got a Joanne bag, too. Another sad death this week. I wish I had taped some of her shows.
      I saw your other post on this thread; sounds like you’re doing better. I agree with Lainie; I think you should stay in touch with Chuck. It sounds like you’re feeling better, and getting a stronger perspective. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.
      Take good care and I hope your week finishes on a much better note. β™₯️β™₯️

  19. Elle Says:

    Joys’ products are junk, sad to say. A large number of them have quietly been recalled due to their malfunctions which have been described as “dangerous”. Her new cleansing product smells AWFUL. Common complaint is burning sinuses and burning in chest. The smell does not go away either.

  20. KIRSTAN Says:

    Women who were taught to hate Women,
    yenta, harridan, hag, bossy are there any comparable derogatory synonyms for Men? No.
    Like Oprah said, ” All the Men supported Her climb to the Top, it was the Women who “bitched Her out” with who does She think She is.
    Assertive aggressive business women still getting being trashed by jealous women.
    Like the singing ” yenta says haters gonna hate hate hate,
    shake shake shake
    shake them off…shake them off.

  21. Garland Boespflug Says:

    great post!

  22. Barbara Henry Says:

    Joy sold pillows that I love! Are they still available somewhere online?

  23. Marilyn Lee Kessler Says:

    Why did Joy Mangano develop a cleaner with such a bad smell (CLEAN BOSS). Didn’t she know.

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