JTV Pearl Maven Mark Brown Is Recovering From A Stroke

We’re not tying to be flip, but this news was almost as shocking as Princess Kate revealing she has cancer: JTV pearl guy Mark Brown had a stroke and is recovering.

Brown, the home shopping network’s pearl jewelry vendor, has not been on the air for awhile, which had us wondering what was up. We enjoy him. We always enjoy vendors who are so obviously passionate about their jewelry.

Then today on Facebook we saw that Brown posted a video explaining what had happened. You should watch it, but in a nutshell he said he suffered a stroke about a month again, and had to re-learn basic tasks like speaking and walking.

Brown says he’ll be back on-air.

“I’m not going to quit what I’m doing,” he said. “I love bringing our pearls to you. It’s not just a job. It’s a huge portion of my life that I refuse to give up.”

This hits close to home for us. Our brother-in-law recently suffered a mild stroke. He went to the ER twice complaining of numbness in his left arm. His blood pressure was soaring. Doctors finally determined it was a mild stroke and put him on blood thinners and blood-pressure medication.

But we had a much more horrific experience years ago with our mom. Just a few months after our dad passed away, our mom was hospitalized for dehydration. It was right before Easter, like this time of year.

We gave our mom an Easter card to fill our for our niece, and it was taking her forever. We said, “Come on Mama,” and she didn’t respond at all. We stood right in front of her face, and she looked right through us. It was as if she didn’t see us or hear us.

We looked at the card, and in the middle of a sentence her writing had become gibberish.

We felt like two cents. The reason she was taking so long with the card was that she was having a stroke right in front of us.

We can’t recall how many hours it took for her to finally respond and acknowledge us that day. But she could not speak correctly. It was aphasia, just like Bruce Willis has, where the person is trying to talk but the wrong words come out, they can’t formulate language.

Our mom went to a rehab center, where she would answer with nonsense — like saying “chicken” or “lettuce” — when you asked how she was. You’d ask her to pile blocks on top of the other, and she couldn’t do it.

What a horrible time for our family. We had just lost our dad and now didn’t know if our mother would ever be OK.

We can’t remember how long it took — which seems very strange now, that we can’t recalled — but Mama regained her faculties, was able to talk and function. Thank God!

Brown called JTV viewers his extended family. We feel the same about him. He has obviously made a lot of progress, as we can see from his video. Here’s praying and wishing him the best for the rest of his journey.

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11 Responses to “JTV Pearl Maven Mark Brown Is Recovering From A Stroke”

  1. TA Says:

    I don’t believe I’ve ever watched JTV but I sincerely hope that Mr. Brown has a full recovery.

  2. Joe C. Says:

    The very first item I ever bought from a shopping channel was a cordless phone sold by the on air personality Mark Brown when he was on CVN. So he’s been around awhile. And I hope he will be around for a lot longer as well. Get well soon, Mark! Hope all goes well for you in your recovery. 

  3. Cheryl Says:

    I too had noticed Mark’s absence. Considering shopping channel host turnover, I was concerned, but his brother Tommy also works at JTV, so I had hopes. About a month ago, Mark Brown made a few short appearances during the Precious World of Pearls, and mentioned that he had a stroke and would post more on FB. I did notice some minor speech issues but he was doing well enough to appear and comment. I send him prayers and hopes for continued recovery.

  4. Jerri Says:

    I don’t watch JTV enough lately that I noticed his absence. So sorry he had a stroke, and I hope he recovers fully and thrives. He is so knowledgeable about pearls, and seems to be a genuinely nice person. Continue getting well, Mark, and best wishes to you.

  5. Ella Says:

    So sorry to hear this, but glad he’s getting better. I’ve bought a few strands of pearls from Mark. I haven’t in a little while, nor have I watched, due to everything going on around me. But he knows his business, and is a nice person and good vendor. I hope he heals thoroughly and quickly. Blessings and well wishes, Mark!

  6. Cheryl Says:

    FYI, I was just perusing the pearls at JTV and it looks like Honora is officially a vendor. I’ve recognized Honora items before but they were closeout items and hush-hush, Mark Brown saying they couldn’t disclose the source. Now Honora is out in the open.

  7. Lainie Says:

    Glad to hear he’s on the mend and I wish him continued good health! Take care of yourself, Mark and here’s to great health for you. He’s a nice person and good vendor.

  8. Judy Says:

    I don’t watch JTV much, but I’m familiar with Mark and enjoy his presentations. I’m sorry to hear he’s had a stroke, and glad to hear he’s on the mend. Many good wishes to Mark for his good health.

  9. Jade Says:

    We have missed you! Your knowledge, expertise and good nature makes your appearances so enjoyable. You have turned so many into pearl owners.Best wishes for your complete recovery.

  10. Deanna Says:

    So sorry to hear Mark had a stroke. It sounds like he’s getting better, so that’s good. He’s a nice person and vendor. I have 3 nice strands of pearls from him. Get well soon, Mark. Best of everything to you.

  11. Carol Gruetter Says:

    Mark, because of your Precious World of Pearls shows on JTV and your knowledge of every pearl imaginable, I have collected a beautiful assortment of pearls…all because of you. I wear them almost every day and have grown to love and appreciate them as much as you do! I can’t thank you enough for your recommendations, affordability, and expertise. I have missed you on JTV and look forward to you returning to the show after you recover. God bless you and heal you so you can return to all of us. Take care and BE HEALED! 

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