Host Kristen Keech To Leave JTV To Head Back East, Antonella Comes On Board

Our favorite host on JTV has given her notice, and we’ll miss her.

Kristen Keech, whose references to the Jersey shore and her roots in Pennsylvania have helped endear her to us, posted a video on Facebook tearfully explaining why she is leaving.

She has talked about her “Grammy,” being ill, and the many trips she has made from Knoxville to go back home to see her. Keech said she is tired of all the travel, and we hear that. She is also missing her family on the East Coast. Said she wants to see her nieces and nephews grow up.

So Keech’s last show is July 31.

We enjoy her. She’s gorgeous, down to earth, honest about some of her emotional issues, and pretty trustful about how she hawks the jewelry on JTV.

She loves her cats and dogs and horses, and that makes her tops in our book, as well.

Plenty of her fans lamented the fact that she is leaving.

Instead, we are getting former QVC host Antonella Nester. She was let go as a host on QVC, her husband was laid off, she was diagnosed with cancer and she and her husband sold their house to live on a board (an affordable option). We were very sympathetic when she posted videos about her health problems and other woes.

She is a very polarizing person. Some folks became suspicious and turned off by her, because of the way she acted in the videos. She made weird faces. She was apparently seen smoking, etc.

But then others still stand behind her and love her.

That’s how we originally felt, we were fans, and of course someone battling cancer is a terrible situation. But we gotta admit, after we continued watching the videos we just thought it was all too much.

Well, Nester is back to home shopping, coming on board, so to speak, on JTV with a show on Saturday nights live-streamed from her boat. Can’t wait.

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290 Responses to “Host Kristen Keech To Leave JTV To Head Back East, Antonella Comes On Board”

  1. Sandie Says:

    So happy to know Antonella is healthy and back in the business. I love her!

  2. pasha2k Says:

    Apparently you hadn’t seen her, and although she’s a character, she sells jewelry well.

    • Lori Says:

      I read this to find out if Kristen was going to another network. Instead, I got a lot of Karen speak! God bless, Kristen, Antonella they’re real women, working in the public eye which can be rewarding and brutal.

  3. Linda Says:

    Kristen quit JTV years ago to work on a cruise ship and came back not too long after she left. SO she will show up again I’m sure.

  4. Sabrina Says:

    I used to like Antonella, but she evolved into a nutcase on QVC. I couldn’t stand her anymore her last several years hosting there. I did feel bad about her cancer, and am glad she’s doing ok. However, she and her family are the trashiest of trash, and are taking money dishonestly from people. Hey, if you want to throw your money away, go ahead on. JTV is definitely slumming with this one. I WILL NOT be watching on Saturday evenings.
    Conversely, they are losing a good host in Kristin. I don’t watch JTV as much as I used to, but Kristin has been an informative, well spoken host from what I’ve seen. I wish her well in her future endeavors.

    • Kelly Stewart Says:

      I will miss Kristen Keech 😢. Why can they have this new person, Antonella, hosting from her boat, when Kristen was hosting remotely as well? What is the difference? If the new lady, Antonella, is remote hosting, why can’t Kristen? Smells 🐟 fishy to me?!

      • Lovie Says:

        Kelly Stewart, I’m late to the conversation, so you might know this already, but Antonella said on her YouTube channel that the deal she has with JTV is the same deal she has with Silpada. And the deal she has with Silpada is commission only. No salary. No benefits. It’s not even fulltime work. She’s probably working on a 1099. Perhaps Kristen wasn’t interested in that.

    • Maxie Says:

      Do you have PROOF she is scaming people out of money or are You ASSuming this is true??

    • Linda Reiswig Says:

      I think this particular comment is
      uncalled for… You don’t personally
      know Antonella and yes you have right to
      your own opinion but calling her trash
      is really cruel..

    • Linda Reiswig Says:

      I think this particular comment is
      uncalled for… You don’t personally
      know Antonella and yes you have right to
      your own opinion but calling her trash
      is really cruel..

  5. Mariel Says:

    Too bad about Keech, she definitely brought some class to JTV.
    The opposite of grifting gross scammer Antonella. Maybe the boat will capsize during her show 😈 and she’ll have to swim to shore. That should remove the stench of cigarettes and dried on food from her funky 🗼ss. She made an ungrateful spectacle of herself during her last cancer treatment. Like she was the only person in the hospital. Total entitlement and disrespect. Yeah, falling in the water on TV would do her good.

    • Maxi Says:

      Wow! What is wrong with You?? Talk about kicking someone when rhwy are already down. You are just plain Mean!

    • Charen Joanne Cotten Says:

      Mariel, I don’t know you, but evidently you don’t believe in GOD or Karma I just happened to read your page. I was trying to find out what happened to Kristen then saw an EVIL comment from you about someone who is fighting cancer! Do you know that at a “blink of an eye” GOD can take everything from you EVERYTHING!! including your life?? He hears and sees EVERYTHING! You need to get on your knees and ask him to forgive what you said about this woman and learn to be kind! This world has too much HATE already! THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!! We can’t take back what comes out of our mouths. This also goes out to others who act this way! Do you think when you breathe your last breath that you won’t be answering to GOD? An guess what you won’t be taking jewelry, cars, homes, money, and most important, those you love with you! SO WATCH YOUR WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Judy Says:

        Charbroiled Cottonpatch,
        You cyber bullies keep threatening people with your god. Maybe my god will kick your god’s ass. Anything is possible in the world of the unseen and unheard. And is that world there? How about you go and find out, and send me a postcard.

      • Kimberley Clark Says:

        Using God to judge others and elevate yourself is manipulative and false. You’re no better than anyone. Invoking your invisible beliefs is just plain rude. Antonella was on QVC for years and she was always weird and spun out oh control. Talking about hersel and being very rude to vendors. This didn’t come from on high. I actually watched for years. I’m only addressing her job performance.

  6. Anonymous Vendor Says:

    As a soon to be former QVC vendor, I can vouch that Antonella smoked when she was still a host there, often trying to cover it up with too much perfume. If she liked you, she was great. If she didn’t, you were toast. I was on with her one time and she was completely unprepared for an important sell, and afterwards the producer rightfully ripped her apart. The next time I was on, she killed it. I think she was just as polarizing inside the building as well, but sales are all that matter there anymore.

    • Lainie Says:

      @anonymous vendor
      I totally believe you. I saw a pack of American Spirit cigs in her pocket while she visited Lisa R. It would explain the fluctuation of her weight. And I bet she stinks all the time. She was WAY out to lunch on some of those QVC shows. I think she does drugs and drinks heavily. And trying to cure her cancer, you’d think she’d at least try to quit smoking. She’s a certified mess.
      I liked her in the very beginning. After that, she was a low class beyotch to me. QVC let her turn into a monster. They should have let her go a few months after she started there. Her bordello manicures and hairdos, weird colors of lipstick, and choice of clothing, were a dead giveaway early on. They should have noped her tf right out of there. Oh, and that “Mrs Jon Bon Jovi” thing….. that was a clue all by itself that she’s cracked.

      • Melissa Duff Says:

        What was up with that “Mrs Bon Jovi” business? Jon has been happily married for many years. And Antonella is supposed to be happily married, too. I think it’s tacky and juvenile. Fine to be a fan, but please, get back down to earth.
        I’m glad her health is better and I wish her no harm, but she is nuts. And has been for years before QVC canned her. And she and her family should be ashamed. They were living the high life till the cash cow got fired. Now they’re living off some fools and their money, you know, soon parted. And if she had cancer, you’d think she’d stop smoking. I saw her at the ice cream parlor with Lisa R, too. Pack of ciggies in her pocket.
        Anyway, the real Mrs Bon Jovi doesn’t have a thing to worry about.

  7. Lainie Says:

    I don’t watch JTV much anymore, but did enjoy Kristin as a host. The good ones either leave or they get rid of them.

    I agree with your comments on Antonella. And I think JTV has made a mistake in giving her a show on there 🤦🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️ WTH are they thinking?!?! Saturday night Trash Hour? Grifting for Dollars? How low can you go? How to get rid of viewers without really trying?

  8. Judy Says:

    Too bad about Kristin; she added a touch of class to the usual hen party that JTV is. It sounds like she’s making the change for her own better, so good for her. As for Antonella, I’ve said my piece and I agree with all of the above. JTV is making a huge mistake bringing her to their lineup.
    I went shopping today already; it’s too hot to go later. My main go to here is Safeway; they have organic foods and meats, and they’re open 24/7. I like to go early to beat the heat and the crowd. I’m going to try the homeopathic diet for 😻😻. I got everything I need to make their food from Safeway and the little organic store. I will keep a supply of organic canned food, plus their organic kibble and treats. I’ll see how they like it (I didn’t buy much this time…plus I can cook the meat for myself if they don’t like it) and if it’s a hit, I’ll make more. I showed the vet my book, and he said it was an excellent diet; he recommended it.
    Crafting today on HSN, so I won’t watch much. After I make the cat food, I’ll do some laundry and clean up a little. I’ll make cookies for my SIL tomorrow night or Thursday. I replaced my resin furniture; I keep the extra chairs in the garage but still leave out the table and a couple chairs. The police caught the guys who robbed me and a bunch of other people. So that’s good. I waived the insurance reimbursement for my barbeque; I don’t want my rates to go up if it happens again. I tell myself I got my money’s worth out of it, and its replacement was cheap. And I bought a rack of beef ribs for barbequing tonight. With garlic bread and salad.

  9. Bertie Says:

    I don’t watch JTV a lot, but will miss Kristin. I agree; she’s a cut above the usual hen party!
    Antonella has a following, so she should bring in viewers. But she acts goofy and drunk, and that isn’t good for JTV ‘s image. Why they brought her on board is a mystery to me. And I can’t stand her any more. She needs to sail away out of the public eye. People will get tired of her circus show and hopefully she’ll lose followers. People need to wake up…. especially those who keep contributing to her GoFundMe, etc. You’re supporting a family of no good bums.

  10. Nancy Wagner Says:

    Glad to see her back!

  11. Cheryl Says:

    I didn’t know Antonella was so disliked among many. I’ve always found her entertaining and I enjoy some of her videos from the boat. Her JTV show is a livestream, so you’ll have to seek it out if you want to watch,

  12. Bertie Says:

    I decided to watch Bobbi with Garcelle Beauvais. A new line of linens on HSN. I didn’t care for it; the colors/patterns were way too loud for me. Then there’s the shoddy workmanship and materials on most of their stuff. Oh, and I ordered the sheets and blankets y’all ordered last winter. My blankets are ok, but my sheets shed and pilled…. I don’t think I’ll use them again. Y’all were lucky, yours were ok. Which seems to be a running theme through HSN.
    I watched Lynn and crafting yesterday. Other than the claws, she looked nice. But I’ve noticed that she is doing her eyebrows differently lately, and looks angry \ / like that. 😠. They look like they were drawn on with a sharpie. That girl needs some help. She was perfectly fine, then she grew out pointy claws, did HunkBob SquareHead, caterpillar lashes, and now angry sharpie eyebrows. She needs hair, makeup, and nail help stat.
    Today I’m going to go walking with a friend here in the community. I haven’t been good about exercising and I think having an exercise partner will help. We are going to start with walking and Yoga, then add weight training next month. I don’t need to lose weight but neither do Lainie and Jerri, and they work out regularly. Mad respect to you both. Take care of your health.

    • Lainie Says:

      I watched the Garcelle linens show. The prints seemed a bit tacky and childish, like Barbie bedspreads or similar. The colors were definitely not to my liking, to each their own. Bright and loud are 2 different things, IMO. And those were loud.
      I noticed Hunk’s brows, too. She’s on with Carol Brody and her junk jewelry. She looks nice generally, but like you said, needs help. Other than being over bleached her hair looks ok. I don’t know why she doesn’t have a toner put on it so it doesn’t look so much like a cotton ball. She’s been a hair woe for years.
      Good for you, starting an exercise program. It does help to have a partner. You don’t have to spend more than 30-45 minutes, 3-4 times a week, to keep up your muscle tone, heart rate, and flexibility. For cardio, you can spend an hour occasionally. Even twice a week helps a lot. Mary has company; I think they’re leaving today or tomorrow, so we’ll be back on schedule soon. Meanwhile I’m doing Pilates and a little weight training. Next month it’s time for my 2-3 week break. Every 3-4 months, you need to take a break from exercising to give your body a rest and reset.
      I’m all caught up with chores, tomorrow is the grocery haul. Today I think I’ll finish up with TV, then make an easy dinner, and Skype with my sister. She’s seriously considering moving here.

  13. Ella Says:

    Lynn’s hair is looking better but eeesh… those eyebrows have to go. I noticed them a couple weeks ago, thought they’d be fixed. Nope.
    The Garcelle linens were spot on Barbie…. good observation, Lainie. Knowing the poor quality of HSN’s stuff, I wouldn’t buy them if I liked them. And Bertie, I guess those of us who bought last winter’s sheets were lucky. Sorry yours were no good. Too risky, buying from home shopping.
    As for Kristin, I think she may be gone for good this time. It sounds like she misses her family a lot, and that outweighs her job at JTV. I seldom watch but do think she’s definitely a better host than many on there. They have their little permanent “club” that has been and will be there forever.
    I’m glad I made the effort to get rid of the smell in my Giuliana clothes; the dresses have been a life saver in this heat. I think they were called “evey way every day” and they have a palm print on them. I’m getting some good use out of mine. And all the other summer things I bought. It has been 🥵🥵🥵🥵.

  14. LeeAnn Sweigart Says:

    Kristen your my favorite host on JTV and there are many reasons why, the biggest reason is your honest pure personality and I always trusted your opinion and honesty. The other hosts will say anything to sell jewelry, your honesty will be missed and as for me I won’t be watching JTV anymore. God bless you and I live in Pa and know whatever path your life takes you on will be blessed and I wish you happy and joy.

  15. Ella Says:

    Christmas in July on HSN today. They don’t have anything that interests me, from the previews. We have enough stuff for Christmas, anyway. Yesterday was fashions; the smell thing is scary, so I watched a little and bought nothing.
    I looked at Marilyn Miglin’s inventory there earlier. Maybe a couple new things? Otherwise, it’s the same. I have a feeling they’re just going to let it run out and that will be it. Without Marilyn there to present it, it isn’t the same, anyway.
    I made the short trek to “Little town” the other day. I bought 2 more casual-but-dress-upable dresses there at TJ Maxx. They are all cotton, well made, and about 1/3 the cost of the Giuliana dresses 🤔😒. Impulse buy from your chair, spend $$$$$. Drive 30+ mins, spend $$. Oh, and no goofy smell; just that new clothes smell that washes right out. Marshall’s and TJ Maxx always have something you can use. And at pretty good prices.
    We’ll be doing family barbeque here tomorrow. Have a great weekend, everyone!!

    • Jerri Says:

      I came to the same conclusion about Marilyn’s products at HSN. Her passing marked the end of an era 😔. Many changes at HSN already; more to come.
      Not a fan of Christmas in July at all. Looks like it’s today and tomorrow. And we definitely have enough Christmas decor.
      I bought 4 summer dresses at TJ Maxx last month, for just a little more than 1 of Giuliana’s every day, every way dresses. And no smell. 3 are 100% cotton, the other is a cotton/poly blend. And I’m wearing them a lot this summer. We are getting 110° to 116° most days. Add in a little monsoonal moisture, and 🥵🥵🥵🥵.
      My SoCal kids drove over this AM to spend the weekend. We are having family barbeque out here, too, tomorrow. The SoCal kids are staying with the local ones; they have lots of room. But they’ll spend all day here tomorrow. It should be fun. We will deal with the heat as best we can.
      I hope you enjoy your barbeque, and you, and everyone here has a great weekend.

  16. Lainie Says:

    Christmas in July 🙄🙄🙄. Although I did like like some of Giuliana’s things, you could buy same or similar at Michael’s, Target, Amazon, etc for much less.
    Well, I have a daunting task soon. My sister does want to move here, and she needs to stage her home for sale. Guess who she’s enlisted to help her? 🙋🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I don’t mind, but she is a clutter bug. Her closet looks like Neiman Marcus, Bergdorf Goodman, Bloomingdale’s, and Saks 5th Avenue all threw up in it. She has little tchotchkes EVERYWHERE, pictures, stacks of this and piles of that …… 😱😨😮😵…. she’s the polar opposite of me.
    I told her to do a clean sweep, then in a few days I’ll come down and help her with the final touches. She’s very clean, but her middle name is clutter. Mary will keep 😻 for me, which will help a lot. There’s a condo not too far from Mary that just came up; sis wants to look into that. I told her this is a good time to do a purge, because the condos don’t have near the storage her mid century home has. And she’s lived there for almost 40 years…. plenty of clutter has built up 😒😬😐. She is going to sell it furnished; she wants to start over. Most of her furniture is older but in great shape. She’s not adding to the price for furniture, just leaving it and whoever buys it can keep it or get rid of it.
    Anyway, I’ll stay 2 days with her and motivate her to get rid of clothes she doesn’t need, old magazines, and other dust collectors. Her realtor told her she has to streamline the place to sell it and get her price. If I live to tell, I’ll let you know how it’s going. Enjoy your weekend.

    • Bertie Says:

      I wish my closet looked like high end department stores threw up in it! Lol, that’s a good one 🤭. I hope she listens to you because when I was looking at homes, too much clutter made it impossible to see the “real” house. I usually just walked through quickly and left. I may have passed on some good ones. Good luck, Lainie, with the clutter and convincing your sister to get rid of it.

      Let us know how your coffee “date” goes. It sounds like a date, but at least I hope you make a new friend. Meeting someone nice is always good. And I want some of your cookies!! That was nice of your SIL to kitty sit for you. Your pizza night meet up sounds fun. You must have had some great coworkers.

      Mixed bag on HSN today. I did watch a little of Christmas in July, but the prices 😧. Even though things have gone up, there are similar items at much better prices at the places y’all listed and more. I do need to get a few more Christmas trimmings, but I’ll pass on the shopping channels. Most of that stuff is cheaply made, so I can’t see paying high prices for it.

  17. Judy Says:

    I’ve looked at some of the previews and shows for HSN’s Christmas in July, and I like several things. BUT…. Lainie is so right, all can be bought elsewhere much cheaper. A good reason to visit TJMaxx in Little town or Marshall’s here. Target, too
    We had pizza night last night, fun, met a couple new people (tag alongs with regulars), and had great pizza. My SIL is falling in love with 😻😻 and took very good care of them, granting me a worry- free evening, and herself an escape from my brother and his friend playing video games. I sent her home with a big bunch of cookies, and kept some for myself (today’s breakfast 😬).
    I’m meeting one of the new guys for coffee tomorrow. He’s new in town, and made a couple friends but wants to meet more. I was surprised when he asked me to have coffee with him, but it might be nice. There’s a great coffee shop in the new strip mall; lots of coffees and they make delicious pastries, so that should be fun. Only 1 of us remains in the work force! She will be retiring later this year. Then all of us but the new guys will be retired from the same company!
    So today’s agenda is the usual laundry, some cleaning, and playing with 😻😻. And everything in between. Have a great weekend.

  18. Judy Says:

    I watched Callie with the Borgheses and Perlier this morning. Callie’s facial work has relaxed a lot…. makes me wonder if it will last. Skip and Amanda looked great; Amanda has ditched the blonde for a more flattering light brown. I think she may have added extensions; the extra length looks good on her. I like the body products but the prices are just too steep. I’ll look in TJM and Marshall’s for them.
    The coffee date went ok; I do believe he’s looking for a girlfriend. I’m not her, we had a 3 hour conversation and we have nothing in common. The most important thing being that he’s an extreme extrovert, and I’m very much an introvert. He likes going to bars, karaoke, parties, sports, and hanging out with lots of people. Those are all big nopes for me. So I told him I’d like to be friends, but he should keep looking for the right person for him. I’m not her. So, Bertie, nothing really to report. And I’m fine with it.
    Lainie, good luck with your clutterbug sister. It sounds like it’s high time for an intervention…. and this move is the perfect reason. Make sure the house is stripped bare, and let luck take care of the rest. And get your sis to lighten her load BEFORE she moves.

    • Bertie Says:

      It sounds like this guy is the polar opposite of you. Might make even friendship difficult. Good for you, knowing who you are and making choices accordingly. So many people force relationships that shouldn’t be forced.
      I saw the Perlier presentation, too. I like Amanda’s hair much better now. Callie’s face lift has really fallen….. what happened? It needed to relax, but not this soon for such a major change in appearance.

      Lainie, if your sister is giving away clothes, I’m 5’5″”, I weigh 130 lbs, and I usually wear a size 6. Just sayin’ , lol!! It sounds like she has some nice clothes amidst the clutter. And good luck to you.

  19. Lainie Says:

    I have a big job ahead with my sister. I’m not looking forward to it. She claims she’s gotten rid of a lot the last few days; we’ll see. This move is going to be a major production. I’m not happy with this job. Hopefully my niece will help, too.
    I saw Callie earlier and her lift is almost gone . What happened? I watched a little of Perlier. I don’t buy it anymore but I like watching. There’s a little of the “old days” vibe.
    Bertie, my sister is barely 5′ tall, and wears a 2. Sorry, I don’t think her clothes are a good fit for you. There are also bargain things mixed in with high end department stores, so it’s a mixed bag. Most of it is past its prime, and outdated. Time to let go. As well as with much of what she has. She has been a widow for 10 years, and has held on to everything. Time to make some changes.
    Judy, good for you for not falling into an ill fated relationship. Forcing something to work that is doomed is not smart. If he becomes a friend, fine, otherwise, no worries. Too many differences.
    Take care, everyone. I’ll be gone soon, but back before you know it, much the worse for wear 🙄. I’ll be glad when this ordeal is over.

    • Bertie Says:

      I’m much bigger than your sister ☹️ even though I’m not overweight. She’s TINY. And so are her Bergdorf Goodman clothes!! Consignment shops can take those off her hands and she can make a little $$.
      Jerri my goodness you have been busy! Good that you’re taking a couple days to rest. I’m glad you had a nice family day. Kids and grandkids are everything when we get older. My DIL is off the sick list, so I’m invited to spend this next weekend there. She and my son love to barbeque, and make nice meals. Should be fun.
      I am so disappointed in Jay and his composite jewelry. His jewelry has gone to pot. On a better note, Helen looked very pretty today. I like the way she wears her hair. It’s down but styled nicely. She definitely looks better with long hair. There isn’t much on the shopping channels today, so I’ve just been streaming movies.

  20. Ella Says:

    Taking a break from writing, and watching Keaney with Jay King. Loooong coffee break, lol! Keaney looks great and has really upped her appearance game. I like her hair today. Anyway, I also like the coil bracelet, but the price 😮. Jay’s stuff has gotten ridiculous. When he does have a rare piece that I like, it’s too expensive. Then there’s the quality. 20+ years ago, I set my VHS or DVD to record his shows while I was at work because I didn’t want to miss them. Now, I watch mostly out of boredom.
    Good luck, Lainie, with your sister’s purge. I can be bad for saving things, too. Earlier this year buying new clothes prompted me to do a closet purge and it felt good. Next up is the kitchen, which isn’t too bad. But some has to go. I do know they advise to have the house as bare and undecorated as possible for showings. We sold Pop’s furnished but it was otherwise stripped bare. People need to see the space, the bones of the house, and imagine their stuff in there.
    Judy, you’re very wise. Knowing yourself and doing what’s best for yourself is very important. You did the right thing. And, off topic but I watched Perlier yesterday and you’re right, Callie’s face lift has relaxed to the point where it’s almost not noticable 🤔. Either she did some temporary thing or something went very wrong. This whole idea of having to do cosmetic surgery to keep your job is wrong on so many levels.
    People on other forums are criticizing Lynn’s horrible nails. From needing a fill, to the dirty undersides 🤢, to the ununiform shapes and lengths… to the fact that they’re way too long and pointy. She seems to be on vacation; maybe she’ll get her damn nails done right!! And what is with the angry brows that are squiggly and uneven?? And she’ll probably come back lobster red, with even whiter cotton ball hair! She dresses nicely for her shows but hair and makeup needs a HUGE change.

  21. Judy Says:

    Well now that I’ve decided to stay here, a house turned up for sale in Little Town that I like. But…. it’s way overpriced, it’s updated but it’s old, and a HUGE lawn and other yard stuff to take care of. Plus it’s on a major street with traffic and noise. If I was really going to go, I’d be tempted. But the crime there is too high. I can feel myself coming to my senses…..
    I watched some of Helen and Jay, too. So nice to see Jay back in the studio. Ella, I loved that coil bracelet. It was way too expensive, especially for what it is. I miss the “Jay of back in the day”, too. I loved his shows and still have a decent collection of his jewelry from back then. As for Helen, she looked pretty today and has indeed upped her appearance. Her manicure was nice, too.
    Ah, Lynn….. get a clean, good, shorter manicure, keep your cotton hair out of the sun, and fix your ugly brows. Quit wearing false eyelashes, your eyes aren’t shaped/set right to wear them. She does dress nice, and is very pleasant. She just needs a hair, makeup and nails intervention!
    As for me, I know my own limitations, and I know what does and doesn’t work. And Mr Coffee Date, although nice, would not work with me. Why waste time on a lost cause? And other than getting together for coffee, I can’t see us forming much of a friendship. We’re just too different, and that’s ok.

  22. Jerri Says:

    I’ve been busy….. family barbeque here on Saturday, all kids and grandkids. Lots of food, fun, and love. Sunday, goodbye to SoCal kids and cleanup, then my friend and former coworker and I did each other’s hair at her place (trim and color), and I did her mom’s hair. Yesterday, lunch with my friend and former neighbor here, while Mr visited her husband there. Good way to use up some great leftovers. Today, early shopping and cat food assembly line, while watching Helen and Jay. That bracelet was composite beads. Pretty, but expensive, and I don’t do composite jewelry. Yes, Helen looked very nice and has really been looking sharp lately. I did same with Jay back then, too, Ella.
    Lainie you have a daunting project ahead of you. I don’t have clutter and I sympathize with you. Your sister needs to unclutter. Good luck!!
    I did see Callie recently and her lift is gone. And Judy and Ella, spot on about Lynn. She needs to address those horrible nails, as well as her hair, makeup, and sun overexposure.
    Today and tomorrow I’m resting and reenergizing. Thursday doctor appointment and Friday more relaxing. I think we are having a laid back, chill weekend. Just what we need!

  23. Jerri Says:

    I’ve been watching HSN, and looking at the previews. I see Dr Nassif will be on later, and his line is clean, which I knew. Looking at other brands….. both Dimitri’s Skinn line, and Prai used to be clean when they were on ShopNBC, Evine, HQ, etc. They are no longer clean at HSN. I used Skinn for quite awhile, while he was on ShopNBC, and reading the labels it did seem clean.
    I am wondering: Did Skinn and Prai change their formulations for HSN? I know HSN isn’t more stringent than the other channels, especially now that they are part of Qurate. And they sell Adrienne’s stuff as well as others that are notoriously “dirty”. So, either HSN had them cheapen their formulas and change them, or they did it on their own for more profit. I never cared for Prai, so no big deal, but I’m disappointed in Dimitri if that’s the case. Of course, there’s a third option, which I doubt applies, which is they’re making their stuff the same as when it was “clean”, but the industry’s standards have changed. Glad I don’t need to rely on shopping channel skin care. I found good, effective organic and clean products that I like and are very reasonably priced.

    • Ella Says:

      My guess is they reformulated their clean products to cheapen them so HSN can make a bigger profit. I have used both Skinn and Prai from their ShopNBC days, and they were clean. That was a big selling point for both. HSN is notorious for doing that to vendors; making them use cheaper formulations or materials so HSN gets a bigger profit. Times are tough; Prai and Skinn need to move their products, so they acquiesced and did it HSN’s way. And yes, it’s disappointing.
      I’m glad you had a nice family get together. Rest and reset today, and have a good one. Doing same here 🤗.

      • Judy Says:

        Jerri, Ella
        I agree about Skinn and Prai. They sold out, like many vendors before them.
        I started to watch Lynn with Connie C and her 💩 jewelry, but it was too much; I turned it off. Lynn’s hair is down, and it’s greasy, dirty, and frizzy. New manicure, a little shorter, new polish, and gunk under the nails. Same angry birds brows.
        Then Connie, whose eyes are 1/8 the size they used to be, sunken in, and her alien facial procedures. She was so pretty before she had the Jocelyn Wildenstein plastic surgery several years ago. She keeps tweaking it and unfortunately, it gets worse, not better. I get that she’s doing it to keep her job, but why not go to someone who is good at it? The 2 of them are nightmare inducing. And some of Connie’s jewelry is pretty but gold over mystery metals, and less than mediocre stones is a nope, especially at those outrageous prices. And a lot of her stuff is composite, too.
        On a funnier note, we are now subjected to “Marla Wynne Wednesdays” 🙄🙄😬🤨😒, a new weekly fashion hour featuring hers truly. I’m so darn excited I could shoot the TV! Wait, wasn’t that done by someone else many years ago 🤔? Now I understand why.
        Beekman 🤦🙅, dirty beauty, Wynne, Connie CC, and angry brows/dirty hair, I’m done with HSN today. Ditto the Q and the other madhouse channels. After my lunch I’ll play with 😻😻, then go for a walk.

      • Jerri Says:

        Yes, Ella, I think that’s it, they did sell out. Have a nice evening.

        Judy, I had a good laugh. Especially angry bird brows. And I watched for a couple minutes. Lynn’s hair was filthy at the scalp and frizzy at the ends. Use a light leave in conditioner on the ends. Go to an esthetician for brow help. And orange wood sticks and nail brushes are to clean your nails. Keep your filthy talons away from me. Go to someone who knows how to do nails.
        Connie lost me a long time ago when she showed up on air with the Wildenstein look. I agree, it’s wrong to make people do that to keep a job, but she could have chosen someone better…. almost anyone better. And she keeps doing it. It shrunk her eyes something horrible.
        Mr and I are going to have a glass of Prosecco on the patio. It’s a tad cooler today and a breeze has come up, so it should be nice. Dinner is pasta salad, garlic bread, and sliced tomatoes and avocados with pomegranate balsamic drizzle.

      • Ella Says:

        Can I have dinner with you 🤗? It sure sounds good. So does the Prosecco 🥂. It’s hot here, too. 102° with 11% humidity. So it’s pretty dry, at least. We’ve been eating just before dusk, if we eat outside. Today dinner is sandwiches and salad, dining indoors 🥪 🥗.
        I saw Lynn and Connie, too. Lynn needs to seriously get her 💩 together. That hair was DIRTY. And CCC has WAY overpriced junk jewelry, and that’s all it is. People on here were leaving scathing reviews when she first started making it. And CCC better stop with the nip/tuck. She looks weird and nothing like herself. She didn’t do it just to save her job, she seems to be obsessed with it. She looks different every 2 or 3 months.
        There are many posts on all the forums about how several products on HQ, QVC, and HSN have changed. And they’re negative changes. Also articles how certain vendors left (Connie Stevens comes to mind) because they wouldn’t compromise their products to suit HSN. So thereby go Prai and Skinn. Indeed, good to not buy skin care on home shopping.

  24. Bertie Says:

    We had painting class this afternoon. A retired artist who lives here teaches it on the 3rd Wednesday each month. No fee; you just buy your own supplies. She wants to keep art alive in our golden years, and it gives us something fun to do and to interact with new people. I’ve actually learned a lot.
    My exercise program is going well, I’m proud of myself for keeping at it. I tend to naturally be thin, but I need exercise for muscle tone, strength, and health. Working out with my friend helps a lot.
    I was witness to Lynn’s dirty hair and CCC’s plastique; Lynn needs a makeover badly. 20 years ago those grooming faux pas would not fly. Qurate has all day pajama party on QVC, and Lynn slipping on HSN. I looked at Kathy Wolf’s Facebook and she has really turned herself around. And whatever recent “work” she had done is looking natural and good. And Helen K has really raised the bar for herself. She looks nice all the time. Lynn needs to take note.
    It doesn’t get too warm here so I spend a lot of time on the patio. Tonight I’m having fried chicken with green salad and corn bread, and I’m eating outside. I can people watch from my patio and it helps pass the time. It will be good to see my kids this weekend.

  25. Stephanie Says:

    HSN-Thursday morning, Bethany Frankel Going on and on about a jean jacket The host thought she looked all that, black leggings, unbecoming, a top hitting her right above the thigh, then the tight fitted jean jacket shorter than the top. It just boggled my mind that they think this is what their customers want. Yesterday I wore a nice cotton open top over a tank and was stopped by a woman who just loved the top and said she can’t find decent clothes anywhere. Fall is in the air at all the shopping channels. For weeks already. I used to enjoy watching for background but now I can only take watching all the channels in dribs and drabs. Rant over. Stay cool.

    • Judy Says:

      Rant justified! I saw that presentation. One wouldn’t think people want to look like sausages stuffed in cases, would one? For starters, I don’t care for Bethany Frankel. Motormouth x 100. And her clothes are ugly and poorly made. Nicole acts like she thinks she’s all that, but did you see Callie, aka Ditzy, with Bethany earlier? Equally tight and sausage-y but her top was shorter than the fugly jacket. Callie always has thought she’s hot 💩. Not.
      As for the clothes, who tf wears this crap? I see younger women (I’m 70) all the time, and none of them wear Skinny girl type stuff. I’m young for my age, thin and fit, but I don’t wear teen stuff or things that I feel are inappropriate. I have some of Giuliana’s stuff, Nina Leonard, and other similar things from TJ Maxx, etc. I get lots of compliments, and feel that I look my best without trying to look grandmotherly or teeny bopperish. Honestly, Stephanie, it’s hard to find clothes that don’t age you or make you look foolish.
      There used to be a store called Avenue in the strip mall here. Good prices on clothes that worked for women 20 – 100+. I bought quite a few things over the years. It shuttered during covid. It had basics from casual to semi- dressy. No evening or formal wear. But clothes for everyday. I believe it was a chain; I don’t know if it has remaining stores elsewhere. But I miss it.
      To me, the shopping channels (especially QVC) are trying to blend “old lady” with “young ho”, or at least “young with no taste”. Even Giuliana’s stuff is looking more gimmicky lately. What? Did we shoppingista girls buy the last good clothes on HSN? Kinda looks like it.
      Hot here, 100°+, so we’re trying to stay cool. Have a good day and evening!

      • Ella Says:

        Stephanie, Judy,
        I agree with you. And what’s with these hosts jumping around and gesticulating all the time? Callie does jack in the box deep knee bends, Lynn, whose SquareHead and dragon nails is on now, is jumping around like a jack rabbit and making ugly exaggerated facial expressions. Cool it, beyotch, your angry brows speak for themselves 😠😠😠😠. Colleen either looks and sounds orgasmic, or having a heart attack; you pick. And they’re all jumping around. House of Pain must be playing in their ear pieces! And the other forums are commenting on it, too. Be happy and enthusiastic , quit jumping around and acting stupid. Sheesh.
        Hot here, too, 100°+. Barbeque later and dinner “alfresco”. BIL and Pop are coming over; Pop is making stuffed shells in mushroom cream sauce to go with the chicken, and I’m making a fruit salad. Sparkling water, lemonade, and cold brew coffee to keep the chill going. Should be good.

  26. Bertie Says:

    I’ve had HSN on, too. I’ve been baking an apple/peach pie to take to the kids this weekend. Lynn is at it again, square head, and her nails are pointier than they were yesterday. And, she is jumping around and over emoting. I switched it to the local news. Anyway I agree with y’all about the hosts and clothes. We had an Avenue here, too, Judy. COVID was the end of it, too. I have a few things left from there. And they did have great prices.
    My friend here is keeping an eye on my place while I’m gone, and I also let security know. I always have lights on timers going on and off at different times. I have a boom box set to a country station that comes in really clear, and it’s on a timer, too. Anyway, I’m leaving tomorrow and coming back Sunday, then I have a busy week next week. Lunch and dinners with friends, and grocery shopping. Car maintenance, too. Have a good weekend, y’all!

    • Ella Says:

      Apple peach pie sounds so good 😋. I haven’t made a pie in a few months, I think I’ll make that tomorrow. Or I might use nectarines instead of peaches. And throw in a few blueberries. Right to the hips and thighs 😆.
      Have a great weekend!!

  27. Ella Says:

    Apple peach pie sounds so good 😋. I haven’t made a pie in a few months, I think I’ll make that tomorrow. Or I might use nectarines instead of peaches. And throw in a few blueberries. Right to the hips and thighs 😆.
    Have a great weekend!!

  28. Judy Says:

    Well, damn!!! 😧😢 The place we go for pizza night is closing. One of my friends called me earlier. She is close to the owners. Too much competition from chain places. And they’re done. I went over there, said my goodbyes and ordered 6 pizzas to go. I’ll have food for awhile. Spoiler alert: I may not be built like Olive Oyl much longer 😬. Everything else here is chain stuff, and I don’t like it….. or, weird pizzas. So, I’m off to neighboring towns (except crime town!!!!!!!) to try other pizzas and find another good place. I’ve been going there as far back as I can remember, with my family when I was a little kid. I’ve gone there through 3 generations running it 😢.
    Anyway, I guess I’ll have some pizza, and see what antics the shopping channels are up to. And it looks like we’ll have to figure something else out for pizza night. What a bummer.
    Ella, love the House of Pain reference. They’re in my music queue. And your peach apple pie sounds really good.

    • Judy Says:

      Sorry, Bertie, you were making the pie today. Still sounds great. Enjoy, and have a good weekend

    • Ella Says:

      That’s terrible. It seems like everything we had growing up is disappearing. I hope you find a new pizza place. Family run restaurants are being displaced by junky fast food and chain places. I hate it.
      I hope the pie I make turns out as good as Bertie’s sounds! And it will probably go to my hips like I said. Pie one night and starve the next, lol!! I went and got all the ingredients, and I can’t wait to make and eat it. I also got almond brickle ice cream to go with it.
      Take care and have a good weekend. And enjoy your pizzas.

      • Ella Says:

        PS Judy
        Boom shocka lock!!

      • Judy Says:


        ….I came to get down
        So get out your seat and jump around
        Jump around!

        Thanks for the empathy 😘. I’m really depressed about this. The 😻😻 are right beside me, they know I’m sad 💔. One. More. Thing. Gone. I’m so glad my 😻😻 are here ♥️♥️.

      • Ella Says:

        Now I have both Jump Around and Shamrocks and Shenanigans stuck in my head 😄😄. Their music is so catchy.
        Anyway, try Little town. Last I looked, there were still some good non – chain restaurants and pizzerias. Good luck!! Have a good weekend. Take an extra bite of pizza for me 🍕🍕♥️.

      • Jerri Says:

        Ella, Judy
        Now Jump Around is in my head, too. I like House of Pain… energizing, catchy, and easy to get stuck in your head. Good workout, walking, busy music. Irish American hip hop.
        These pies are making me hungry. Ella, Bertie, yours sound so good! Maybe I should make one….. delicious fresh fruit for them is perfect now. I do butter crust, too, Bertie 👍. I hope you have a nice weekend with your kids.
        Judy, sorry to hear about the pizza place. I know how you feel. Every time we go up to see Dad, there are changes. He lives in a suburb of a larger city. We took him to his doctor there last time, and I barely recognized it. Huge, huge changes, so built up… it’s a monstrosity. The suburbs are bad enough… businesses gone, huge apartment complexes put here and there….. it took me an hour to find the post office they moved last time.
        And the place in SoCal where we lived has changed a lot, too. We stopped off to look around last year on our way back from the kids’. Small area, big changes. Big, behemoth hotels amongst the other buildings. Nice shopping areas closed to make room for more hotels…. big, obvious drug culture moved in, unsafe vibe. The apartment we lived in briefly when we first moved there was a charming mid century building. It has been converted to a slummy ” boutique” hotel. We drove by our home there, which had been new construction in a nice area. The whole area looks unkempt and not cared for…. including our former home.
        I hope you find another place to meet up. Unfortunately, the growth of these chain places is wiping out the superior individually owned businesses. I hope it stops, because I don’t like it, either.
        We have a heat warning again today; I think it calls for poor boy sandwiches on garlic bread, fresh fruit salad, chips and guacamole, and 🍸🍸 on the patio after it cools down this evening. Have a great weekend everyone!

      • Judy Says:

        Thanks, you get it. I’ve been to the general area where you’re from in the Bay Area, and it has changed something awful. As we age, we expect changes…. but not like so many unpleasant ones that have been foist upon us. I really felt your comment about driving around for an hour, looking for the post office they moved 🙁.
        This town I’ve lived in all my life, has over 100,000 people now. When I was 12 (I’m 70 now) it had about 12,000. In 1990, it had about 35,000. So you can see how it has grown. Some growth was helpful and good; other brought crime and junk businesses. And of course, losing the last family run business we knew hurt.
        I called the other people in the group, and we talked, and no one wants to drive an hour each way from Little Town. After much discussion, we picked out a couple places that aren’t part of a chain here, and decided we’ll have our meeting at one in October and see how it is, and then try the other in January. After much thought, although Little Town has some tempting places, the hour drive each way is too much. And on a side note, my brother and SIL (raised here, too,) were saddened by the news. So much for progress.
        I’ve played a lot with my 😻😻 today, and made ahead some casseroles. I made a peach/apple/blueberry pie that smells so good….. it’s cooling now. Bertie, I hope it’s as good as the one you made. The house is clean, laundry done, and the refrigerator and pantry are full. I bought several seasons of SpongeBob, because I like him, too. So later tonight if nothing else is on, 😻😻 and I will have a bedtime SpongeBob marathon. They’ll have plain baked home made chicken bites, and I’ll have pie with butter brickle ice cream. And of course, I’m still eating pizza!
        I wish you all a good, restful weekend.

  29. Bertie Says:

    Judy, Ella, thank y’all for your sweet compliments. I make my Grandma’s butter crust, using salted butter. It makes a good counter for the sweet and tart of the fruit fillings.
    I had to post because I feel bad for you, Judy. And I know the feeling. That was happening to me left and right in Texas, and I didn’t have anything familiar anymore. Don’t let it get you down too bad, just try to find a new pizza place, and let it go. I haven’t been back to TX since I moved out here after my husband passed. All my friends back there say it has changed so much I wouldn’t know it. I don’t think I want to know it.
    Love your babies 😻😻 and cheer up. And both of y’all have a good weekend ♥️♥️.

    • Judy Says:

      Thank you for the pep talk 😘. I’ll be ok; I’m just surprised and disappointed. I guess these changes are happening everywhere. And I don’t like it.
      Have a great weekend with your kids.

  30. sara Says:

    Wow, haven’t been here for awhile, decided to check back, I am so sorry I did. I can’t believe the comments that are allowed on this site, obviously no control of anything that goes on. How rude and ignorant the comments were about Antonella. The woman is ill and doing her best to carry on her life. To lose your beautiful home, have your husband lose his job, then he has a heart-attack and surgery, all while she is getting chemo treatments, well I think ya’ll all are quite disgusting in what you had to say about them. They had a beautiful home and were forced to live on a boat, I’m certain it wasn’t a glamorous idea for them, in the midst of her cancer. After removing the tumor from her arm they then find cancer on her breast, if that wasn’t bad enough, then they find leukemia. I mean wtf, how much would you be able to handle. I’m sure not half of what she has had to deal with, by the way you spoke of her and Chris. The audacity to call them “trash”,,, come on, grow a heart because what I read here, you are all heartless. So what if she smoked back on QVC, or her hairstyle wasn’t what you liked, or she laughed too much and made faces. That was her personality and they must have liked it at one time, they did hire her. One day you will get hit with horrific news, you will be scared, you will cry and just maybe you will do or say things that don’t make sense to others, I hope you will find kinder people than yourself, to reach out to and I hope they don’t think you’re garbage or trash as you called them. You must all be so perfect and beautiful and lucky in your lives, I think that’s great, for now. However, your time will come and I hope you will remember how you judged Antonella and Chris. You are not worthy of being friends to anyone. I know you will have plenty to say about me and it won’t be good but I don’t care, people like yourself are not worth the time to come back to check on. You see , one has to care enough about you and you just aren’t worth the effort. As we say here in the South~Bless Your Hearts~ and for those too ignorant to know, its not meant in a good way…………

    • Bertie Says:

      This is a forum, where everybody is allowed to speak their mind. Last time I checked, this is still America, where we have freedom of speech. If you can speak your mind on here, so can everyone else. Whether or not they agree with you.
      No one wished Antonella bad health. We were glad she beat cancer. But we see a different character in Antonella than you do. And that’s fine. Both you, and I have a right to our opinions. If you support Antonella, that’s your choice and I don’t care.
      But your rant about judging others is taking it too far. If you want a one sided forum, go to Antonella’s Facebook, where others share your opinion. Don’t come here and take the rights of others to have their opinions away, and expect everyone to agree with you. That is not freedom of speech.
      And by the way, I’m from the south, too. Bless YOUR heart, too, dearie!

    • wow! Says:

      Keep drinking the Kool Aide Sara. These two lived well beyond their means so I do not feel sorry for them that they lost their million dollar house. They clearly saved nothing in case of an emergency. I feel sorry for her that she is ill, but the lazy ass husband should get a job. There are a lot of jobs out there right now but, instead, they act like two college kids floating around on a boat which is so irresponsible given her immunity with chemo and the illness. I watched a recent video of the two of them swatting bees or flies on their boat and the bizarre, cartoon laughter coming from Antonella is not normal. Something is mentally off with her. Either that or they are always drunk because no near sixty year old adult acts like that under normal circumstances. It’s people like you that they can count on to keep their bizarre lifestyle going. As they say, there is a sucker born every minute.

  31. Lainie Says:

    Thank you, @Bertie, good answer. I’m sick of these forum bullies throwing their weight around if others have different opinions than theirs. Freedom of speech and ideas, Sara! And bless your heart, too, beyotch!

    I got back early yesterday afternoon and did errands, laid out a nice Chinese food dinner, and then Mary came over with 😻. He was sure glad I was home. Just as I was! I bought extra Chinese for Mary to take home, and extra for me, plus a couple pizzas. No big cooking this weekend after 2+ days of hard work.
    The hero of the story is my niece’s boyfriend. He was helpful beyond measure. We got rid of a lot. We took the beds and some furniture out for the trash haul, and cleaned and polished the furniture she is leaving behind. Then, we staged everything. It’s clean, bare bones, and ready to sell. The kids are staying the weekend to help sis finish going through all her clothes. She had an inexpensive futon delivered so she’ll have a place to sleep. She’ll leave it there, too. The kids are sleeping on 2 sofas in the living room.
    You can’t imagine the things a clutter bug can accumulate in 40 years. Or maybe you can. That clutter bug is streamlined now, lol. We got rid of half her kitchen. And she won’t miss a thing. Huge linen closet clean out. More than half of her clothes are in charity boxes, and some in the trash. 25 pairs of shoes (oy vey 🤦🏼‍♀️) to charity, 14 to the trash. The charity, BTW, is a homeless women’s help center. Dress for success, to help them get a job.
    Anyway, she’s coming next weekend to look at condos here. At least I have this weekend free. I will be so grateful when this is all over. I love my sister; this is just a huge project to take on at our ages. It will be nice to have her near by.
    Now I’m going to watch the news and have a nice brunch of Chinese food. Pizza for dinner later, by the light of the bedroom TV. Where 😻 and I will be by 8 PM, if not sooner. Happy Friday!

  32. Jerri Says:

    Judy, Lainie

    Judy, your hunt for a new pizza place plan sounds good. With the way things are now, I wouldn’t want to drive an hour in each direction, either. I think I know where you live. We lived there for a couple years when I was in 5th and 6th grades. It was a nice little town. I haven’t been there since, but I can tell it has grown immensely just passing through on the freeway. Some progress is ok; most is not. I know housing prices there rival the ones in my area and you don’t get nearly as much house.
    I have been to “Little Town”, about 11 years ago. We stayed there for a month, we were on our way from NorCal to SoCal, and they had a job for Mr at a main business there. He set all their systems right and then we moved along. I’d been there before, as a kid, and it had become beat up, abandoned, and drug friendly. I was so disappointed. The one shining star was the vintage market ♥️ which unfortunately is closed now.
    On our way south, we stopped to eat in Bakersfield. I had visited distant relatives there as a teen in high school. It was a little run down then, but quiet at night and peaceful. It was busy, sprawling, and crime ridden on our stop there 11 years ago. I felt like a stranger in my own land 😔.
    Everything has become greedy, overpopulated, and crime ridden. I couldn’t advise you on where to go. It’s a crap shoot, for sure. Love your 😻😻 and be as happy as you can. And let’s all hope it gets better instead of worse.

    Lainie, don’t kill yourself with your sister’s move. I’m glad your niece’s bf stepped up… it was needed. She needs to hire movers and let them do the majority of the work. Give her a hand unpacking, but don’t over do it. Our last move, in spite of having movers, took too much out of me. It was hard. Too much rushing and moving things around once we got in here. Take your time and urge her to do the same. I’m glad she’ll be close to you. Don’t let it take over your life.
    Cloudy and hot today; but not too bad now. We’re going to have cold brew coffee on the patio while we air the house out, then go in for brunch. Mr will barbeque tonight; we bought some beef rib$$$$ when we went shopping. We’ll have a big green salad, and pasta with pesto sauce. I make pesto ahead and freeze it in containers. Easy dinner.

    • Lainie Says:

      Good advice!! I don’t plan to let my sister or her move to take over my life. She has pre booked some movers, and I know my niece and her bf will help. Next weekend she’ll be staying here; she has a few places she wants to check out. I guess she’ll put a small deposit to hold one, then pay it off when her home sells. I’ve warned her about the weather; this is NOT the sunny warm San Fernando valley she’s used to. But she’s ok with it; she will feel safer here. And she does like the beach.
      Having lived in the Bay Area, visited the central valley, and rather recently, too, I can vouch for all the changes you mentioned. It’s a crying shame that greed and overpopulation have turned those valley towns into a mess. The Bay Area has gone crazy with building up…. humongous apartment buildings, tons of useless stores….. no thanks!
      Judy, your pizza place search is a great plan. I can’t see driving that far, even if your meet up isn’t often. And any place with high crime stats is best left alone. I get your attachment to Little Town, I loved that town myself and actually thought of retiring there. But it’s too run down, drugged out, and crime ridden. So try the places in your area that are non chain and sound good, and pick the winner for your future meetings. And I know where you live, I’m pretty sure, and it’s a shame they let that nice town get so overpopulated and built up. And what gets me is, they build these places up with these fast food junk chains, useless stores, and other soulless businesses.
      Well, I cleaned, and did laundry before I left, so 😻 and I are free to play and relax today. More Chinese food, pizza, and a little TV. Not HSN, though. Beekman, cooking, Ditzy and Disgruntled, and other junk. I’m with you, Judy, it’s SpongeBob time!!

      • Judy Says:

        Jerri, Lainie
        Thanks for the reinforcement! I am personally going to try a few places that look good and aren’t chain restaurants, and if the ones the pizza gang picked out aren’t good, we’ll have some other places to try. Tonight is the last night our pizza place of many years will be open. Hard to believe.
        I checked out HSN program guide, it’s a 👎 today. The Q is awful, and not in the mood for HQ or JTV. I’m going to grill burgers and hotdogs, with all the trimmings. I’ll make a pasta salad with lots of vegetables, and some oven fries, and have my brother and SIL over. I have some lemonade, sparkling water, and grape juice….all very, very cold. Should be a nice afternoon and evening.
        BTW, Jerri, I wonder if we knew each other back then?!? 😲 I don’t remember any Jerris; did you go by anything else?

      • Jerri Says:

        Just saw this. No I’ve always been Jerri, spelled like this. I am 69, perhaps a grade behind you? Hopefully not giving anything away (you can’t be too careful), the school was where the high school is now. It’s initials were E.P. Hope that helps. I was in 5th grade (starting in November) and all of 6th. We moved around a bit because my dad was a construction company superintendent. I’ve lived in a few central valley towns.
        I hope your weekend is going well.

      • Jerri Says:

        Good grief! Too much traveling and heat has fried my brain. Judy, I’ll be 69 later this year. I graduated in ’71, if that helps. I’m “trying to accept” being 69, so I think of myself there now 🙄 🤯. Anyway the other info is correct.

      • Judy Says:

        I’ve been watching for a reply. I graduated in ’70, a year ahead of you. I WENT TO THE SAME ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!! I don’t remember you…remember, 6th grade was way out in the portables, so we didn’t play on the other playground too much. Then, I was in middle school when you were in 6th, so our time there together overlapped briefly. But what a coincidence!!
        Way better days back then, huh?

      • Jerri Says:

        Too bad we didn’t know each other! In 5th grade, I never went by the portables for recess. Then in 6th, I stayed more by the portables. We just missed each other. Most of us stayed within our own grade and classroom. I missed that (then) little town when we moved. Yes, they were better times.
        We moved so much that I knew I wouldn’t make friends for long, then have to leave. I think my parents could have planned better, and not moved so often. But it is what it is and I’m none the worse for it. And I got to experience living in different places, and meeting new people. My kids lived in one place almost their entire life till they left home. Same schools, same friends, same neighborhood. I think that is better. And you’ve lived in that town your entire life. It must feel good, knowing you’ve been there all your life.
        Anyway, what a coincidence! And it sure brought back some memories!

  33. Judy Says:

    Jerri, could our brothers have known each other? Mine was in 9th grade when I was in 6th. He graduated in 1967.

    SquareHead is in fine form today, pointy dragon nails, extra angry brows 😡, square head with both a hunk and that off kilter ponytail or whatever that thing is. On with Jay….. with nothing special.
    Before that I watched Callie with Andrew Lessman. Callie was talking out of the side of her mouth pretty frequently. I don’t remember her doing that before. Probably the recent cosmetic surgery. Her eyes still look a bit lifted, and her mouth looks different. Anyway, you shouldn’t have to do that to keep a job. She looked good before.
    Andrew is looking a little better. More rested, maybe. He was looking a bit tired before. Anyway, he has some great vitamins I’d love to buy, but although worth it, his stuff is $$$$. I used them some years back when I was working and could afford it, and I felt great. Also, my labs came back good. The cost of living in general makes them unaffordable now 🙁.
    It was nice having my brother and SIL over yesterday; I’m back to pizza today 😉.
    There is going to be a rummage sale at the church, and although I’m not a member, and actually not religious, I usually donate to it. It’s usually clothes and household items. So today I’m going through my clothes, and cupboards, and I’ll take whatever I don’t need over there tomorrow. The proceeds benefit people in need, so it feels good to help.

    • Jerri Says:

      My brother graduated in 1969, so I doubt he knew yours. I don’t remember the name of his middle school. Awhile ago he looked back and thinks it may have been torn down; he wasn’t completely sure. He doesn’t remember the name, either. He’s bad with names, etc…..and that was a long time ago. It’s a shame; we all just missed each other. He was dizzy from moving, too. But we both turned out ok.
      I saw Andrew and Callie too. Yes, the talking out the side of her mouth is new. She looks good, just different, and now that. The pressure to look young must be tremendous. So unfair. And Lynn’s eyebrows get worse each time I see her \/. She has a nice manicure, but the nails are too long and pointy. And her hair is awful. I looked at Kathy Wolf’s Facebook earlier, and she has pictures of her and Lynn over the years. Kathy looks the same. Lynn started out ok, normal hair and brows, but has worked her way up to what we see today. She’s a sweet person…. she just needs a makeover.
      We still take Andrew’s vitamins, plus some others we like. We don’t go out to eat (just get a pizza occasionally), we rarely travel (with the exception of this summer, for family), don’t entertain much anymore, so spending money on his vitamins is an investment in our health. We don’t spend much on extras, and his vitamins are worth it, to us. But we buy off his website. HSN has fouled up my orders so many times in the past, I just go to his website.
      Anyway, I’m through with TV for now. We are getting ready for brunch. Bacon, cheese and mushroom omelettes, toasted sourdough bread, blackberries with Greek yogurt and honey, and cold brew coffee with milk.

      • Judy Says:

        I don’t want to name our middle school, and I doubt they knew each other. Also, around that time after you left, they rearranged schools and changed things up. It’s so much different now, and has been for awhile. And like you, I don’t name my relatives. Everyone on here, with occasional exceptions like the nutcase Bertie told off up thread, seems ok. But you don’t know who else is looking on here. And with both yours and my boundaries having recently been encroached, I feel better not naming names, as I’m sure you do. Too bad we didn’t know each other, and it’s interesting that our paths unknowingly crossed. It truly is a small world.
        BTW your brunch sounds delicious!!

  34. Lainie Says:

    I watched Andrew with Callie, too. She actually did a pretty good job hosting. However, Andrew is definitely one of the vendors who does not need a host. Callie was side talking a little. New to the best of my knowledge. Yes, cosmetic procedures should not be required to keep your job. I take Andrew’s stuff, too. Not all of it, and like Jerri I take others, too. I give up on Lynn. Someone needs to tell her she needs that makeover.
    I am resting and relaxing today, me and 😻. @Jerri, your brunch sounds good. For dinner, I am having roast chicken with fresh Brussels sprouts and carrots, brown basmati rice, sauteed mushrooms, and that evil peach, apple and blueberry pie that you all made me crave!! I bought butter pecan ice cream to top it. And I still have leftover pizza to snack on today. I worked my a$$ off at my sister’s and I have eating like a 🐷 with no weight gain to show for it. I’m on my workout break but I trust my sister will give me enough to do 🙄😒🤨😐. I might extend the break till after she moves. Ugh.

  35. Lainie Says:

    I just looked Nikki S up, and she is hosting “New Mexico style” on a Southwest affiliate of Fox TV.

  36. Bertie Says:

    Thanks, Lainie, for the Nikki info. New Mexico is beautiful. High unemployment rate, though. She’s lucky she landed what seems to be a good job.
    I had a great time at my kids’. My DIL is feeling great, my son is doing well, and the grandkids came by, too. It was a nice weekend, and we barbequed, and relaxed, and went for walks by the beach. My peach apple pie was a hit. A truly enjoyable weekend.
    I am just resting today, and tomorrow there’s going to be a community luncheon in the rec room. Just community updates, possible new policies, and crap food. I’m just going to keep up with what’s going on here. I will eat a big breakfast and just have coffee at the meeting. Have a nice day, y’all!

  37. Ella Says:

    We had a mini vacation for 4 days. We went to Monterey and Carmel, did all the touristy things, watched the sunset at the beach 🌅, and cooled down. Way down; the temperature was in the low 60s. Still beautiful, comfortable, and sea air is a nice change from dusty farmland! We vowed to do that at least once a year.
    Nothing on shopping TV for me today; I’m still working on my article. It’s finished pretty soon. Just taking a quick break to check in here and grab a bite to eat. That is really a coincidence, Jerri and Judy. And to think, you never knew each other! Such a long time ago that we were in 6th grade. How the years have flown. I’ve watched my town grow, too, but the biggest growth amongst the former small towns in the valley was in Judy’s town. We think things will remain the same when we’re kids, and they don’t. Too bad many of them didn’t.
    Back to work. Rest assured, everyone, crime has gone up everywhere. Researching this article has made me realize how dystopian our lives have become. Hold your loved ones close, and take care of each other.

    • Jerri Says:

      Your vacation was enviable. It’s been ages since we were in Monterey. Monterey and Carmel are beautiful. And cool 🌬️🌊. I imagine it’s a lot busier now; it has been 20+ years since we went. Watching the sunset at the beach sounds romantic and relaxing 🌅. I love the desert but I do miss the beach 🏖️.
      I watched Michelle with Nina Leonard fashions; and Cate Bandel was there in the studio. Many cute things, but I have enough. And I don’t think I’m buying any more clothes from HSN. I like Michelle, she’s always upbeat without being overkill. The prices were so so; I think I can find similar at TJ Maxx for less. And, I don’t need anything, really.
      Lainie, I hope your sister’s house sells quickly and the move is fast and easy. I HATE MOVING 🏡🚛🛋️🛏️🪑📺🖥️💻🖼️. I’m convinced no one in their right mind likes it. But it’s necessary sometimes. Your sister will be closer to you.
      Shopping done, clean house, and free time. Lasagne, salad and garlic bread for dinner. Cool drinks on the patio later.

  38. Judy Says:

    I had a talk with my neighbors. They were out front yesterday and talking about the neighborhood when I came back from a walk. I asked them if they heard anything the night my yard was broken into and they said they didn’t. One said they might have been out that night having dinner. They seemed genuinely sorry and said they would have called the police if they’d heard it.
    They went on to say that they’d caught teenagers in their back yard (1 of them) and chased them out recently. I told them they’d caught the thieves who robbed me. We agreed to keep a better watch out for each other. The one who had the teen in their yard said the teen was just kicked back on their chaise lounge. Still, they don’t belong there, that’s trespassing. Anyway I feel better because I thought they’d just ignored it, and didn’t care.
    In spite of our close proximity to Crime Town, we have significantly less violent crimes, and fewer property crimes than Little Town, Ella’s town, and other valley towns. I guess I’ll stay here, and try to make the best of it. More crime is moving in everywhere.
    I weeded out my closet and managed to come up with a large bag of clothing and accessories for the rummage sale. I also took a box of kitchen items I don’t need anymore. It feels good to donate things I don’t need, and free up space.
    Ella, your vacation sounds great! I haven’t been over to the coast in awhile; that may be my next get away. Sounds like you had a good weekend, too, Bertie. I’m glad you got to see your kids. I hope your meeting goes well today.
    I’ll probably watch a little home shopping, then tidy up here. I’m making lunch for my SIL and brother later. They have plans for the next couple days so we’ll get together today. We’re having enchiladas and salad. I premade the enchiladas. And I will have an easy dinner of some kind.

    • Jerri Says:

      I’m glad you had a talk with your neighbors. A suggestion: if any of you are going out for a bit, especially at night, call the others and let them know so they can be alert. I’m glad they were concerned and are good neighbors after all.
      We are 2 acres away from the neighbors we have, but we all still watch for suspicious cars driving by, etc. Things have been ok since that last breach.

  39. Lainie Says:

    @Ella, @Bertie, your weekends were very different but both sound wonderful. Monterey/Carmel is a relaxing reset. Beautiful scenery, low key activities… I must go again!
    I just got back from the grocery haul and putting them away with HSN on in the background. A couple shows look interesting; I may watch later. I also dropped off some work I did for a client and collected a little $$.
    Yesterday I cleaned. 😻 went over to Mary’s because he hates cleaning, but he loves the results 🤔😆. Tomorrow I’ll make up the guest bed, etc.
    My sister will be here early Thursday morning; she wants to get here on weekdays to look at places while the office is open. She’ll leave Friday night or Saturday morning. There are a couple people interested in her house, so things are starting to move!
    I am not making fussy dinners, just simple things. She wants me to look at places with her so that doesn’t leave time for lengthy dinner prep. I hope this whole process goes quickly and smoothly 😬😐. She’s had a ton of help from her “kids”…they even have packed up a lot of her stuff. I’ll be glad when it’s all over.
    I’m going to rest a bit then do laundry and watch TV. I’ve been watching more of Suzanne’s podcasts than home shopping. The channels haven’t had much on that I’m interested in.
    Jerri and Judy, that’s a trippy coincidence. Crossing paths without knowing it. Yes, it is a small world.

  40. Bertie Says:

    I hope y’all are having a good week. Ella, your vacation sounds wonderful. Monterey and Carmel are in a league of their own.
    The HOA luncheon/meeting went well yesterday. It was as per usual stuff, but a few new and interesting things. I kept my mask on and did not eat or drink; too many people crowded into the space. And when I do go out to eat, I go to restaurants with socially distanced outdoor tables.
    Speaking of, I had dinner with a friend last evening, we went to a tapas place. Food was good, we got caught up, and it was nice. I took my car in for service this morning, and tonight I’m having dinner here with another friend. I’m making roast chicken, fruit salad, polenta, and we’re having ice cream for dessert.
    Tomorrow, I’m having potluck lunch with friends here in the community, and my contribution will be a pasta salad. Friday night I’m having dinner with an old friend from Texas who is in town visiting family. I am staying in and relaxing on the weekend!!! Have a good one, y’all.

  41. James Says:

    OMG did you know Katrina Szish is a host at NEWSMAX? Who knew she was a TRUMP republican….good for her i guess.. LOL also had no idea she was 50! i thought she was in her late 30s woman knows how to use makeup!

  42. Lovie Says:

    They all say they are quitting to spend time with family. It’s more polite than admitting that they’re tired of it. And less embarrassing than admitting that their contract didn’t get renewed.

    • Lainie Says:

      Your comment is spot on. Most of them who “retire” or “want to spend time with family” are usually back in the studio as a vendor or product rep very soon. What happened to retirement? 🤔🧐 In many cases, I think their contract wasn’t renewed. Home shopping has become musical chairs of vendors and hosts.

    • Stephanie Says:

      I don’t believe Katrina was let go by QVC. I think she left on her own and I don’t blame her. She was a good host and was not given prime time which was reserved for a few other people. She never said she was leaving to spend time with family. QVC wasn’t smart enough to utilize her the way they should and could have. IMO
      Lainie, re Nikki hosting a show in New Mexico (you had mentioned that in another thread) I know she did that years ago. Maybe she is back there now. She sure didn’t last long at HQ.

      • Lainie Says:

        I figured Katrina left on her own, I was just referring to a few others like Kathy Wolf, Connie CC, and more who were fired and eased the blow by saying they were going to spend time with their families. I don’t blame them, but then they’re back on home shopping right away!
        I don’t know if that was an old and about Nikki in NM now that you mention it? I guess we’ll find out soon.
        My sister should be here any minute so let the fun begin!

      • Lainie Says:

        Ad, not and about Nikki. TY auto correct, for nothing!

      • Judy Says:

        I think that New Mexico thing for Nikki is old. Why they have it first on Google search is beyond me. She did say on Facebook that she’ll let us know her plans soon.
        I’m watching Lynn with Michael Valitutti. She is over emoting and jumping around in the chair. Speed for breakfast?? Dragon nails, weird makeup and angry brows. Her hair is styled well but it’s obviously over bleached, and she needs a touch up. Go back to natural, let it grow out and heal, then do highlights. It looks terrible now.
        Michael has some beautiful jewelry, and it’s tempting, but I’m going to resist. The last month flew…. it doesn’t seem like a month has passed since he was on. Summer is moving right along. Anyway, I might treat myself to a ring from his collection next month.
        My brother and SIL are coming over for barbeque on Saturday. They are bringing chickens to grill, I’ll make a green salad, and have corn and zucchini to grill. I’ll make a lot of garlic bread so I’ll have leftovers; it makes great sandwiches. It has cooled down a little; mid to low 90s instead of low 100s. So it should be a nice day. 😻😻 are enjoying the cooler weather.

      • Ella Says:

        Your dinner sounds great!! I made lasagna last night and tonight we’re having the leftovers as a side dish with chicken wings. Probably with a salad and some french bread 🥖.
        Our weather has been high 90s and low 100s still. You’re close enough that you’re getting a little cooling off the bay. Summer is flying by. Next month we’ll see cooler temperatures and the light will change.
        I finished my article and I’ll turn it in tomorrow. That will give me some extra $$ to help replenish money we spent on our trip, and maybe I can squeeze out a Michael V ring 💍.
        We’re going over to BIL’s and Pop’s Sunday. They’re going to barbeque ribs (pork) and we’re bringing steaks, and Pop is making his delicious potato salad. I’m also going to bring a homemade berry cobbler with fresh blackberries and raspberries.
        Saturday hubby is going dirt bike riding with BIL and a couple friends. I am going to lunch with a friend. We will make sure to dine outside, COVID is rearing its ugly head again. She’s a writer, too, and we worked together for awhile. We get together several times a year.

  43. Stephanie Says:

    Michael Valitutti is treated royally at HSN and he tends to over emote at times so maybe Lynn had to keep up. I enjoyed their show and did see a ring I liked but so far have resisted. I am trying to decide if you get a better price going directly on the website of Michael’s employer who was on facebook quite a bit before he went to HSN. Lainie, for sure many dismissed hosts said they left to spend time with family. But some were honest, especially the ones from HQ which used to be my main channel to watch and now I do not watch. It’s all about sales and sometimes the powers that be forget it’s not always the host ‘s fault for lack of sales but the item and the price. In this neck of the woods it’s Amazon all the way. And yes, summer is flying by, sadly.

  44. Bertie Says:

    With a very few exceptions, I feel bad for the hosts they let go. And the vendors who get caught in the shuffle. It IS all about sales, and many times the hosts aren’t at fault. It’s a cutthroat business, especially now. I’m glad I don’t work in the home shopping industry.
    A tiny breather today then I’m having dinner this evening with an old friend. We haven’t seen each other in awhile even though we talk on the phone, etc. It should be nice. Keeping COVID in mind, we decided on a place I know that has great, reasonable food, and plenty of outdoor tables. There are outdoor heaters for cooler weather, which is nice.
    I’m glad your sister will be closer to you, Lainie. And by the way, I love the way all y’all use the 😻 emoji for cat! Quicker than typing it out, and so cute. Cats are cute. Anyway, I hope your sister finds a condo she likes. And good for you, Ella, your article is done.
    I guess I’ll see what’s going on with Lynn today. She’s hosting several things, first of all, the premiere of Bauble Bar, which is over priced costume jewelry. It’s all Disney characters…to each their own, but I don’t want Goofy or Mickey earrings on my ears. Talk about feeling foolish! Maybe they’re meant for kids? At those prices I doubt it. Anyway, the weekend is upon us.

  45. Jerri Says:

    Bertie, Stephanie, so agree about the hosts. I’m watching Lynn with Baublebar. They don’t just do Disney things, thankfully. But as per Bertie their things are over priced… by a lot. My DIL here bought a few of their bracelets and rings, and everything tarnished quickly. The bracelets fell apart. She takes good care of things so it wasn’t that she was rough on them. Also, they only do gold tone mystery metal. Huge nope
    Lynn’s nails look a little shorter. She looks nice today. Not bad today, but lately she has been very amped. I wonder if she fears for her job 😟. Before they let her go, they need to address some of the yakkity slobs at QVC. And Lynn is a good host. Maybe she is just trying to be more upbeat, or attention commanding.
    Yes, summer is flying. We’ve had the 💩iest weather this summer. Today it’s partly cloudy and humid. Rain last night. It’s a little cooler, but the humidity negates that. I’m waiting for Autumn. Pleasantly warm days, cool evenings and nights, and dry air…. low humidity. My favorite season, anyway 🎃🌕👻🎑🌌🌃🎃.

    • Ella Says:

      Fall is my favorite, too. Here, the trees change color, and you can feel fall in the air. It’s still warmish during the day, but cools off a lot at night. By November the days get a little chilly. In August, the light changes. It seems like golden hour is all day. And, I really love Halloween. Sad to see Summer go, but knowing Fall follows makes it better.
      I turned in my article, and did a little grocery shopping. The selection of stores here is poor. I find myself driving to Little Town a lot to go to Safeway. Today, however, I found what I needed at Target grocery. We have a Raley’s, but to me, their selection is limited. They are supposed to be bringing in organic meats and foods, but I’ve only seen a very few things…. that I don’t buy anyway. I hate going to several stores all the time to get what I need. The 30 minute drive to Little Town to shop at 1 store makes sense. Anyway, we have food!!
      I’m looking forward to seeing my friend tomorrow. She liked my magazine article, and is interested in the recent one I did for the paper. I have TONS of digital photos of Monterey and Carmel; I might see if someone is interested in an article about that. Maybe the travel magazine again.
      Anyway, friend and family weekend, very relaxing. Lainie, I hope your sister found a condo 🏘️. And I caught the end of one of Lynn’s shows and she did look nice. Bauble bar IS junk. I’ve had it and it tarnishes and breaks. Have a good one!

  46. Lainie Says:

    My sister left after brunch today. She didn’t care much for the condo nearer Mary’s, but she liked one on the other side of the community. She put a small deposit on it, and will pay it off when her house sells, which looks to be soon. Her realtor called her and said there was 1 couple really interested. So off sis went.
    I took her and Mary around in my golf cart yesterday. Looking at places took awhile, but she finally made up her mind. Mary enjoyed “going along for the ride”. There were only 6 available condos, and I do believed she picked a good one. It’s much lighter than her house, so she likes that. Next up is furniture, etc, and then the move. She is getting a 2 bedroom, 2 bath as she wants to downsize. All the condos have an open floorplan, and she really likes that. She is also getting a golf cart. Mary bought one from someone who moved a few months back at a price that was a steal. I told my sis to look on the bulletin board before she buys a new one. People sell them cheap, and they’re electric, so they don’t wear out. Replacing a battery is cheaper than buying a new cart, if a new battery is even necessary.
    I am having Chinese, ordered in, and watching some HSN videos, and later a movie marathon with 😻. I’ve already washed the guest bed sheets, and tidied up in there, and it’s now time to relax and spend time with my little guy ♥️.

  47. Bertie Says:

    I was watching HQ a little while ago, when Forbes Riley, junk seller extraordinaire, came on with a product called “my face lift”. Look it up, it’s a clunky, uncomfortable resistance device for firming one’s neck and jawline. It has a resistance coil inside, and it’s meant to rest on your chest and put under your chin where you either bob your head up and down, or open and close your mouth. Those are the only 2 exercises you can do with it. It looks uncomfortable, and many reviewers said so, and that it sticks, and when it comes free it smacks the heck out of their chin! At $30, it’s a rip off, and most said it did nothing. I guess I’ll keep doing my facial yoga, y’all, it’s free and it works. Forbes Riley sells nothing but cheaply made 💩 that doesn’t work and likely will injure you. I could be wrong but I don’t believe she’s been on HSN in awhile.
    I had a good time with my friend at dinner last night. He’s thinking about moving to this area to be closer to family. He doesn’t care for TX anymore, and feels like he doesn’t belong. We go back a long way, he was friends with my husband and me back in TX. I’ve known him almost 40 years. He and my husband used to go fishing together way back when. Anyway, it was good to see him and I hope he’s happy, whatever he decides to do.
    This weekend I have my workout, which I’ve managed to pretty much keep up in spite of my busy schedule, and other than that, just relax and get caught up with emails, phone calls, etc.

    • Lainie Says:

      Your description of “my face lift” 🤣🤣🤣🤣. And the video makes it look uncomfortable. Ouch, my chest and chin! But you’re right. I make some goofy faces doing facial exercises, but that thing looks dangerous. Hence the reviews. Yes, Forbes Riley is a snake oil salesman. She’s had several products that look like apparatus for self injury. And none of them work. And I believe you’re right; it’s been a bit since she was selling her 💩 on HSN.
      Good for you keeping your workout routine. I’m on a break but walk regularly. Mary and I walked 4 miles this AM, and I came back and had a smoothie and coffee. I’ll have a salad for lunch, then for dinner, I’m making beef stroganoff. I’ll have another salad with that. I’ll go back to my regular workout routine after my sister moves.
      A client dropped off some work last night; I’ll work on it over the weekend and they’ll pick it up Monday. They’re paying me a little extra for last minute notice, and working on the weekend. And I’m accepting it; I’m worth it and I need it. My bills are caught up, but I can always add to my savings.
      Other than that, I’ll clean up a little here, and spend time with 😻. Tomorrow AM Mary and I are walking again, and I’ll make us brunch when we get back. BLT sandwiches on multigrain bread, fresh berries with Greek yogurt, and cappuccinos.

  48. Judy Says:

    Lol, Bertie, your description of “my face lift” was so funny, I had to look at the video. Yikes, and you’ve got to be kidding. $30 for a piece of Junkster Riley’s crap. And the reviews, mostly bad, say it all. She has never sold anything that works.
    There isn’t anything of interest for me on home shopping today. Christmas in July on QVC; even Dave is doing ITKWD with holiday foods 🙄🥱. HQ has walkers and canes, don’t quite need those yet and I’m getting fitted by my doctor when I do, and not buying off TV. HSN has a mix of boring stuff, Mangano, Gilman, electronics, and other 🥱 stuff.
    I did Yoga earlier, then got the “fishing pole” toy out… it’s a wand with leather strap that has clip on interchangeable toys at the end for 😻😻. Their favorite is the feathers. It makes them jump, and run, and helps their coordination skills. It gives them a decent workout and they love it. I have 2, and sometimes I play 2 handed and both have their own “prey”. It gets me moving, too.
    Dinner is leftover chicken and garlic bread from yesterday’s barbeque. I’ll make a pasta salad (which will give me leftovers for tomorrow), and slice up some tomatoes.
    The weekend is flying by, and August is tomorrow 😧. Yes, Ella, being a little closer to the bay has cooled us just a few degrees more than you. Still pretty warm. But now we’ll see the light change, and the weather cool down just a little. I love autumn in the valley. I love driving by the pumpkin fields near Little Town. Halloween is less than 3 months away. 🎃👻💀

  49. Lainie Says:

    I looked at Kathy Wolf’s Facebook earlier, she’s been losing weight. She’s wearing a 20 year old skirt from HSN, happy that she could zip it up. Good for her. She has been looking stylish and fashionable lately.
    I agree, @Judy. There isn’t a thing on today. Another boring Sunday…for me, anyway. I have that cat toy, too. 😻 loves it. It gives them good exercise, and some fun, too.
    Well, it looks like my sis sold her house. The paperwork will start tomorrow. They are paying cash, so closing should go quickly. She’ll come back here to finalize purchasing the condo, then begin buying new furniture, then the move. Since her buyers and she are paying cash, that will speed up the process. She said the kids will help, and she has already lined up the movers. Mary was happy to hear it, “we’ll have 3 for Canasta now”. I hated to burst her bubble but I told her the truth, my sis doesn’t like playing cards. But they can visit. So if all goes as planned, she should be settled by the end of August. And there goes summer.
    My client is coming by for their paperwork soon; it’s all finished. A little later, I’m making a big green salad, and ordering a couple pizzas. I’m going to watch TV out here for awhile, then take 😻 and 🍕🍕🍕🍕 into the bedroom, and watch some Leave it to Beaver, in honor of the late Tony Dow 😢 RIP.
    I have dinner with my friend who comes by on Thursday, and I’m going to a birthday party for a friend here at the community center early Tuesday afternoon. Grocery shopping Thursday morning, car oil change tomorrow, and dinner at Mary’s tomorrow night combined with a 😻😻 playdate. Keeping me on my toes!!

  50. Jerri Says:

    I looked up the face lift thing from Forced Riley, too. Typical piece of her junk.
    Well we had some heavy rain and winds last night. A circle k gas station canopy fell over and hit someone’s car. Apparently there were no injuries, thankfully. The high winds made 😻😻 uneasy, but they finally settled down. The rain made a lot of noise, too. I was very glad to be safe inside. We have everything we need; no reason to leave the house so we will stay in. Most of the Vegas strip is underwater; makes you wonder how we can be in a drought. More rain possible tonight. I hope it is calmer.
    Aw, and yes, RIP Tony Dow, and now Michelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura on original Star Trek) 😢. Too many favorites passing. Love and light to both Tony’s, and Michelle’s loved ones. Dad is doing a little better, a little more active. We are all hoping for the best.
    We’ve had a quiet weekend. Tonight, baked rigatoni with beef and cheese, sliced tomatoes and avocados with balsamic drizzle, and fresh berries with sugar and cream. We owe 😻😻 some playtime with their wands, too. That will make a good pre dinner activity. Then later on we’ll look at TV in bed; the cats love it. And hope the monsoon does no more damage!!

    • Jerri Says:

      Auto correct = disrespectful. I corrected Nichelle twice after they changed it to Michelle, and I see they still did it. Feckers.

  51. Judy Says:

    I’m up early, enjoying the cool air. All doors and windows (with screens closed tightly and screen doors locked) are open, airing it out. The sleepyhead 😻😻 went back to bed after breakfast and are snoozing away happily on my bed. It’s nice and cool, and must feel good to them. Mid 90s later on, so I’m enjoying this.
    No home shopping today, at least so far. Lynn has Robert Manse, then Chaco Canyon later for “sales”; a look at the preview shows nothing for me. I’ll buy from Michael Valitutti, or Chaco (I think, haven’t bought recently so don’t know if their quality is the same), but that’s about it. Shopping channel jewelry has gone to pot. As with most of their stuff.
    Feeling gloomy, Paul Sorvino, Pat Carroll, Tony Dow and Nichelle Nichols recently passed. All great people who graced our TV and movie screens for years. Condolences and blessings to those they left behind 😢💔.

    • Lainie Says:

      The recent deaths have made me sad, too. Life isn’t long enough.
      Good idea for everyone in hot climates, air your house out early and enjoy it.

      I took my car in for service early, and stopped by the community center on my way back, and saw a golf cart on the bulletin board my sister might like. I texted her with the info. I came home and put TV on, and it was set on HSN. I walked back into the room and they were doing a Professor Amos drain cleaner demo 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤮. Click!! Now I have to look at food on the web to get my appetite back. Looks like breakfast just became brunch. Do they have to put worms, and really sickening debris in the model drains? I don’t remember it being so gross when he first came to HSN. Anyway, anything to sell, sell, sell!
      No time for TV anyway, I’m going to do laundry and a little cleaning. Busy week for me, and I haven’t even figured in a possible visit from my sister. I am contributing pasta with pesto to Mary’s dinner tonight, so that’s easy. There’s a no gift policy for the party tomorrow, so I don’t have to make a trip for that. I won’t stay long, just enough to wish them happy birthday and say hi. So, with that, I’m taking my queasy stomach to the laundry room and try to forget what I just saw on HSN. And get ready for the rest of the day!!

    • Ella Says:

      The recent deaths were very heartbreaking. We don’t live long enough. Love and sympathy to their families and friends.
      I made the same mistake about Professor Amos. That last time I actually watched him was probably 5+ years ago. And no, his earlier presentations were not that gross. Anyway, my breakfast is deciding whether or not it’s staying down 🤢. And, BTW, hasn’t he been on HSN longer than 18 years? I started watching HSN the end of 1999. It seems he started on there around 2001, or 2002 at the latest. Any thoughts? His products may be good but they’re too pricey for my budget.
      The weekend flew by. I had a nice lunch with my friend; she invited us to an end of summer barbeque on Sunday of Labor Day weekend. I told her I’d let her know in a couple weeks; too early to tell. But we will get together again soon.
      Our Sunday barbeque was nice. We’re enjoying this while we can. The evenings start to get chilly in late September. And that will be here before we know it.
      Lainie, you have a busy week. Be sure to pace yourself. Good news, that your sister found a condo. It sounds like things are moving right along.
      Husband and I are cleaning house and doing laundry today. Grocery shopping tomorrow, and we’ll see where the week takes us. Hello, August

      • Lainie Says:

        Hello, August, indeed!
        Yes, I think you’re right. I’m pretty sure Professor Amos made his debut in 2001, or 2002. More like 20 years. Spoiler alert: do not watch Professor Amos on HSN anywhere near meal time…. or at all, if you’re sensitive 🤢🤢. You’ve been warned. His products seem ok, but it’s cheaper and easier to buy in person. It also seems like Autoship has become a confused mess.
        I made the pesto; now I will just cook the pasta before I leave. Mary is making Cuban chicken, oven roast corn, and a small salad. I’m bringing pesto and 😻. I’m going over in the car because it’s much easier to manage and the pasta won’t get cold. I’ll feed 😻 an hour before we go. We won’t stay too long; just long enough for 😻😻 to visit and play.
        When we come back, we’ll retire to the bedroom with snacks and treats, and watch something upbeat on TV. Too much sad news lately. Maybe I’ll put SpongeBob on; he’s always good for a laugh.
        I’m wearing my grape shibori Giuliana dress, with my lavender leather sandals to the party tomorrow. They’re pretty much a perfect match, stylish, and comfortable. I’ll put my keys and ID holder in one of the pockets and safety pin it to keep it from falling out. No need for a bag. I hope my friend has a nice birthday.
        Anyway, time is flying and so must I. Have a great day, everyone.

      • Judy Says:

        Thanks for the warning about Professor Amos. That presentation never used to be stomach turning. And yes, it’s more like his 20th or 21st anniversary. I’ve been watching HSN since 1998 casually, then after 1999 I watched regularly. Amos isn’t the only host or vendor they’ve lost count of years on. Wei East, they had her anniversary for about 2 or 3 years less than she was actually on there. Others, too, that I can’t think of off hand. And a few host anniversaries have been a bit shy of their actual years. Hint: look up date of hire, and subtract from current date. Sheesh.
        I watched Lynn with Robert Manse. It was a jovial presentation, but no giggle fits like with Colleen 🙄. Lynn looked nice. She really needs to trim about 2″ off her hair to get rid of the dry ends. It will grow out healthier. Red is very complimentary on her, lipstick and all. The jewelry model is gorgeous and can wear a potato sack and look fantastic. Her skin tone makes all the jewelry stand out and look better. Especially the usually cheap looking gold over ? stuff. Someone mentioned that awhile back… maybe it was me 🤷. Anyway, she’s a great model for jewelry and clothes. AND LOOK AT HER MANICURE, EVERYONE. It’s perfect. Also, just a quick side, hosts and models with darker skin tones can wear darker nudes like, taupe, cocoa, etc. And it looks awesome.
        I’m making another pasty, a la Lainie, and looking forward to eating it tonight. I’m going to have a green salad and fresh berries with it. I even copied Lainie and made a small 😻 safe one for 😻😻. Should be good.
        The house is closed up now and the a/c is on. So glad I aired it out earlier. While the pastys cool, 😻😻 and I are going to watch Talladega Nights. Will Ferrell and John Reilly are funny and much needed with all the gloom floating around. Peace out, kids ♥️.

  52. Connie Says:

    It has been a sad week. And I’m 71; mortality is long on my mind. All these people have been in our lives through movies and TV. We’re losing many around our own ages, and younger. We didn’t notice these passings as much when we were younger; it was mostly older generations passing. I remember being shocked and deeply saddened by the passing of drummers John Bonham (Led Zeppelin), and Keith Moon (the Who). They passed away much too soon.
    We must focus on the present, not forgetting the past, and look toward the future. I, myself, have got to stop counting the days I have left, and looking forward to each day I’m here. It’s hard, and these deaths don’t make it easier, but we must do it. It’s hard to overlook the reaper, but we must. And cherish time with our loved ones. Hug each a little longer, and smile a little brighter. My best wishes to you all; you’re a lovely group.

    • Lainie Says:

      Wise words. I’m bad enough, but my sister who’s a little over a year younger than me, is obsessed with death. Both of us need to live more in the present.

      I saw Kathy and she looked great. She has definitely done a wardrobe upgrade. And losing weight to be healthy is THE most important reason.
      I’m glad you liked my pasty recipe. A lot from my mom, and some tweaking by me.

      😻😻 had fun last night and there were zoomies galore! Dinner was nice; Mary’s Cuban chicken was very good. My ravioli with pesto went great with it. We came home about 7:30 and 😻 was pooped. We watched TV and went to sleep early.
      I guess I should start getting ready for the party. I like to take my time and start early. In case of wardrobe malfunctions or makeup mistakes. I’m getting good at smearing my mascara, or putting eyeshadow on unevenly 🤦🏼‍♀️. This way, there’s time to correct it. Hopefully the party isn’t too crowded. I’m wearing a mask, but still. If it is, I’ll leave very early.

  53. Judy Says:

    Good advice, Connie. I think most of us “older folks” give the reaper way too much thought. I will try to focus on being more positive.
    I’ve had HSN on this morning; no Professor Amos, so I guess I’m safe! Kathy and her expensive toothbrush were on with Callie. Kathy has lost weight, but she’s still plump. She is dressing MUCH better for her figure and also being more stylish. And good for her for getting healthier. I bet she feels better, too.
    If you’re going to make a pasty, do it Lainie’s way. My pasty turned out great yesterday, following her instructions. And 😻😻 liked theirs, too. I’m having some for brunch, and the rest for dinner with some roasted veggies. I seem to be craving Fall food lately. And I’m also beginning to see that golden light Ella spoke of. The year is moving along.

  54. Bertie Says:

    Yes, good advice Connie, we should concentrate on living, not the alternative. Sometimes it’s hard, but being more positive is so much better for us.
    I missed Kathy; I’ll go back and watch the video. She has been looking great lately. I’m not watching HSN today, it’s a lot of Colleen’s fashions 🙄😐. I tried a few of her tops off and on, and a sweater, and it has been at least 5 years since I’ve ordered her clothes. All went back. They shed, pilled, were made of scratchy uncomfortable materials, and one wasn’t see through on TV or online, but it sure was in person. The sizes were also off, even going by their measurement chart. Both her clothes and jewelry are just junk. And it says 14th anniversary…. I didn’t realize she had her own clothing line that long. I thought maybe 10 years at the most.
    I’ve been watching Suzanne Somers quite a bit, I watch the recordings of her podcasts. Goodness sakes, it has been over a month since Alan’s birthday! 😯 Time is going by too fast. I didn’t realize it till she did her monthly subscription reveal last night. The last one was from Malibu, when she wore the blue jumpsuit. Last night she wore a red dress with leopard print gloves and a leopard print hat. Kind of warm for Palm Springs weather, but it was cute. It was a great fall outfit. All she needed were some leopard print boots or shoes. I think they are hitting some snags with the new house remodel; I hope it smooths out soon. She doesn’t seem happy about it, understandably.
    I missed Professor Amos’ demo yesterday thank heavens! His stuff does seem good but it’s really expensive. And y’all are right, I’m a long time viewer too, and I’m pretty sure he was a regular on there by 2002 at the very latest. HSN does mix up anniversaries and usually short changes the host or vendor. I specifically remember Wei East; they did a 10 year anniversary and she’d been on there at least 12 or 13 years.
    I’m going to try to make that pasty that Lainie makes. It sounds so good. That will be my project for the week. I will look back and copy the recipe, and go shopping for the ingredients. So I’d better do that. I’ll let y’all know, good or bad, how it comes out.

  55. Jerri Says:

    Connie, your advice is great. We need to focus on the positive and live in the present.
    HSN nearly always short changes hosts and vendors on their anniversaries. Yes, I’m sure Amos should be celebrating at least 20 years. And I also remember Wei’s 10th. It should have been her 12th, at least. Also, with recent host anniversary advertisements, hasn’t Adam been on there longer than 15 years? The others seem right, but I thought he’d been on there at least 16 or 17 years.
    I’ve been watching SS podcast recordings on and off, and it looks a little gray outside. I looked up Palm Springs weather, and theirs is the same as ours, only warmer! They’ve been having monsoon for a few years now. When we lived there, a little humidity moved in briefly in July and August, with a few rain storms. A guy I worked with said that it was Arizona monsoon weather that drifted over there occasionally. The last summer we were there, it was pretty humid. Now, it’s pretty much like here. And this summer here has sucked. I am ready for Autumn!!
    There’s a homemade artichoke and prosciutto quiche in the oven, and cappuccinos and berries to go with it. Brunch in about 30 minutes. We went grocery shopping early yesterday to be more comfortable and be ahead of any possible rain.
    Bertie, good for you, trying a new recipe. And I hope your party was fun, Lainie. Have a great day, everyone.

    • Bertie Says:

      Your quiche sounds delicious. That’s a nice brunch. You’re quite a cook.
      Well, my pasty was really good! Thank you, Lainie, for the great recipe. I used butter crust, and followed your instructions. It was juicy, savory, and delicious. The leeks and the parsley make it, I think. I have plenty for dinner tonight, and I’m going to slice some fresh peaches and plums to go with it.
      Palm Springs has been hot and dry the few times I’ve been there. But I noticed the gloomy background outside Suzanne’s place, too. There are thousands of swimming pools there, and all the golf courses, which need water, and that contributes greatly to the humidity. It’s always humid by the ocean here, right, Lainie? You don’t notice it as much because it’s cooler.
      Yes, the upcoming anniversaries all sound correct, except Adam’s. I agree, Jerri, he’s been there a year or 2 longer. Runyan was another one; I don’t remember the exact anniversary number but they shorted her a couple years, too. Give people due credit HSN, they deserve it.

  56. Judy Says:

    Good grief!!! 😯🧐🤭😳😬🤨😣
    Watching Heidi Daus with Lynn. Lynn looks great (but does need to trim the frizzies) Heidi has an off shoulder thing that’s about to bare her boobs!!! WTF is wrong with her?? Cover up a little, you old floozie! And to top it off, she’s in front of pink floral wallpaper with olive green wainscotting below 🤢🤢🤢🤢. Why must she wear 💩 that’s not much more than topless?!?! She’s made a fortune with her 💩 jewelry, can’t she afford a BRA AND A NORMAL TOP?? Rant over. 💩 emoji got a workout here.

    • Ella Says:

      I watched for a bit, too. 😬😳🤨😯 Daus is half an inch from being topless. And that top is so loose. I just don’t care for her, and her overexposed tatas, her overpriced junk jewelry, and that sneering smile of hers. She’s a big phony who should have been a stripper.
      Fast week; it looks like we’ll stay home and barbeque again. We are enjoying it while we can. It’s pretty warm, but fairly low humidity. And yes, the light is changing. Golden hour nearly all day long. The days are noticably shorter, we’re heading in to the Equinox. And that will be here before we know it.

  57. Lainie Says:

    Fast, busy week. The birthday party on Tuesday was nice; my friend and her husband had a good time. I was able to chat with a few people I don’t see often. The party was from 1 PM to 4 PM; I arrived at 1:30 and stayed till just after 3. Everyone was practicing social distancing, and there weren’t that many people there, so it wasn’t a COVID party.
    My sister drove out Wednesday morning to check out the golf cart. Its owners will be moving later next month, and they wanted to sell the bigger stuff as early as possible. The cart was a steal; and in great shape, and sis was able to afford it. She’s keeping it in my garage for now. I can keep it charged, and I have plenty of room. After lunch, sis went home to continue packing things. A little after she left, Mary and I walked 3 miles.
    Yesterday (Thursday) AM, grocery shopping and farmer’s market. Thursday night, dinner with my old friend. We see each other about twice a month. I decided on a no fuss dinner. I made steaks, salad, and savory rice. He is falling in love with 😻. We had a nice evening.
    This AM, a 2 mile walk with Mary, followed by brunch at her house. She made scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, fresh berries and yogurt, and homemade coffee cake. We will walk again tomorrow, then give it a rest for a couple days. Tonight, I’m heating up a lasagna I made and froze a couple weeks ago, and making salad to go with it. Comfort food sounds good. I will play with 😻 with his wand, and give him a little workout. I think 😻 and I will have a shut in weekend other than tomorrow’s walk. I seriously need a breather.
    I caught Lynn in one of the Gabor wigs today, a black one 😳😬🙁😧. It was a really bad choice. She looked like Fergie (Black eyed Peas) got old and decided to go goth. 😕 It was not good. Don’t do that again, for the sake of the pets and children. And I got a glimpse of Daus in the video from yesterday. 🤨🧐😳😳😳😳😬. Cover up, you old ho! Children may be watching.

    • Judy Says:

      Do I detect a boyfriend there … last night’s dinner guest? You have had a busy week. I don’t blame you; I’d hide away this weekend, too.
      Good grief 😯😯😯😯! I saw Fergalynnous in that wig, too. Firstly, the wig looked like that fake, shiny doll hair. Secondly, the style and color on Lynn 😬😐🧐☹️😳😯😯. It was a horrible style for her… and the black 😬😳😯. What were they thinking?! Mary Sunshine meets S&M Sadie?! Goth Fergie? Let’s make Lynn unrecognizable even to her family?! Angry brows and horror hair?! When I first turned it on, I thought “who the heck is this bimbo?” Then I turned the volume up, and Lynn’s unmistakable voice came out of its mouth. Aaaargh!! The 5 minutes or so I had it on were totally jaw dropping. I’m pretty certain there will be a black haired villain in my nightmares tonight 😳😳😳😳.
      Anyway, 😻😻 and I are going to have an early dinner, and then a movie marathon. A COMEDY marathon. No kink movies, no S&M, no weird looking black haired bimbos, no horror and no feckin’ wigs!!!!

      • Lainie Says:

        Not boyfriend; FWB. We met at a party my late BIL and sister gave about 15 years ago. We’ve been FWB since and it works out well. I don’t want a relationship, I like being single. I think he’d like it to be more, but is ok with it the way it is. He is a good guy; I’m just not into relationships anymore. My sister only found out about us a couple years ago and was surprised. I don’t advertise it; it works fine the way it is. He brings me gifts (half of my really good jewelry came from him), sends me flowers (now he makes sure they’re 😻 safe, and spoils me. I usually make dinner, sometimes we go out. I lived in Palm Springs when this started; he lived in the Inland Empire area north of PS. Now he lives in my sister’s general area. He’s about 10 years younger than me, and has a VERY well paying career. I call him my Tanzanite, diamond, and emerald guy. My jewelry box is testimony to that. We talk on the phone in between visits, and are a part of each other’s lives. I don’t think either of us has been with anyone else; we are very compatible. We love each other, respect each other, and what we have works. 😻 and he love each other.
        My salad is made and the lasagna will be ready in a few minutes. 😻 already had dinner. After dinner, I’m cleaning up and 😻 and I will head to the bedroom for 😻 cuddles and TV. And your “Fergalynnous made me lol! That was a horrible sight to behold. Eyewash, please!

      • Judy Says:

        Wow, you sly 😈. Normally, I’d say grab him, he’s a keeper. But I’ve learned that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Marry or live with him, and it may change the whole dynamic, and not work. Sounds like you have a good thing just the way it is. If I could find same, I would do same!
        😻😻and I are in bed, with some good snacks, and some good SpongeBob movies and episodes. There are no Fergalynns, dark haired demons, goth villains, or other nightmare inducing visuals. And to all, a good night!

      • Bertie Says:

        Good for you! We all need a little spice in our life. He sounds like a good guy. Enjoy yourself.
        I didn’t think Lynn was scary but I saw the food show and at first I thought it was a new slutty vendor 🤔🤫😬. I also watch on mute most of the time. And yes, raising the volume revealed the voice of Lynn Murphy. The style wasn’t bad, but in combination with her severe lighter eyebrows, and the black color, there were slutty goth Fergie vibes. JMO, but I’ve never cared much for Fergie. It seems her only talent is wearing skimpy outfits and shaking her butt. To each their own. Also, not surprised she and Duhamel split. I never understood what he saw in her. Again, just my opinion. Anyway, that’s a look Lynn should NOT repeat!
        I worked out early today, then my friend and I walked for a bit. I had scrambled eggs and toast when I got back. I’m making Tex-Mex chicken for dinner. Spicy and savory. I’ll make plain rice and a salad to go with it.
        Tomorrow there’s a flea market here for all the residents. I donated some clothes, and a few kitchen things. I’m going to go just to look around, not buy. I don’t need more junk to get rid of! My friend is going with me and it will give us something to do. She has a neat lamp she bought at last year’s, but she said that was a fluke. I’m not taking any money so I won’t be tempted.

  58. Lainie Says:

    I did some Pilates before my walk earlier. I needed to stretch. I’m going to ease back into my workouts; there will be a flurry of activity around the end of the month when my sister moves.
    Take some money with you to the flea market. When I lived in Palm Springs, there was a yard sale at a nice condo community. It looked like a big HSN haul was being offered. Come to find out someone’s mom had been ordering from HSN and hoarding things she didn’t need.
    There was Jay King jewelry, SS jewelry and clothes, many other jewelry and clothes, Wolfgang Puck cookware, and most of it was new in box. I bought some Jay King jewelry, some Wolf cookware, and several Carlos Falchi bags, which I still have. Her SS jewelry was either stuff I already had, or stuff I didn’t like. There was some silver jewelry with natural gems that I bought, too. Also, she had some all cotton queen size sheet sets in nice colors, and I bought some of those. I came away from that sale a winner; new items at about 1/4 the original cost. I still have everything, and I still use the sheets on my guest bed. They aren’t used much so they’ve lasted a long time.
    Anyway, that was a once in a lifetime find. She said they were able to return some stuff for refund, but were selling the rest cheap so as to get rid of it quickly and use the proceeds to help pay off her mom’s very full credit card. Mom was lonely and bored, and especially years back, home shopping could lure you in and hook you, especially if you were vulnerable. Hopefully Mom has found another hobby!!
    I’m ordering in Chinese AGAIN for dinner, plus extra, it’s so good,
    made natural and healthy, and convenient. Tomorrow my niece and her bf are coming to visit; I’m making pasta puttanesca with a big green salad, garlic bread, and almond praline ice cream and almond biscotti for dessert. Then after they leave, 😻 and I will watch TV and I’ll have leftover Chinese food for a snack 😉.

  59. Judy Says:

    Bertie, Lainie
    I’m not a Fergie fan, either. And also not a fan of Lynn’s goth rendition of her 😬.
    What a great find, Lainie! You hit the HSN mother lode. I especially envy the Falchi bags. I have a few; some at full price, some at clearance. To save that much would have been great! Also Wolf’s cookware. That poor woman must have had a huge credit limit, and way too much time on her hands. A sale like that is a very rare find.
    Later my SIL and brother are coming over for burgers and grilled chicken wings. I’m serving dinner buffet style, with salad, garlic bread, sliced tomatoes, pickles, sliced red onion, a pasta salad, and later, ice cream and homemade cookies. Then tomorrow I’ll have leftovers and snacky stuff.
    I went for a walk early this morning. The 😻😻 barely missed me; they were being sleepyheads. That wand toy really gives them a workout…. they rest well afterward. Anyway, tomorrow I’ll work out a little, then make ahead some casseroles for future dinners. Tamale pie, wagon wheel pasta with beef and mushrooms, enchiladas, lasagna, chicken and noodles…. those are some of the ones I make. Tomorrow night, I’m copying Lainie and ordering Chinese food. There’s a place here that keeps it natural, no grease, and healthier choices. And it’s delicious.

  60. Ella Says:

    It looks like HSN is a wash today. Jay King isn’t even on. I guess they figured they’d better give old Gilman some air time. Jay has been on more frequently lately with all the sales. The other 2 channels are usually unwatchable.
    Anyway, when hubby gets back from Pop’s in a couple hours, we are getting ready to go to an afternoon cocktail party at friends. I will dress up a little in some of my Giuliana things. The every way dress in coral palm, and I have some nude sandals that will go with it. Good idea about pinning the pocket, Lainie. I have a very small container for an Rx I take, my ID, and keys, and the pocket will work for that. I told hubby to have a couple cocktails; I’ll be designated driver. Alcohol and heat are a bad mixture for me, anyway, and it will be close to 100° today. We’ll probably stay for a couple hours, then leave. I’m not much on parties, either.
    I saw Lynn in that wig 😳. Definitely stripper Fergie, lol. I had the foodie show on, volume off, and wondered who the new hoochie vendor was. Up with the volume, there was Lynn’s voice. Black is NOT your color, Lynn. And her \/ eyebrows, too light for the wig color, with the bangs… 🤭🙁😬.
    We barbequed at Pop’s yesterday. Tonight we’re getting pizza on the way home from the party and I’ll make a salad to go with it. That will wrap up the weekend.

  61. Jerri Says:

    The boys spent the weekend, and we finished brunch about a half hour ago. Mr cleaned up the kitchen, then followed the boys home because our son’s work computer is acting up and he needs help. He’s been working on it this weekend himself to no avail.
    We had a fun day yesterday, riding dirt bikes (not me, my bones can break easily) and I rode the quad runner for a bit. The guys took off and went on a little dirt road trek. I came in and prepared the beef ribs, and fired up the grill. Grilled marinated eggplant, zucchini, corn (there’s still some left in the stores and farmers market), portobello mushrooms, and leeks. Plus ribs, pasta with pesto, and garlic bread, an evil food I can’t seem to get enough of. It was a nice day.
    I saw Lynn in the wig. At first, I also thought there was a new hoochie vendor. Then I wondered what possessed her to pick that color wig. The style wasn’t that complimentary, either. BTW, she does need to trim about 2″ off her own hair. Anyway, I got Fergie vibes from it, too. Not a Fergie fan, either.
    Mr just called and informed me he’ll most likely be at the kids’ for dinner. So for me, it’s going to be hot roast beef and cheese, with all the trimmings, on garlic bread. Some leftover pasta from last night, and a big bowl of ice cream for dessert.
    This week is ?? so far. I guess we’ll see what it brings. I just wish monsoon would leave for the year! I have a lot to be grateful for, and anyone who can complain only about monsoon is lucky, indeed. I count my blessings every day.

  62. Judy Says:

    Today is a blah TV day for home shopping and everything else. I cleaned the grill, did some laundry, and I just finished having the little bit of leftovers from yesterday’s barbeque for lunch. I’m ordering Chinese food tonight, like I said. It really sounds good.
    I’m going to make some homemade cat food for 😻😻. They loved the trial batch I made. They’ve been so sweet lately. And having fun with the wand toy, and other toys.
    My SIL and brother are going to her brother’s for dinner tonight. He’s having a small get together. I was invited but I “had other plans”. I don’t do well at get togethers. The pizza night is ok because there are so few of us, and we’ve known each other for years. And, it’s only a few times a year. Anyway, I’ll gladly keep the “plans” I had!!
    This week it’s the usual. I might take a drive down to Little town. My excuse is they have a TJ Maxx there. I want to see if they have any rings 💍, any Perlier, or anything else I might need. Also, for some odd reason, it makes me feel better to spend a little time there once in awhile. I think what I like is that they have mostly maintained the integrity of the past while adding modern things. Anyway, it always feels like home.

  63. Bertie Says:

    I just finished an early dinner. Luckily I had leftovers from last night. I had a big breakfast before the rummage sale, but was starving when I got in. I took your advice, Lainie, and took money with me, but there wasn’t one darn thing that I liked or needed. My friend even passed on the whole thing. Definitely not worth missing lunch over! But, for a good cause. The proceeds go to St. Jude’s hospital for kids. So I hope others found things to buy.
    Home shopping has been 😴 boring, at least for me. Not even Jay King! I guess this evening I’ll see what movies are on cable, and streaming and make some popcorn and hot chocolate and have a little marathon.
    This week I have a hair appointment; cut and dye time. I do my own manicure and I need one, so that’s on the agenda, too. I need to do a thorough grocery shopping. And time to begin my fall cleaning, to get ready for the holidays.
    I hope y’all have a great week!

  64. Lainie Says:

    Monday, Monday. My niece and her bf stayed till after dinner yesterday, and we had a nice visit. They’re going to miss my sister being closer to them; they live in Los Angeles. She was close, being in the San Fernando valley, now she’ll be over an hour away. But she’ll have a guest room, so they can always stay over.
    I’m due for a haircut, too, Bertie. I color it myself. But I go about every 2 months for a cut and blowdry. I think my appointment is next week. I will color it tomorrow. I like the way the color I buy at Sally’s looks better than the one my stylist uses. Hers always has a little red in it, which isn’t good on me.
    Doomsday preparation on HSN; MREs, power banks, battery chargers. They squeezed Adrienne in later,; I may watch her. The previews showed she has the same old products, but I still like watching. “For old times sake”. It’s late for this, but she should clean up her products, bring back her (cleaner) caviar line, bring back some other products, dump argan oil stuff, and bring back some of her Italian powders. She sold way more when she had more and better variety. And was priced way more reasonably.
    @Jerri, I hope your Mr was able to fix son’s computer. That was a long workday for him. IT guys are always working, even off the job. And after they’re retired. Your grandsons must be adorable. Sounds like a fun Saturday.
    @Bertie, sorry the sale had nothing for you, but it was great to give the proceeds to St. Jude’s. I used to love yard sales, etc, a trait I picked up from my dear mom. I realized I was getting way too much “inventory”, and for the most part, stopped going many years ago. The Palm Springs one advertised new in box HSN stuff, so it was worth stopping by. I’ve gone to a couple in the community here and they had nothing I wanted.
    Shopping and farmer’s market tomorrow morning. I need to make 😻 some more food. His coat is nicer and he seems happier on the homeopathic diet, so be it. I need to also make ahead a few casseroles, and get some baking supplies. I see another chicken pot pie on the horizon. Maybe a pasty, too.
    Now I’m going to have brunch. Mary and I walked for over an hour earlier. So I’m hungry now! I have lox and bagels, sliced tomatoes and avocado, and coffee cake I made early this morning.

  65. Jerri Says:

    Ok, speaking of hair. Lynn’s dark Fergie faux pas has been mentioned on another forum. And today, she has a small hanging hunk. Just pin it back, and you’ll be fine.
    Colleens hair is shorter; I noticed around the glass ruby presentation time. Not a lot, but it looks better; doesn’t weigh her face down. She can still wear it up, too.
    Lainie, I use a color that Sally’s sells. Covers my stubborn gray and leaves my hair nice. My friend/former coworker and I cut and touch up each other’s roots. Makes it easy and much safer COVID wise. Make sure you wear a mask, everyone, when visiting a salon or barber shop.
    JMO, but the Gabor wigs are awful and expensive. Doll hair at its finest?!? Wigs can be hard to wear. Even modern ones can hold heat in, and getting them to stay put can be challenging. Go to a wig shop and get fitted. And get something that looks good on you. Remember, real hair wigs are much more difficult to care for. Get synthetic that looks real. And yes, that is such a thing.
    Our son’s computer is fixed but Mr advised him it’s time for a new one. This is a special Lenovo work horse computer that is $$$$$$$. Pay once, cry once. This one has lasted for a long time; they’re worth the money. He mainly works from home, and he needs a good computer. My SoCal kids have Lenovos, too. So do Mr and I. So do my DIL here, and the boys. This family should be given shares in Lenovo!
    Grocery shopping tomorrow. Cat food time again. And the cupboard is somewhat bare. Tonight we’ll have Mexican chicken, quesadillas with jack cheese, tomatoes and avocados, fresh berries and sliced nectarines, Mexican rice, and San Pellegrino. A Mexican coworker from long ago gave me the recipes for her delicious Mexican chicken and rice. It has been a hit for years. I’m grilling the chicken but it can be cooked in the oven, too.

    • Lainie Says:

      I always wear a mask in the salon 😷 👍. And I thought Colleen’s hair looked a little shorter. It is more becoming. I give up on Lynn. Her hair has been a disaster, for the most part, for years. And now the brows \/ 🤦🏼‍♀️. Sally’s has some good products.
      😻 is being extra affectionate today. We’ve been playing almost all morning. He’s so much company. I’m so glad I found him ♥️♥️. My sister will probably get a cat, too, once she moves. She’s in love with 😻 but she can’t have him!
      Great minds think alike…. grocery shopping tomorrow. It looks like we’re both low on homemade cat food, too. Your cats are huge, and you have 2; you must go through it quickly. It’s a labor of love. I bet your cats are ADORABLE. 😻 is big, too. Not fat, big. He’s approaching his 1 year birthday, and he weighs in at 16 lbs. Vet says he may get a little bigger, or he could stop. More of him to love 😻♥️💜🧡💜♥️😻
      Your dinner sounds great. I’m having Chinese food again. I don’t feel like cooking.

  66. Jennav2 Says:

    Antonella and Elizabeth Werner posted pictures of a visit they had . Apparently they had a sleepover, and there’s is a picture of them eating what is surely expensive an crab meal at some restaurant near Chesapeake Bay where antonella is docked with her unemployed hubby and 30 year old son,
    Just how long does she need a GoFundMe when she lost her job two years ago ?

    Antonella apparently treated Elizabeth to everything.
    They are basically living off of working people,, many who say they also had or have cancer , and sailing around on a yacht for almost two years !
    Lisa Robertson just had some necklace sale and all of the proceeds go to fund Antonella and her yacht life ! At the end of every video Antonella has the message “ thanks for keeping us going “!
    WTF? Talk about a since of entitlement!

    • Judy Says:

      I can’t believe people don’t see this. Old saying, a fool and their money are soon parted, fits here.
      Antonella has always been entitled. She was likeable at first because she hid her true self. The real her is not likeable, at all. And she and her family are all scammers.

  67. Jerri Says:

    Shopping done; 😻😻 food made. Lainie, your 😻 could grow up to 2 years old, slowing down after 1 year. Mine aren’t fat, either. They’re muscular, sweet, huge, babies. The vet isn’t sure, but thinks there may be Maine coon in their ancestry. They look like tabbies on steroids. They eat a lot. But they are thriving on the homeopathic diet, so it’s worth it.
    I watched Adrienne a little last night and today. Last night, she looked a little off. I think she may have been tired. She looked more herself today. Her product selection is terrible, and the products themselves follow suit. Your idea is good, Lainie, but too late, as you said. Lynn was on earlier with Paul Woods live for his 11th 😯 anniversary. Hunk day again, she can’t help herself. I didn’t stay long enough to give a nail/manicure report.
    Mr is over at kids helping our son pick out the best version of a computer online. Before he left, he put groceries away and helped with the 😻😻 food assembly line. He’s bringing Vietnamese spring rolls and pho home for dinner. There’s a good place here where they use all fresh ingredients, no msg or other chemicals, and their food is great. There’s a good Chinese place, too. Ditto Mexican. We’re very lucky. I’m looking forward to dinner.

    • Lainie Says:

      He’ll grow to age 2?!?!! Oy, Vey!!! He’s already huge. Ah, well, more to love ♥️😻♥️. Thanks for the info. I’m looking forward to having a giant 😻! Me, at 5’1″, 100 lbs, and he, being huge, we’ll make quite an odd couple 🤭😁.
      I colored my hair this morning. I had to go to several grocery stores yesterday to get what I needed (sign of the times ☹️), farmer’s market, pet supply, post office, bank…. I was pooped when I came back. Then I made the 😻 food, and was extra pooped. So that’s all I got done yesterday. I’ll make a couple casseroles later and freeze them.
      I watched Adrienne yesterday, too. Also Monday night. She did seem tired Monday. And Paul Woods has been on HSN 11 years? Sure doesn’t seem like it. Today there’s Wynne, various beauty stuff 🙄 and really nothing for me. Debbie D celebrates her 5th anniversary; one of few they got right.
      I told Mary if I’m feeling better tomorrow, I’ll walk with her. On Friday I’ll see if she wants to do Pilates with me. Last night I made a sandwich for dinner. Tonight I’m having chicken and salad with garlic bread (the bread is already made). I’m doing movies or TV shows, or if there’s something on cable or streaming, I’ll watch that. I need to recover from yesterday, lol!

      • Lainie Says:

        😻 is a red tabby. Maybe there’s a giant tabby species? I actually love that he’s huge.

      • Jerri Says:

        Mine are brothers, litter mates. One is silver, one is red. The vet jokingly said something about a huge tabby going around, fathering kittens. At first he didn’t include Maine coon as an option; they look nothing like Maine coons. They are tabbies in appearance and behavior…or American shorthairs, if you will. But he thinks it’s a possibility way back in their ancestry, and the size came through this time. Maybe same with your 😻 .Their heads and faces are huge, like a small child. And the red one favors sharing my pillow with me ♥️. I have king size pillows but it doesn’t help much. I don’t care, I love them so much. The silver one sleeps on Mr’s chest or head, or occasionally on mine, lol.
        Anyway, we changed the sheets and did laundry today. Mr will grill some turkey Italian sausage, and I’ll cut it up and mix it with some ravioli with pesto. I’m using mushroom artichoke ravioli. With it, fruit salad with peaches, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. I made an almond cake with powdered sugar, and I’ll serve it with toasted almond ice cream.

      • Jerri Says:

        I thought I wrote this earlier…maybe I forgot to hit post?
        Anyway, my 😻😻 are litter mates, brothers. One is silver, one is red. At first the vet didn’t think they had Maine coon blood, but now he thinks they may a few generations back, and the large size came through. They look like American shorthair tabbies. Not at all like Maine coons. But I think they must have some of that bloodline, or else some tabbies get HUGE. Your 😻 may have it, too. And I love my big kitties.
        Mr is finishing up a Skype call with Dad. I have snacks, cold drinks, and 😻😻in the bedroom, waiting for him to join us for movies. It’s warm and cloudy out, with a chance of rain. What a nice feeling to be comfortable inside with the ones you love.

      • Lainie Says:

        You must have fecked up your email, not forgot to hit “post”, lol 😉. My 😻 looks nothing like a Maine coon, either. Maybe there IS a giant tabby species that pops out every few generations. I don’t care, I love my big boy, too. I bet your 😻😻 love bedtime movie hour. Mine sure does.
        New fashion line on HSN; very meh, called Jones. I think she needs more color options. Anyway, nothing I’m in the mood for. Bit of a mix things today. Jay King’s 27th anniversary, Andrew L, kitchen stuff… I may keep it on just for company.
        I didn’t feel like walking today; Mary and I will do pilates tomorrow then walk for about an hour. I have more work from another client. I’ll work on that today and they’ll come by for it tomorrow evening. A little extra $$ always helps. I’m having beef stroganoff tonight, with salad and garlic bread. The beef is simmering now. It looks like laundry and work today, then later tonight 😻 and I will watch SpongeBob (great mind relaxer after crunching numbers all day). 😻 loves SpongeBob; he likes to hear Gary meow. He looks at the TV and sees no 😻, so it intrigues him. Anyway, although my life may be boring to outsiders, it suits me fine.

      • Jerri Says:

        🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I was distracted when I finished my post, so I probably fecked it up and I didn’t check it. Now you know plenty about my 😻😻, lol!! And they love TV in bed ♥️♥️. Your dinner sounds good. We’re having hamburgers and salad.
        I saw some of the Jones premiere; the clothes are meh and I don’t like the colors. Hopefully she’ll improve soon, though I wouldn’t buy. HSN is mostly junk. And I started watching HSN in 1999; and Jay was established, so 27 years should be about right. His early years were great. After about 2004-2005, his stuff got cheap and boring.
        We are having our former neighbors and (still) friends over tomorrow night for cocktails and dinner. So today there will be a little prep for that. Mr is over at the kids’ helping son navigate his new VERY complicated computer a bit easier.

  68. Judy Says:

    I made my 😻😻 food, too. They sure love it. I’m looking forward to better health for them because of it, too.
    I drove down to Little Town yesterday. The shopping center where TJM is, is always super busy. It’s a big open air mall and people go there from all over the valley because shopping sucks elsewhere. Anyway, I found 2 nice affordable rings, and some winter sleepwear, which I really need. I also noticed, on a quick drive through the town, homeless criminal element outside many places of business, and scattered everywhere. Some asking for money at the mall, too. Too much opportunity for trouble and harm. I’ll stick to the mall if I go there, it’s right off the freeway and I can avoid the rest of town. This is everywhere, to some extent, and something needs to be done about it.
    I’m making 2 batches of chicken enchiladas tonight; one for dinner and one to freeze. I’m having sliced nectarines with it. I cooked the chicken did and other prep yesterday, so all I have to do is put it together, bake one and freeze one today.

  69. Ella Says:

    Jerri, Lainie, your 😻😻😻 sound adorable ♥️♥️♥️.
    Judy, it’s shocking at how Little Town has become so crime ridden. Like many other places, the drug problem is huge. I go to the Safeway there, near TJM, and it’s just off, then back on the freeway. I don’t venture further even though I used to like it there. There are so few jobs, and no support systems of any kind.
    The cocktail party was ok; we didn’t quite make 2 hours. It was indoor/outdoor, so it was still hot. The food didn’t look good; we were instructed not to bring any, so we didn’t eat. Hubby had a beer and we mingled a little and left. The people who were there weren’t people we really knew and it seemed silly to stay. The pizza we got afterward was the best part of the day, for sure. It seems like the old crowd moved or is keeping to themselves.
    I watched a little of Jay’s anniversary show. Lynn looked nice. Her hair looked normal. And she has a great rapport with Jay. The show was nice; unfortunately, the jewelry was 👎. Jay should go back to his earlier designs. His current jewelry is boring and way over priced.

  70. Bertie Says:

    I haven’t watched much TV at all lately; I’ve been cleaning and organizing. Just to get deep in the corners, and freshen things up before Fall gets here. I’ve been pretty neat and clean, so there wasn’t too much to do this time.
    I went to the salon and got color and cut. I try to keep my hair just a little above my shoulders. It’s curly, so I can do wash and wear, or blow dry it smooth. It’s kind of a medium light auburn. I did my manicure yesterday. I just do my natural nails and I usually do taupes and beiges or light pinks, or French, like this time. And I leave them bare occasionally so they can breathe. I save the loud colors for my toes, lol.
    I watched some of Jay King’s show; wow, 27 years. I agree with y’all that his early stuff was much better. I skipped through the Jones video. She’s a nice lady, and her clothes are ok, but very basic. It would help if she did more colors. I have to say here, that I prefer basic over shark bite hems, off the shoulders, drop hems, and weird styles that are hard to wear. Oh, and gosh darned jumpsuits. I hate those things with a passion! I do believe there’s a place for her clothes, she just needs to expand a little more.
    I’m having homemade macaroni and cheese, and corn bread and sliced tomatoes and cucumbers. Tomorrow night I’m going to order in a pizza.
    Those big tabby cats sound so cute 😻😻😻. It’s interesting, how they got/are getting so big. I just know they are extra cute and wonderful to cuddle ♥️.

  71. Judy Says:

    I watched some of Jay King’s anniversary shows both yesterday and today. Lynn looked very nice. The jewelry, as above bloggers said, was a huge disappointment. Well, not really; we’ve gotten used to his new boring style. Also, the composite stuff is a big NO. Especially at his prices 💰💸💰💸💰💸💰.
    Ella, good advice. I will definitely keep it just off, then back on the freeway when I go to Little Town, going only to the mall. It seems an over abundance of crime has moved into LT. No, I will not move there. I’m much better off where I am.
    Later my brother and SIL are bringing beef rib$$$$ to grill. I’m supplying macaroni and cheese, sliced raw red, orange, and yellow bell peppers, and corn to grill. I have a couple kinds of ice cream if someone wants dessert.
    This weekend, I’m going to follow Bertie’s good advice ✨, and do some early Fall cleaning. I’ve only been in here 8 months or so, so it should be easy to stay on top of things. I need to take out my Halloween and Christmas things, and see if I need anything. I bought my tree from a well known online source, on sale, about 3 years ago. I got a white one; always wanted one, plus, my former house was on the darker side. So the white lit it up more. Anyway, I’m set for a tree; I just need to see how the ornaments, etc, are.
    So, that’s my weekend. I’ll try a new pizza place and order in so I can keep busy and don’t have to stop and cook.

  72. Lainie Says:

    Too bad about Little Town. It was an almost perfect example of mid century all American small town. Clean, taken care of, and everyone was friendly. Now…. what a shame.
    Lynn has looked nice the last couple days. Jay’s stuff is such a disappointment. Looking back at “Everyday Jones”, her prices sure as hell aren’t every day!! I didn’t pay attention to the prices yesterday. A faux suede ho hum jacket for nearly $100?! And a more ho hum faux suede dress for same?! More over priced dreck shmatte. Oy.
    Mary and I did Pilates for 30 minutes, and walked for an hour+. I’m done with exercise for the weekend. I’m going to take it easy; the Big Move will be soon 🙄😐. I’m ordering pizza for tonight, and making salad to go with it. I made ahead a HUGE lasagna, which I will eat for dinner and lunches this weekend. And yes, be thoroughly done with lasagna for awhile. Other than that, playing and cuddling 😻, and looking at TV. Oh, and there are chips, dips, and other evil snacks.

  73. Ella Says:

    I hope everyone here had a nice weekend. We did family barbeque on Saturday and relaxed yesterday.
    On Friday I got a call from the travel magazine I did an article for last spring. They liked the Monterey -Carmel photos I submitted, and invited me to do another article.
    I’ve been putting together an outline of the 4 days, and adding a photo collage to each day. I’ve just started filling in the outline, and the article is coming along nicely. I made sure to note the changes we noticed there this time; so anyone else who hasn’t been there in a few years will be prepared. The most notable change is how extremely crowded it has become. Anyway, something to keep me busy, and make some $$$. They will probably publish it in the next issue, which will come out in September. So I’m working quickly to finish; before Wednesday this week. So, no home shopping for me….not that there’s anything on there for me lately anyway. I can submit it online, like before. Hopefully I won’t have to go to San Francisco again.
    Let me know if I miss anything!

    • Lainie Says:

      If you’ve been missing something so have I. Congratulations on the magazine spread. Extra income is always welcome. I finished doing client work for someone Thursday; and I got bombarded with more starting on Friday! I had to work steadily as opposed to at my own pace, so I could finish more quickly. I know The Move is soon and I don’t want to be distracted by that when I’m working. The last client just picked up her paperwork. And I have some extra $$$$. Always welcome.
      The little bit I’ve put TV on, HSN has been a snooze, except for glimpses of Michael Valitutti’s jewelry 😍🤩🥰. I think I’ll order a couple rings. He has some clearance sales that are pretty good. Other than that, I’m padding my checking and adding to my savings. I haven’t bought jewelry in awhile, so this will be my little splurge.
      Tomorrow, grocery shopping, and I’m making lots of 😻 food ahead so I’m prepared. He likes to sit on my lap while I’m working, or right next to me. It has been partly cloudy or overcast, and we’re back in the low 70s. So it kind of has that feeling of Fall settling in….cooler, gloomier, and good to be inside. I’ve only taken a couple walks these past few days. Back to pilates and walking Friday. And the week goes on… have a good one!

      • Ella Says:

        Thanks!! I just came to say I submitted my article yesterday, and they loved it. I had tons of pictures; hard to pick but I first eliminated ones with us in them. They liked the selection, and I signed off electronically, so hopefully no San Francisco trip needed. Feels good to be done and $$$$ on the way! Looks like we both picked up work over the weekend. So worth it. My husband needs tires on his vehicle, so this is timely.
        I’ve looked at a few HSN videos after the fact; no, we haven’t missed anything. We’ve been mainly watching news and movies after I quit for the night. For my occasional work, I need to stay connected to the pulse of the world. Honestly, I’d rather not. There isn’t much good out there. That said, have a good week, you and 😻.

  74. Bertie Says:

    Great news, Ella, I bet your article is great!
    I finished my Fall cleaning. There wasn’t much to do, but now I can rest knowing the place is done. I don’t do Spring cleaning; this is my yearly cleaning project.
    I was able to liquidate some funds that have been “buried and forgot about” for years, so I had a nice little bonu$. I’m doing good; I just try to be careful in case of unexpected expenses. I see a Michael Valitutti ring in my near future 🤩😍 💍. Anyway, a little extra $$ is always welcome!

  75. Judy Says:

    Good for you, Ella! Your beautiful pictures will go into a wonderful story.
    WHAT is with Lynn and the awkward, hokey cold shoulder get ups the last couple days 🙄🧐? Her hair looks good, for what it is, but those tops/dresses look awkward and uncomfortable. JMO, those who like cold shoulder may feel differently. But they do look awkward.
    I did some cleaning and organizing, and inventory. My Halloween decor definitely needs beefing up, Christmas is ok but could use a few things. I’ll try Michael’s, Target, and the dollar store. And hope with the minimizing changes Target made, they still have a great selection of seasonal decor. There’s online, too.
    I’m roasting a chicken and some vegetables. I’m going to feed 😻😻 then have my dinner. I’m having the deliciously ubiquitous garlic bread with it 🍗🥖🥕🌽🥦🍆.

  76. Ella Says:

    Fall fashion preview on HSN today, for those interested. Took a look at Colleen’s Facebook to see what “great” designs she had. She was wearing a peplum top. The shirt part was dark navy. The peplum was white. With peplum sleeves. The skinny part was navy, the bell or peplums were white. It looked really silly and over done. And in the comments, people loved it. Who the hell wears this 💩?? I wouldn’t wear that thing to an ugly sweater party. Needless to say, I didn’t look further. I knew it would be gimmicky fashions, but that was too much.

    • Lainie Says:

      @Ella, Lynn had that awful top on for Colleen’s presentation. @Judy, that’s probably where those goofy cold shoulder rags came from. Dreck Schmatte! With a big dose of horrible materials and workmanship.
      I’ll save Giuliana’s presentation videos for the weekend. I’m going to workout and walk tomorrow, then make breakfast for Mary and myself. Probably omelettes and fruit.
      I’m resting this weekend; this has been a busy week, and as soon as my sister’s house closes, there will be lots to do. Even though she swears I don’t need to do anything 🙄😒.
      For tonight’s dinner, I’m making grilled hamburgers. The grill is lit already. I’ll probably have salad with it. 😻 will have the usual. Treats, snacks, and movies later.

      • Ella Says:

        And….. I forgot to add, that Dreck top is $50. Surely she must be kidding. It has lace on the borders of the peplums and it looks like ripped fabric. Eeeeesh.

  77. Jerri Says:

    Hey, guys!!
    Tomorrow (Friday) night, August 19, 7 to 9 PM PDT, Falloween special with Amy and Adam on HSN. It was so fun last year, I thought you should know. And if you miss it live, there’s always the video 🎃👻💀🎃.
    Busy week this week, followed by next. Hope you’re all well. Ella, great job!! Maybe you can be a guest writer at the magazine. Have a great weekend, everyone! 😻😻♥️♥️

    • Bertie Says:

      Thanks for the reminder. I watched last year and they had it twice, on 2 separate nights, maybe a week apart? After reading your post I looked quickly for a second night but don’t see one. I’ll look again later. I’ll probably watch the video, because I’m having company tonight. But I definitely want to see it.
      I looked at the preview for the items, seems a lot less than last year. Finances are tighter this year. I’m getting about 1/3 of the groceries I got last year for the same price 🙁. I guess HSN is scaling back this year, in anticipation of lower sales. Amy and Adam were fun last year, and I’m sure it will be worth watching.
      I’m having a cocktail party later. I’ve invited several friends from the community here. I’m keeping the bar simple (sorry, no weird drinks, no screaming blue demons or whatever), and serving finger foods and cocktail fare. I put in the invitations that everyone should have a light dinner before arriving. I’m not feeding them, just giving them snacks of sorts. Much more affordable than a dinner party, and more mingle friendly, too.
      Anyway, I hope y’all have a good evening and nice weekend.

      • Bertie Says:

        🎃 HEY, Y’ALL 🎃
        There will be another Falloween HSN special. Tuesday, September 20, from 6 to 9 PM Pacific Time.
        BUT, it will be Adam and Michelle Yarn, not Amy. It still should be fun, and after searching the program schedule for all this ding dang time, I’m watching it or at least watching the videos!!
        So mark your calendars, and even if you don’t buy, like me, it gives you some great decorating ideas. I still have to watch last night’s videos; I’ve been cleaning up after the party today. It was good and everyone enjoyed it. Have a nice weekend.

  78. Ella Says:

    Thanks for digging up the other Falloween special. I couldn’t find it when I looked. Michelle is great, but I’m wondering why he isn’t paired with Amy? Scheduling? Anyway, I still have to watch the first one.
    Pop is here to keep me company; the boys are out on a short motorcycle ride. I’m making the sauce for baked shells and cheese. The sauce is a light tomato sauce, and there will be lots of cheese. It’s still hot here, but it cools down a bit at night. Comfort food sounds good. I’ll make a big green salad to go with it, and garlic bread.
    Nothing of interest to me on HSN, or other shopping channels. Pop wants to watch “Back to the Future”, so we’ll watch part one today. I’ll let him borrow parts 2 and 3 to take home. I may put Jay King on afterward, just for curiosity’s sake. I don’t care for Iman or her fashions, and she’s the main thing today, along with Jay’s 27th anniversary.
    The light is that end-of-summer burnished gold. I’m going to pour us some coffee, and we’ll sit outside and enjoy it before the heat comes in.

  79. Jerri Says:

    I have a rare afternoon of solitude, so I watched Falloween with Amy and Adam. And made a note in my calendar (thanks, Bertie 😘) for the one on September 20th. I think they were about a month apart last year.
    I liked everything, especially the mercury glass pumpkins, witches hats, and candy corn. Most of all, the willow tree with the pastel lights 😍. I’ll watch the prices, if anything is left, it may go on clearance. I really want that tree! I love the subtle twinkle of the lights. Right now we are putting $$ away for something, and I want that more. I’d like to have both, but……
    We have rain moving in so I decided to make something cozy for dinner. We’ll have hot corned beef sandwiches on garlic bread, oven roast corn, sliced tomatoes with balsamic vinegar, and homemade chocolate cream pie..
    Right now, 😻😻 and I are snuggled on the sofa watching TV. The a/c is working more because of the humidity, so it’s a tiny bit chilly in here. That won’t last long when the oven comes on!

  80. Lainie Says:

    The Move is happening right now, and I am taking a break from the madness to read this, have lunch, and play with 😻. I’ll go back later on.
    I was up early yesterday, and had HSN on with the volume up, and Guy Yovan was on, first time I’ve heard his voice in awhile. IS HE OK? WHAT’S GOING ON WITH HIS VOICE? It sounds congested, hoarse, and high pitched….WHAT HAPPENED? I’ve always liked him, and he’s a good host. If anyone knows, please post and enlighten me. I hope it isn’t anything serious. I was shocked when he spoke.
    Hopefully my sister will be done with the rest of us soon and settle in on her own. Oy. 🤦🏼‍♀️😐😒🙄.

    • Jerri Says:

      After I read your post, I did a little research. All I could find was a video of an interview done September 2020 where his voice was a little raspy and he explained that the set at HSN had to be kept cold because of all the heat the electronics generated. That, in turn, made his voice raspy. And it’s much raspier now. Allergies can cause that, using certain asthma inhalers can cause it….. so can too much smoking 🚬🚭. He also is looking on the thin side…. I also hope he’s ok. Anyone else? All information is appreciated.
      Don’t kill yourself for your sister’s move, Lainie. She has her daughter and her bf, and can manage without killing you. Call her up and bow out gracefully for the rest of the day and REST.

      • Lainie Says:

        Good advice, and I took it. I told her sorry, but my back was hurting, and I can’t be immobilized with a bad back for days, all true. I’ve worked hard the last 3 days helping her move in; so I’m done now. She completely understood.
        I’m going to watch the Amy and Adam Falloween show tonight after ordering in Chinese. Then take a hot shower, put on comfy pajamas, take some Naproxen, and retire with 😻 to the bedroom. I like Michelle, but am disappointed they paired Adam with her instead of Amy in the upcoming show. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I’ll still watch. As for Guy, his voice has been mentioned a few times on the forum, looking back. I hope his health is ok. I don’t buy the cold studio story.

      • Judy Says:

        Jerri, Lainie
        Holy cow!! His voice has changed! If I’m up that early I rarely turn on home shopping, and if I do, it’s muted. It’s been awhile since I heard his voice. I don’t believe the cold studio thing, either. It has been cold all along, why is his voice changing now?? I listened to the 2020 behind the scenes interview, and he’s a little hoarse there but not bad. Now he strains to speak! I watched a video for a recent presentation. Allergies? Smoking? Something is wrong. I, too, hope he’s ok.

      • Lainie Says:

        I watched Guy’s first Saturday show and about 10 minutes in he asked Lou Caputo (a frequent HSN OP) to describe an Origami shelf due to his laryngitis giving him a bad time. Ok, then, he’s had laryngitis for over 2 years, according to people’s concern about his voice change on the forums. And laryngitis does not last 2 years. I’m thinking and hoping allergies; Florida’s plants, etc, keep allergists very busy.
        I’m glad I signed off The Move and 😻 and I are hiding out this weekend. Mary is, too; she ended up helping for a couple days. I’m screening all calls, my drapes are closed, and I’m not answering my door. Time to rest!!!

      • Lainie Says:

        Aaack! Sorry! Lou Caputo = OAP, not OP.

      • Lainie Says:

        When I saw Guy at first on Saturday and asked about his voice yesterday, I had not seen the beginning of the show, and after hearing his voice, I turned it down. I rewatched it from the beginning this morning, volume up. So that was the first time I heard about the laryngitis thing. Just so you’ll know I asked yesterday because I didn’t hear that part.
        I think I’m done with this post now, finally. And if anyone knows what’s really going on with his voice, kindly please post here, and thanks.

  81. Ella Says:

    I finally watched Amy and Adam’s Falloween special. I agree, Jerri, lots of cool things. And the prices beat Amazon for similar. The HSN things seem to be exclusive. I’m feeling a little bummed that Adam will be with Michelle next time. Maybe Amy has plans? And I wonder if there will be anything left for that show. Anyway, I’ll watch and see.
    I haven’t watched Guy in awhile. I rarely turn TV on that early. I watched the beginning of Saturday’s video, and was surprised at his voice change. And I agree, laryngitis doesn’t last 2 years. I had a really, really bad case of it in my late 20s from a cold I’d had. It was awful. No meds, just lots of water and other liquids, and it went away after a week or so. And I guess everyone knows at HSN; Lou seemed happy to oblige. I like Guy, and hope this isn’t serious. He’s 60, considerably younger than me, but old enough that problems can start. Take care, Guy. 2+ years is a long time to have such a hoarse voice.
    I spent very conservatively and bought a pear shape blue topaz ring on clearance by Michael Valitutti. I happen to have a pair of blue topaz dangle earrings that will go perfectly. Not my birthstone; I just love the color. It will go with many things I wear, and be a go to piece, I’m sure.

  82. Ella Says:

    I finally watched Amy and Adam’s Falloween special. I agree, Jerri, lots of cool things. And the prices beat Amazon for similar. The HSN things seem to be exclusive. I’m feeling a little bummed that Adam will be with Michelle next time. Maybe Amy has plans? And I wonder if there will be anything left for that show. Anyway, I’ll watch and see.
    I haven’t watched Guy in awhile. I rarely turn TV on that early. I watched the beginning of Saturday’s video, and was surprised at his voice change. And I agree, laryngitis doesn’t last 2 years. I had a really, really bad case of it in my late 20s from a cold I’d had. It was awful. No meds, just lots of water and other liquids, and it went away after a week or so. And I guess everyone knows at HSN; Lou seemed happy to oblige. I like Guy, and hope this isn’t serious. He’s 60, considerably younger than me, but old enough that problems can start. Take care, Guy. 2+ years is a long time to have such a hoarse voice.
    I spent very conservatively and bought a pear shape blue topaz ring on clearance by Michael Valitutti. I happen to have a pair of blue topaz dangle earrings that will go perfectly. Not my birthstone; I just love the color. It will go with many things I wear, and be a go to piece, I’m sure.

  83. Lainie Says:

    You meant to say that!! Good job on the ring. Enjoy! Have had similar to your laryngitis…. same result.
    Guy isn’t on much anymore. Voice? Pre retirement? HSN getting ready to axe him? He had a morning show with Leslie for a bit, then with Helen ( probably because Leslie had her baby) and I believe this was in the 2013 – 2016 (?) era. Since then, he’s been doing home stuff, but more than this. Don’t throw him out, HSN, you need a little more testosterone on your programming. And the only other guys are Ty and Adam, and you’re stretched thin. Guy is generally well liked by the audience, too. He relates to women as well as men. If it’s his choice to cut back, then fine.
    My sister called and thanked me for all my hard work. Mary, too. Sis wasn’t any help at all when I moved due to demands at home and work. Her husband could be a schmuck at times. He was a good guy in many ways, but he was a clingon. And my sis went along, instead of putting her foot down. No one ever had me tied to them by an invisible rope!! My sis is a great gal; we are very different. Sometimes, I need a little break from her. This is one of those times. 🧘🏼‍♀️

  84. Bertie Says:

    Although I enjoy Guy’s shows, he’s on early. I usually don’t watch that early. I went back to the Saturday morning video, and he does have a raspy voice. And I don’t believe it’s laryngitis. It was nice of Lou to help him out. I do hope he’s ok.
    I really liked the Halloween selection from Amy and Adam’s show. Jerri, I also want the willow tree. I have the perfect corner, I’d leave it up year round. I have a decent amount of Halloween decorations. I’ll have to think on it. The tree, and a mercury glass pumpkin? The pumpkin and the witches hats and candy corn? Oh, boy.
    We don’t allow trick or treating in here, it’s a seniors’ community. And security does a good job. There is usually a party in the community center a little before Halloween, so people can spend the actual day with their families. This year Halloween falls on a Monday, so they’re having the party here on Thursday the 27th. They figure there will be lots of private parties between the 28th and Halloween. They’ve already sent out the reminders. $10 each to go, and the food is lousy, and the music is usually too loud. You’re supposed to go in costume, and honestly, that stuff was for my earlier years. I’ll stay home, watch spooky movies, and enjoy my decorations in comfortable clothes.
    Lainie, it’s good you backed away from the move. You’re sisters, no one’s keeping tabs on who helped who more. But I think it was 💩y of her to back down and not help you because of her husband. Sounds like you got all the backbone!!
    I did yoga with my friend earlier, and we walked for 2 hours yesterday. We’ll be back at it on Thursday. I’m going to have pasta with creamy chicken sauce, and spinach salad for dinner. Tomorrow, I’m going to the art class here, then having lunch with another friend. We’re going to a new restaurant on the beach, with outdoor dining and a delicious menu. They specialize in surf and turf; I stay away from surf so I guess I’ll have steak for lunch.

    • Lainie Says:

      That Halloween show was awfully tempting 😬. I want everything you mentioned…and more!! I’m curious to see the camaraderie between Michelle and Adam…. if there is any. If Amy is off, they should have scheduled the special so she could do it. I like Michelle, but for this, I prefer Amy.
      Anyway…my sister is busy with whatever; she’s tuned in to my need for space. And….my FWB is coming tomorrow night, and staying till Monday. That’s all I had to tell her, she catches on quickly!! 😈
      He and I have plans to dine by the water, too. Most of the restaurants with outdoor dining have heaters, which is nice. There are a few good Italian ones, and a couple good grills. I’m ordering in pizza for tomorrow and making a salad, with drinks 🍸🍸 on the patio later. I enjoy him while he’s here but appreciate my space once he’s gone. He and 😻 adore each other. He calls 😻 his Big Guy.
      There is always a pre Halloween party in our center, too. My thoughts are the same as yours….I can totally live without it. A couple people in here tend to get drunk and disorderly…nothing harmful, just annoying. I will pass. I think ours is on the 28th. And if I did go, I’d dress up as John Wayne Gacy, so everyone would leave me alone 🤡. Of course, with my luck, they’d probably think I was Pagliacci 👺. Well, they’re kind of the same, aren’t they?!

      • Judy Says:

        Both are murderous clowns, but Pagliacci’s was a crime of passion, not a serial murder like 🤡. And the way people are at those parties, they wouldn’t get it, anyway, probably thinking you’re just a plain old clown 😂😂😂. But that’s an interesting idea.
        Sounds like you have a great weekend ahead. Enjoy your time with your friend and rest from all the hard work of your sister’s move. I’m with Bertie, your sister should have helped you move and brought her tyrant husband along, too. This is why I’m not married, I don’t need someone telling me what I can and can’t do.
        My weekend will consist of sewing new curtains for my bedroom. I should have done it when I first moved but have been putting it off. The old ones are starting to look ratty, so it’s time. The others are all ok, just my bedroom ones are old. I’ve already measured, and bought the material.
        My brother and SIL are coming over for dinner tomorrow. I’m making tacos, a big salad, Mexican style rice, and a coconut cake. My SIL’s brother is coming to stay with them a couple weeks starting Friday, so they’ll be pretty busy with him. He lives further north, in the central valley, and is here to look at houses, he wants to relocate. He’s retired, divorced, and doesn’t care for where he lives anymore. Also, it snows… not a lot, but enough to be inconvenient. It would be nice for my SIL and him if he’s close by. So hopefully he’ll find a place he likes.

      • Bertie Says:

        The 🤡👺 thing is hilarious. No, the people at the party wouldn’t get it at all.
        Taking a break in art class, thought I’d send this out quickly. Have a great weekend, sounds like fun.
        I already checked the HSN schedule, ok but I’m not missing anything. Lynn’s 30th anniversary. I can really do without Carol Brodie and Connie CC!
        Back to painting.

      • Bertie Says:

        Forgot to add Heidi LeatherBoobs Daus to the I can do without list. I’d rather watch the other 2 plastic faced dames.

      • Lainie Says:

        I’m taking a little break; I did some cleaning and laundry and changed linens. The place was pretty clean but I wanted to make sure it was done for the next 5 days.
        I guess I wouldn’t go as a serial killer clown, or a crime of passion killer clown, since no one knows them anyway 😂😂. And that’s a party I’ll surely skip anyway.
        Yes, Daus, Brodie, and CCC are on my don’t watch list. Too much plastic, sneering teeth, and old droopy tits. A hard threesome to look at, for sure. Aaaack!!
        Judy, I don’t envy your curtain making task. You have more ambition than I do! I have vertical blinds, and light but opaque drapes. Made by someone else!! I’ll order more when they get worn. I fecking hate sewing. My mom was quite a seamstress. My sister and I, on the other hand, have “no sewing machines allowed” signs at our front doors. We believe tailors need to make a living, too 🧵. We have sewing kits, for emergency fixes or sewing on buttons, etc. But any alterations go to the tailor. Good luck, I’ll bet they’ll look great when they’re done.
        Enjoy your lunch, Bertie. Sounds like you have a full day. The weekend is right around the corner. We’ll probably go for a drive up the coast or something. A good opportunity to take photos and unwind.
        Time to finish up a few things, then get ready. And order pizza later.

  85. Elizabeth Bjornson Says:

    If you bring on Antonella you will be loosing me and my entire family as customers. I can not stand her in all her years on QVC and will not tolerate any show she is on

    • Judy Says:

      I couldn’t agree more. And I’ve watched a couple clips from the show, she still makes those goofy faces, and rolls her tongue around 🤢. My prediction is that she won’t be on JTV long. Her and her MLM jewelry.

  86. Lauren Says:

    Elizabeth, Judy,

    I agree. She brings drama to JTV the little bit she’s on there. Weird eye problems, cackling laughter, poor me speeches, mouth calisthenics, rolling eyes when they don’t have problems- she’s a mess. And still taking from her 150K+ GoFundMe money.
    I agree with Judy, I don’t think she’ll be on JTV long. There are enough negative comments that they’ll probably get rid of her soon. I wonder how those cigarettes she’s smoking are affecting her cancer? If I had a scare like that, and I smoked, I would quit cold turkey. There’s no excuse for that. Or the unhealthy gluttonous way she eats. And her cooking 🤮🤮🤮🤮.

  87. Jerri Says:

    Have a nice weekend, Lainie. It sounds like fun.
    I’ve been watching Suzanne Somers’ recent podcast, and just got the Palm Springs blues really bad. Why this one caused it, I don’t know. But I find myself missing a place I grew to resent.
    I never liked my jobs there, people became more and more snobby, and it became more crime infested. When work gave out for Mr, they sent him up to Little Town for a month, then we were off to Phoenix. That was 11 years ago. Palm Springs has a charm….or at least it did, but it has been worn away by all the big buildings and sleazy hotels they’ve added since we left. And the increase in crime.
    Maybe I’m just waxing nostalgic, or most likely yearning to be younger again. I’m glad for Suzanne that she is happy there.
    It seems, from my own experience, as well as what many of you have said, that you can’t go back to a place and make it work once you’ve left. Thomas Wolfe was right; you can’t go home again.
    Thanks for letting me rant ♥️♥️.

    • Lainie Says:

      It’s a form of homesickness, more for a time than maybe a place, but our minds associate it with a place. It happens to me with San Francisco, and really, I wouldn’t go back to the Bay Area if you paid me. I’ll see a photo of Pacific Heights, or Golden Gate bridge, and it will trigger something. It’s the desire to be younger, to be that age again. That was where you lived when you were at that age. Most unfortunately, it’s much easier to go back to Palm Springs (I lived there too, same experience as yours, except I did like my job) or San Francisco than it is to travel back in time. What you’re feeling is very normal, especially at our ages 🥺.
      To cheer myself up, I play with 😻, or call a friend, or look at recent photos of times that made me happy. I also remind myself how lucky I am; I’m financially secure, I live in a safe community, and I have good health, most importantly. Being grateful will snap me right out of a blue funk. I would love to even be 50 again, but it won’t happen. And going to San Francisco, or Palm Springs, or anywhere else won’t make it happen.
      Play with 😻😻, cuddle them, talk to your kids, your grandkids, or your friends. As far as I know, this doesn’t happen to men in the same way, so your Mr may not get it. But your friends will. And before you know it, the blues will go away. Maybe save SS podcasts for a little more in the future, till this homesickness passes. Watch Heidi Daus’ droopy tits and sneering grin instead. That’ll make you forget everything!!!! Now I’ve got to get ready. Have a good weekend.

    • Bertie Says:

      It happens to me, too. I’ll hear mention of the little west Texas town we lived in, and homesickness sets in. Not even a 1 horse town, it was small and had nothing in it. Blazing hot summers, freezing winters with some snow, no stores, no nothing, in the middle of nowhere. Shortly before my husband passed they opened a fresh, clean new Walmart. In less than 4 months, it was trashed and dirty like the rest of the town. “This is why we can’t have anything nice” surely must have come from that. I got started with HSN because there was no place to shop there! As soon as my kids graduated high school, they were the heck out of there.
      We made a good living there, but it was a far cry from San Antonio where I was raised. It was dust and wind, and a whole lot of nothing. I wanted to move the whole time we were there. When my husband passed, I finally did. But this stop on the road with nothing in it brings feelings of homesickness sometimes. And it’s not for the town, it’s for the past.
      So I totally get you. And I console myself by knowing I’m much happier and better off where I am today. And try to push away those homesick feelings. Because I’m homesick for an empty, backward place, that has nothing to offer except to an elite few. My grandkids have never been there- no reason- and they’ll probably never go. And I won’t, either.
      I had a lovely lunch with my friend. We got caught up, had way too much food, and set aside a shopping date for the near future. Tonight I’m having a salad with sliced ham on it. And probably have my friend here over for cocktails on the patio. You can’t get a DUI on a golf cart on private property!! 🍹🍹

  88. Hope Says:

    That HSN Halloween special was fun. I just wanted to say, I have the candy corn mercury glass lights from last year. I highly recommend them. I bought another set this year. I’m going to group 3 together, and put one in the entry and one in each bathroom. I want the tree, too!
    I’m 66 years old, my grand children are almost grown, and I still decorate for Halloween and Dia de los Muertos like my kids are still little! Anyway, you can’t go wrong with the mercury glass things, they are well made.

    • Judy Says:

      Thanks for posting a review of the candy corn lights. I need Halloween stuff, and I’ve been considering the big mercury glass pumpkin, the witches hats, and the candy corn. Probably a glitter candle snow globe or 2. I figure spend more and have it for more years.
      I want the willow tree but am afraid the 😻😻 will go after the dangling branches. They don’t claw the furniture or get into things; they’re very good. But those dangling lights are just too tempting, I’m afraid. And I’m not spending all our time saying NO. So I may go ahead and order what’s left, and watch the 2nd Falloween special next month to see what they replenish, and bring in. Knowing someone had good luck with the candy corn helps, thanks!

  89. Jerri Says:

    Ms Moss,
    I can’t sleep so I thought I’d contribute this:
    Jennifer Flavin Stallone (of Serious Skincare) is divorcing Sylvester after 25 years of marriage. He wanted to get a dog, she disagreed, and he got it anyway. He tattooed a dog over his tattoo of her, but that has a reasonable explanation.
    She also is accusing him of hiding marital funds, and has asked that he isn’t allowed to move any more money. She also wants her maiden name back.
    They have a not so solid history before their marriage, mostly on him. The money hiding is really disturbing.
    Anyway, I thought you might be interested. This kind of came out of the blue.
    I’m going to try to go back to sleep now.

    • Judy Says:

      No kidding, out of the blue! I thought they were pretty solid, finally. He has put her through a lot. Well, his first wife, too. Things dont just go south overnight, so I wonder how long he’s been hiding money.
      Jennifer was a good wife; she embraced his sons (she was walking alongside his first wife at the son’s funeral, comforting her), she supported all his projects, movies, etc. He, on the other hand, has had some questionable issues as a husband.
      Anyway, hopefully she’ll get what he owes her, and be ok as she moves away from him. I wonder if she’s still involved with Serious Skincare. At least their daughters are grown now. Things aren’t always as they seem.

    • Bertie Says:

      I came to tell y’all that Giuliana was being featured today, and last night overnight. I’m going to watch later.
      My heavens, what a surprise. I thought their marriage was going well. Obviously not. And Judy, Jennifer is still the head of Serious Skin Care. Which is good, considering recent developments. Also, the girls are grown now. It’s still hard for them but much better that they’re adults. I think hiding funds is a very bad thing, and it looks like maybe Sylvester was looking to end things but she beat him to it.
      Jerri, I hope you got some sleep. I’m getting ready to go grocery shopping and then come home and relax. My grandson is coming tomorrow night to visit then he’ll go home Saturday night or Sunday morning. I’m looking forward to seeing him.

      • Jerri Says:

        Judy, Bertie
        I was awake for 3 hours. I found out about Jennifer and Sly before I went to bed, but was too tired to post. I/we have been busy with a ton of mundane stuff.
        It does look like he was either anticipating her ending the marriage, or doing it himself. Why else would he hide money? Anyway, there have been many question marks over this marriage; and with good reason. But things seemed ok for some years now, and with Jennifer no longer on home shopping, we kind of forgot about them. And I was a bit surprised to see that in my news feed. Hopefully, everyone will be ok.
        Im trying to wake up again, since I fell back to sleep just long enough to leave me groggy. We have an appointment at the bank later, then we’re going to grab a pizza for dinner. Hopefully this weekend will be restful.
        Have a good weekend, and Bertie, enjoy your visit with your grandson.

    • Kate Says:

      Wow, Jerri. I totally missed this. And it is a surprise. Something tells me it has been in the works for awhile. I guess Jennifer has has enough of Sly being.. well, sly!
      Since Jennifer left home shopping, the Stallones have been on a back burner, so to speak. I hope Serious Skin Care does well for her now, she may need those funds.
      I’m glad the daughters are grown. It will still be difficult but they’re in a better place to understand. I still feel heartbroken about Sage. He had so many good things ahead of him. Sometimes life can be cruel.
      I wish everyone involved the best of luck. Divorce is a difficult thing to go through.

  90. Ella Says:

    Jerri, your news feed is better than mine. What a shock. If the Stallones had divorced a couple years into their marriage, I wouldn’t have been surprised at all. Their early history is beyond sketchy. I agree; his hiding funds is a sign things have been going south for awhile. He always had some side gal on his arm when he was married to the first wife, the mother of his sons. I can’t help but favor Jennifer. That said, hopefully everyone will be alright after all is said and done.
    I don’t get homesick for a place, having lived in cowtown all my life; I get homesick for the past. I think it’s very normal, especially as we get older. I miss people that have passed away, as well as those who moved away and are out of touch. In my mind I’m still 25, then I look in the mirror and see a woman in her late 60s staring back. How did it go by so fast??
    I’ve been doing a purge, and I’ve actually managed to clear out some space. Kitchen stuff, a few clothes from both of us, linens, and hubby contributed a few tools and garden things. It all got picked up by St Vincent’s yesterday. We are going to buy a new bed soon; ours has gotten old and uncomfortable. I keep a mattress cover on it and pad, so it’s clean. We’ll donate that, too…. someone in dire need of a bed won’t mind that it’s past its comfort days, at least till they can get something else. I want to get everything squared away before the holiday season is upon us!
    This weekend we are just going to relax. It’s going to be 100° today, so we’ll have dinner at dusk on the patio. Barbequed chicken, grilled veggies, and fried rice. And 🍺🍻 to wash it down.

  91. Bertie Says:

    I was watching HSN off and on while tidying up. Lynn was on earlier, my goodness, her hair looked bad. It was dirty, stringy, and huge overgrown dark roots. She was dressed casually, and looked like 💩, IMO. She needs to do something about her hair. At least wash it. It’s too blonde, and it looks like dirty white frizzy yarn. They talk about Shawn on QVC. Her hair never looks anywhere near as bad as Lynn’s.
    Being at HSN for 30 years does not mean you can let your appearance go to hell. Everyone knows she was grandfathered into her host job by her dad, Jim Lawless. She is a good host, but she has trouble pronouncing people’s names, etc. That seems to be better lately. She needs to address that horrible hair, and the dried up jerky looking skin. She over exposes herself to the sun, and needs to back off. But her hair, and nails, are her bad points… really bad.
    I can’t believe they let her go on air the way she looked today. Dye her hair back to natural and let it mend. I like Lynn; but she needs to do something about her appearance. That’s my opinion but many of y’all on this forum agree, as well as other forums. Many people make rude remarks about her hair and skin. I hope she does something soon, because tptb at HSN must surely notice.

    • Judy Says:

      I saw Lynn earlier 😬😧. I like Lynn, she is warm and genuine, and has great rapport with most guests. But her hair has gone from bad to worse. I agree, a back to natural color treatment, and leave it heal. Her roots are awful, and her hair being dirty like that makes it even worse. She should have put it up, and no hanging hunk on the side. At least it wouldn’t have looked so dirty.
      There are at least 2 other forums that have addressed her appearance. And they weren’t as kind as we’ve been. She was dressed ok, but with that hair today, she looked like she woke up, put on her grubbies, didn’t brush her hair, and got to work at the last minute. I wonder if something in her personal life has gone bad. I hope she and Jerry aren’t on the same page with the Stallones. Maybe she thinks her seniority makes her immune to looking her best. I don’t know, but she sure needs to make some changes in her on air appearance.

      • Claire Says:

        Thank you! I hope Daus sees that. She is terrible, with her loose, barely there off the shoulders tops. She dresses for a bordello, not a home shopping channel. She’s an instant click for me. I hate her junky, over expensive jewelry anyway. Add her porn outfits, and you’ve got a click on my remote! I hope that old bag sees your post.

      • Ella Says:

        From your lips 👄 to Daus’ ears 👂. She looks horrible and silly in those chest baring get ups.
        Yesterday, Ty was hosting a show Guy normally hosts. Today, Adam for same. Either Guy is on vacation or his voice is giving him problems. Hopefully he’s ok. Weekends are boring on the shopping channels for the most part so I’ll skip that today. They used to be fun, at least on HSN.
        We are going bed shopping today. We’ll start locally, and if we can’t find something, keep trying north of here. There’s a Mattress Firm in Little Town; hopefully we won’t have to go further than that. There’s a charity that collects clean used furniture to help people who are low income get settled into a place. We are donating the bed to them. It’s king size, and other than lacking some support, is ok. So when our new bed is delivered, we’ll put the old one on the porch, and the charity will come and get it. It will get someone by till they can get a new mattress. The box spring is in great shape.
        So, with that, I’d better get ready so we can get going!

      • Judy Says:

        I noticed Guy’s absence, too. Hoping he’s ok.
        Good luck with finding a new bed. I got a new one when I moved, and I went to Mattress Firm. I gave my guest bed to my brother, they needed a new one, and bought a comfortable futon for the very few guests I might have. A bed takes up too much room. I read Jerri’s post about switching to futons for guests, and a light came on. I think it’s been over 3 years since I had an overnight guest! And I don’t see any in the near future. The futon is queen size, and folds up to a sofa, folds out easily to a bed.
        I’m deciding whether or not to buy some Halloween stuff from HSN. If things are broken, it’s a beyotch to do exchanges or get your money back. I’m thinking I’ll go on Amazon, Walmart and Target and see what they have. Dealing with them is so much easier.
        It’s going to be in the low 90s today, so I think I’ll barbecue a bunch of stuff ahead to have during the week. It can be reheated in the oven or microwave, depending. Chickens, hamburgers, and hot dogs. And I’m making a big bowl of pasta salad, and for tonight, cutting up some red peppers.

  92. Ella Says:

    We found a bed, and it was delivered yesterday. The charity picked up our old one later in the day. We went to Mattress Firm in Little Town. They actually have 2 stores there; we have none 🤷‍♀️. We went to the larger one and found a bed within a few minutes. Once it was delivered, I put a mattress cover on it underneath the mattress pad. Keeps it clean, discourages dust mites, etc. Also, it was a big expense, so we want it to last. I think we had the other one a little over 10 years. How fast 10 years went!
    Hubby is over at BIL and Pop’s for awhile. I’m getting ready to watch Perlier on HSN in a bit. Just like with Adrienne, I’m noticing the Perlier product selection is becoming more repetitive. When they have the big liters on sale is about the only change. I still enjoy watching; the Borgheses are a class act. I get ideas, too, of what to look for at TJ Maxx and Marshall’s when they get in their Perlier dump. Since COVID, it’s been much smaller, but there is still a decent selection. The days of spending $200-$300 and getting over a year’s supply of bath stuff are long gone, however. That was the best; I really miss it. I have the perfect place in my linen closet to store it, too.
    Other than that, HSN doesn’t have anything to interest me today. I’m going to make lamb chops on the grill, oven fries, and grilled summer squashes. The lamb is marinating now. I’m thinking early dinner and snacks later. We have a couple movies we want to watch; it should be a nice evening.

  93. Jerri Says:

    I hope Guy is ok, too.
    I’m glad you found a good bed, Ella. Ours is about 3 years old, so we should have a few more years before we need to replace it. Best to spend more for a better bed. Lasts longer, more supportive, and more comfortable.
    I’ve been watching Perlier with Shannon Fox. I like her purple outfit. They’ve had some HUGE price reductions in this hour. Too bad, I no longer use Perlier. They need to make it clean or organic. I like Amanda and Skip, too. They’re always fun to watch. Clean your stuff up guys, like you promised, and I’ll buy it.
    I’m making home made pasta with pesto to take to the kids’ for dinner. They’re barbequing beef ribs and Italian sausage. They’ll also have a big green salad, grilled mushrooms, peppers, and shallots, my pasta, and I think homemade pie for dessert. We’re eating early, so when Mr comes back from the car detailer, we’ll get ready and go. 😻😻 should be fine; no more prowlers and we should be back before dark. We have a good security system, cameras, etc. I always turn lights on, close curtains, and leave a radio on. 😻😻 Spend most of their time on our bed when we’re gone, or in their kitty condos.
    It should be a nice afternoon and I’m looking forward to it. And there’s leftover pizza in the fridge in case we get hungry later on.

  94. Bertie Says:

    I hope y’all are having a good weekend. Jerri, your plans sound great. Ella, good for you for getting a new bed. Not my favorite kind of shopping! But an important necessity. I hope Guy is just taking time off. His voice is worrisome.
    My grandson left a little while ago, back to the grind he goes. We had a great visit and I was so happy to see him. Hard to say goodbye 😢, I don’t see my grandkids nearly enough. They grow up and have jobs and busy lives, just like we did. He promised to visit again soon; he really likes it here. We went for a couple long walks together. My son (his dad) is hosting family Christmas this year. My youngest daughter’s family is spending it with her in-laws; it’s their turn this year. But my oldest daughter (single, no kids) and my son and his family will all be there. I’m looking forward to it.
    I caught a little of the Perlier presentation earlier. Both Skip and Amanda looked nice. I also liked Shannon F’s purple outfit. I wish Perlier would “clean up”, too, Jerri. They said years ago they were going to. Just do it!! The prices were great today. I think some of those things don’t sell well, and they’re trying to clear them out. Other than that, not much on there for me today. A quick run by QVC and HQ revealed same.
    I have laundry and some other things to do, so I’d best get to it. Have a good Sunday, y’all!

  95. Judy Says:

    Kathy Wolf was on early, and is on again later, selling another bath brush. This one looks more sturdy but I see going through MANY batteries. She looked nice. She’s lost a little weight, and hopefully for her health’s sake, continuing to lose. She’s in her mid 50s, losing after 50 is hard. She was dressed in a pretty turquoise dress; she’s making better fashion choices. I think she’ll be on again at 2 or 3 (PDT) this afternoon. She hasn’t been on in awhile; it doesn’t seem like these inexpensive and few and far between gigs would generate much income 🤷. Maybe she just wants a connection to HSN.
    Colleen junk jewelry, Fall home solutions, not much else. There’s a Signature club A show on at midnight to 1 AM PDT. Seems weird… all by itself and the only one. Maybe clearance items? It said the items for the show weren’t available to view. Sometimes the programming on these channels is strange. Anyway, all the channels look like a wash today.
    We still have temperatures in the high 90s and low 100s coming up. Plenty of barbeque and salad weather left. But then, at once, it gets chilly, and time to put the summer stuff away, and bring out the winter wardrobe. 😻😻 have been shedding a little extra; their bodies are getting ready for winter and their fur will be thicker and warmer. I brush them daily, so their fur is nice. They like it, too.
    I’m still deciding where to get Halloween decorations. I’ll look some more online, I guess. I’m afraid of things arriving broken from HSN, etc, and difficult return/refund.

    • Bertie Says:

      Kathy really isn’t on HSN much. It’s been a month since she had a toothbrush, and a month before that with the Elvis cologne. I guess it’s enough to make it worth her while. She will be on again with it a little later. I have a bath brush, but it isn’t battery powered. It has a brush and an interchangeable pumice head. Good enough!
      I did some yoga earlier and walked with my friend. I’m trying to keep up my routine. I feel better and stronger, and my muscles are firmer. Good incentive to keep it up.
      My brother and SIL who live in the San Antonio area, are coming this weekend for 4 days, Friday through Monday, to get away from the heat. I haven’t seen them in awhile, so I’m really looking forward to it. I’ll get the guest room ready early and do my grocery shopping on Thursday. It’s much cooler here and they like the ocean air. There’s the Gulf Coast in TX, but it stays pretty hot there, too. There’s plenty here to do, as well as rest, so they should have a pleasant stay. Hopefully there won’t be any flight problems. Air travel has become a hassle lately.
      I’ve noticed Lynn is MIA, too. Maybe she and guy are just taking a little time off. Hopefully she’ll do something with her hair before she comes back.

  96. Judy Says:

    I found out the signature club A presentation was a repeat of one with Shannon from earlier this month. Trying to clear out inventory, I guess. Kathy wore a green dress on her second show, and somehow looked a bit thinner 🤷. The dress was very similar to the one she wore earlier, too. It looks like she’ll be on, off and on this week. The shower brush is the Weekly Deal Drop. Also, Tina and Ty’s HSN Today is the new Sunrise, for all you HSN old timers. I sure miss old HSN. I remember when Kathy Wolf and Dave Shimkus hosted Sunrise. Many years ago. Old, I am.

    • Ella Says:

      I remember Sunrise, too. They had a few different variations with different hosts. They even had a Sunset, for awhile. I remember John Cremeans hosting it…with various co hosts, and sometimes himself. Early 2000-ish. It was an experiment; didn’t last long. One of those shows a day is more than enough.
      Kathy did look noticeably thinner on the second presentation yesterday. Camera angle? Filter? You can’t lose 20 lbs in 5 hours!! The second show with Sarah, I had on mute. But I listened to the first one. Kathy cut Tina off a couple times. Who’s at fault? Kathy has been known to do that, and Tina gets over yackety, so who knows. Calm tf down and explain more slowly so we understand; talk 1 at a time. Props to Kathy for dressing better. She looks much more professional.
      We’re sleeping better on the new bed. We should have done this a year or so ago. What a difference a good, supportive night’s sleep makes. Especially to your back. We’re thinking about getting an inversion table next.
      Today I’m doing cleanup around the house with hub’s help. Tomorrow I’m going to lunch with a couple friends. We worked together for awhile; we’re all retired now.
      This weekend we’re going to barbeque and hang out at BIL and Pop’s. There’s probably still a month or so of barbeque weather, but it’s extra nice for it now. Makes it seem like we’re enjoying Summer up to the very last minute.

  97. Judy Says:

    I watched Kathy with Tina (the jabberjaw sisters, lol) this morning, and her dress was inspired by Heidi Daus. Off shoulder, loose neckline about to slip too low… big pink ruffled thing, moo moo looking… added about 30 lbs to her. Not flattering and going from R to X rated…. I give up. You took 50 steps backward. SMH.
    Lynn is on this hour 😧🙄. Another one who needs help. Her hair is styled ok, but big honkin’ roots and cotton texture. She’s slapping the Prai cream in the jar, over and over, and her nails look bad. They are bumpy like they’ve been repaired too much, and getting too long. Why keep slapping it? Take some out and rub it on your hand 🤦🤦🤦🤦.
    Rant done. I’m going to do something more positive, and play with 😻😻, then go for a walk while it’s still nice out. We are getting low 100s, typical Indian Summer for here. I see the very beginning of a few changing leaves. My gosh, Halloween is exactly 2 months from now 😧🎃.

  98. Lainie Says:

    After a busy week, it feels good to relax. And @Judy, I couldn’t believe my eyes this morning when I saw Kathy either. WTF was that getup?!? Ellie May’s nightgown?? And yes, the neckline/shoulders was about to fall off. It looked like an old nightgown from granny’s dresser. I saw the videos of the other shows, and she looked nice. Devolving.
    I worked out and walked with Mary earlier. I had dinner with my sister last night. I’m done with people for a couple days! Plus I had company for 5 days. Trying to get back to normal, whatever that is.
    I have HSN on mute in the background while I tidy up; it’s going to lunch with movies and 😻 very soon. 😻 misses my friend a lot 😿. He’s finally coming around to his cheerful self. All this has left me with a lot to think about that I’d rather NOT right now. I’m going to eat, cuddle on the couch with 😻, and get lost in a movie. Peace out, friends ♥️.

    • Jerri Says:

      I’m taking a breather myself. The boys came over for dinner and they and Mr are talking shop in the office. Youthful energy; how I wish I still had it!!
      It sounds like you’ve got something going on. Here to talk, if needed. Making lists of pros and cons helps, and definitely anything worth doing deserves and requires plenty of forethought and research. Ask your head, then ask your heart.
      I missed Kathy’s earlier presentations, but I saw this AM’s. What a horrible excuse for a garment. More like a varmint 😬😐😳. That dress (and I use the term loosely) is the thing that fell down behind the dryer and has been stuck there for 2 years! If she took it to Goodwill, they’d probably empty a . 45 into it to make sure it will never come back 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Myself, I wouldn’t waste ammo… too expensive. I’d use fire to decimate the horrible thing. Please Kathy-Daus, spare us. Eye and brain bleach are expensive.

      • Jerri Says:

        I just turned TV on; she’s on Beauty Report. Better dress, but it’s sleeveless and her arms look like gigantic sausages. Her good taste vanished and so did my respect for her 🙅🏻‍♀️.

      • Lainie Says:

        🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can just see someone at Goodwill taking it out of a box, “Eeew, it’s ugly… kill it!” Then a coworker steps up, throws it on the floor, and empties a . 45 in it. “You’re welcome”. 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the lol.
        My sister just left; we had brunch, and she’s off to look for new towels. I suggested shopping for them online, but she wants to shop IRL first, lol. She’s difficult to shop with, so I’m sitting this one out 🙄. I’m also burned out a bit on socializing. I get you, Jerri and Judy.
        I haven’t told her of my dilemma yet; I need to think about things a lot more. I need to put some logic on each side, so I can weigh things out. I’ve always been very decisive, and this has made me wishy-washy, at least temporarily. I’m going to take your advice and start with the list of pros and cons; at least it will give me some objective.
        HSN is fashion today, and Kathy Daus was presenting hair tracks again, and dressed nicely. She’s on again later; we’ll see what she wears. I saw the sausage arms last night (Jerri you are very unintentionally funny), and yes, skip sleeveless or put a jacket or sweater on. No one wants to see your bulky arms flapping around. And she’s another one who needs to back off on the sun tanning. She and Lynn look like shoe leather 😐. I wonder if they’re in competition to see who can get darker. A losing contest; who needs fried pre cancerous skin?! At least Kathy tans; Lynn always looks red.
        I guess I’ll make my pros and cons list, and cuddle 😻. There’s a lot to think about. I’d better get thinking! 🤔🤔🤔🤔

      • Judy Says:

        Yes, I can only do socializing on a minimum basis. And it sounds like you’ve been busy. I agree with Jerri’s suggestions; also, make a list of how it will affect you, and those important to you, including 😻. It sounds like you either go status quo, or make a big change. Good luck with whatever you choose.
        I’ve been a witness to Kathy’s slip ups, too. The green dress she wore today is the most flattering of all. It fits properly and makes her look thinner. That tight hot pink sleeveless thing from last night was almost as much of a nope as the granny nightgown was 😬😒🤨 from earlier. Too many bare shoulders and too low cut, between her, Colleen, and Daus.
        Ignoring fashion day because I’m set for Fall, except for a mid weight jacket, which I will not buy from home shopping. Now it’s back to looking for Halloween decorations.

  99. Ella Says:

    My fave description for the eye burn pink dress Kathy wore yesterday morning is “Ellie May’s nightgown”. Even though Ellie May would never wear that too low cut thing!! I like the shootout at Goodwill, too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. You ladies are funn-nee!!
    Kathy, go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $100 (or is it $200) dollars. And wear the crown of shame for those getups you wore yesterday. And NEVER wear sleeveless on TV again! Sheesh, my eyes, MY EYES!! Those jiggly sausage arms…. aaaagh! Not making fun of her weight; she looked great this AM. But, overweight or not, if you have sausage arms, AND they jiggle…. no one wants to see that. No one. Cover ’em up, please.
    I am not watching to buy today. I’m set for Fall and Winter. I usually add a sweater or top if I’m in TJM or someplace and I see one I like. That’s about it. My experience with the smell in the clothes left me with more than a shadow of doubt. I may order some decorations from home shopping, but that’s about it.
    Lainie, good luck with the decision you have to make. Jerri’s and Judy’s advice is great. All I can add, is picture yourself in both situations with everything going great. Then do same with things not going well, and how you’d cope. Sometimes that helps. Best to you for whatever you choose.

  100. Bertie Says:

    I’m all ready for my brother and SIL to visit. This should be a good weekend. They are actually going home Tuesday, so they save a little. They’re flying in and out of San Diego. Not far at all.
    Lainie, I hope you think your decision out very thoroughly. It’s hard to make choices, sometimes. Whichever you choose, try to make things as easy and pleasant for yourself as possible. The others’ advice is really good; I hope it helps.
    In between cleaning and shopping I’ve watched HSN. Kathy really screwed up yesterday. Both pink dresses were disasters, but that first one…. I thought we were all going to see her tatas. And what an ugly dress!! My grandma wouldn’t wear that atrocity if you paid her! Kathy needs to learn whate common sense is, and quit trying to be sexy.

  101. Lainie Says:

    😻 and I are watching TV in bed. We just saw the videos of Lynn from earlier, and Kathy’s presentation on The List. She had on another green dress which looked nice. Nice manicure too. Lynn had another purple sparkle disaster manicure. It looked like she had 50 coats of polish on! And her nails were still lumpy and bumpy. Nightmare nails.
    Thanks for all your kind advice. Ella, yours may be the decision maker. Thinking how I would be affected if things went bad…that will definitely help. For tonight, I’m relaxing, and we’re getting ready to look at SpongeBob. And we have snacks. 😻 has treats, and I have some leftover finger foods from my Chinese order. 🥟🍜🥠🍱🥡🥡🥡 Have a good night, everyone!!

  102. Ella Says:

    I want to wish everyone a safe and happy Labor Day weekend. We are going over to Pop and BIL’s tomorrow and Monday for barbeque. We are contributing a lot, so the cost isn’t all on them. We will be barbequing later on in the day; we have a high heat warning for the valley. Around 110° all week. I see it there for you, too, Judy. Take it easy and stay cool 🌬️. This happens almost every year, but this year the temperatures are higher. Be especially careful of pets. Pop’s cats are indoor only, so they are being air conditioned and comfortable.
    HSN doesn’t have anything for me today. QVC and HQ the same. There’s plenty to do, anyway. Shopping for the barbeques, cleaning up around the house, etc. We’re staying home, as usual, because too many careless and drunk drivers on the road this weekend. Much safer at home. Have a good one, everyone!!

    • Jerri Says:

      Happy Labor Day weekend! We are staying home, too. On Sunday we will have a nice barbeque dinner. The local kids are coming over… like you said, enjoying the last bit of summer. Labor Day is unofficially the last weekend of summer, but we see summer temperatures for awhile. Late September/early October is when Fall sets in. Nicer weather, dry with warmish days, and cooler nights. Then it’s Halloween!
      I want to wish everyone on here a great, safe weekend. We have a heat warning, too. Stay cool and hydrated, and enjoy yourselves.

  103. Lainie Says:

    I am staying home for Labor Day and it will be just 😻 and i. My sister is going to the clubhouse mixer tomorrow and asked me to go. I told her I rarely go to those things and I’m flying solo this weekend. She understood; she’s a huge extrovert and knows I am NOT. Maybe Mary will go with her.
    I will be ordering in pizza, Chinese, Mexican, and Thai…. not necessarily in that order. We will actually have some sunny days soon and hit low to mid 80s later in the week. Sun ☀️, that big ball of fire we don’t see at all or only partially here, will be seen!! 😻 and I will have a quiet, pensive, lazy weekend.
    All of you in heat warning areas, be sure to stay hydrated and don’t overdo. Stay cool and have a safe, happy weekend, all.

  104. Judy Says:

    Great minds think alike, looks like we all came here early to post our good wishes. Yes, Ella, we have a heat warning, too. Same as you, it usually heats up for Labor Day but this year is hotter. Jerri, take care. Phoenix is extra hot. Lainie, your weekend is my dream weekend 😍🥰.
    I’m going over to my brother’s on Monday for barbeque. I’m contributing chickens to grill, and salad. My SIL’s brother is still there, he’ll leave next week later on. I’ve had them all over for dinner once. He’s a nice guy and has actually found a couple places he’s interested in. He’s not sure if what he lives in now will sell and pay for a home here, though, and that’s his objective. We’ll see what happens, I guess.
    Other than that, I’m going sale shopping with a friend tomorrow, and just relaxing with 😻😻 on Sunday. I’m not staying more than 3 hours or so on Monday. I still am nervous about leaving 😻😻 alone after dark. That’s enough time to barbeque (which will be started before I get there), eat, and visit a little. After Monday, I have a bunch of nuisance errands throughout the week. I’ll try to get everything done early; it will be hot.
    Well, Kristin Keech has been gone a month already. I hope she is happy back home. JTV isn’t one I watch often at all. And today, HSN is mostly boring stuff, to me. I want to order their Halloween stuff, but I’m afraid of the consequences if something arrives broken. I’m looking elsewhere online; Walmart and Amazon are winning so far.
    Have a great, safe weekend, everyone. Stay cool and take it easy.

  105. Judy Says:

    I was the last one here and the first one back!! I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
    I keep looking at the HSN Halloween stuff, but don’t want to take a chance with it breaking. I bought a few things locally. I think I’ll send for some Halloween lights and that will do it for this year.
    Nothing much on home shopping. It’s been movie weekend here. My brother’s barbeque was nice and I came home early and 😻😻 and I watched movies.
    It’s late here, and I think it’s time for bed. Sleep well.

  106. Lainie Says:

    I enjoyed my hermit Labor Day. 😻 and I (or I, anyway) had some much needed time away from people. I came out refreshed and my sister and Mary came over for dinner last night. Mary brought her 😻, and a pleasant time was had by all. I made lasagna (with plenty of leftovers), a big green salad, garlic bread (again, leftovers) and we had fruit infused water with it. For dessert, there was ice cream and homemade blackberry pie. And I don’t have to cook tonight.
    Not much interesting on the shopping channels; a couple movies to stream, and then I went into my own collection of movies and old TV shows. I worked out a little over the weekend, and that’s about it.
    😻 missed Mary’s 😻 after they left; I think he does that with all guests he likes 🤔. My sister went to the mixer in the rec room on Labor day, and already knows more people than I do. I envy her extrovert personality. Mary didn’t go; like me, she hates those things 🙅🏼‍♀️🙅‍♀️.
    @Judy, it sounds like your Labor day was nice. Did your SIL’s brother find a house? House hunting has to be very intimidating with the current prices, etc. I don’t envy him.

    • Judy Says:

      You’re weekend is my fave 😍😍. Your sister is the opposite of me. I can’t imagine going to those mixers, let alone mixing!
      My SIL ‘s brother likes a couple homes here. Our prices are high; he’s worried he’d owe too much because selling his house would come quite short of buying one here. Condos, too. He’s going to talk to a realtor where he lives, and get some accurate estimates. He doesn’t want to hurry into this, he may wait a year and see if the market changes. I mentioned towns south of here, but he doesn’t like the crime rates. Part of the reason he wants to move in the first place. I guess he’ll see what he can do and when.
      Lancome today on HSN, other meh things. I haven’t been watching much, either. It’s been movies here, too. Tomorrow checkup at doctor, Friday 😻😻 to vet for same. I did shopping yesterday, so I’m set. I’ve been gradually switching over to a Fall theme with richer colored throws, pillows, etc. And some other decorations. The temperatures are still in the low 100s, but the light has changed a lot, and the leaves are starting to turn.

  107. Ella Says:

    Our Labor day weekend was laid back and nice. Food and family.
    I’ve been meaning to mention, that Suzanne Somers has been absent from her podcasts off and on recently due to neck and back pain. A holdover from her accident where she fell and displaced 2 neck vertebrae. 1+ years ago or so.
    Al, Caroline, and sometimes Leslie have been filling in. Having arthritic back pain myself, I can sympathize 100%. Hopefully she feels better soon. She’s been a little out of it, on pain killers. Those things knock you out. Aging is so damn hard 😢. Best wishes, Suzanne ♥️.
    Anyway, Kathy W looks cute in a bikini on her Facebook, and seems to be done with work for now. She had a decent little run with the shower brush.
    I agree about the shopping channels over the last few days 😴. Not much time to watch, anyway. I’ve been getting my cold weather bedding ready, and heavier throws. Also bringing my cold weather wardrobe to the front. Hot as heck now, but it can be gone in an instant. When the tule fog rolls in, it’s nice to have those warm sweaters and throws.

  108. Jerri Says:

    Good n hot, here. We had a nice Labor day in spite of it.
    I watched Jewelry with Lynn earlier. She really looked nice. Nice dress, lovely hair, etc. Upstyle with a curly bun, side swept bangs and NO HUNK!!!!! I didn’t notice her nails; 😻😻 disappeared a little too long so I had to make sure they weren’t robbing a bank or something. They were sleeping in the master shower, on the floor. It was dry, and probably felt cooler to them. Anyway, I forgot about HSN and carried on.
    I hope this heat wave disappears soon. I’m ready for Autumn, 100%. I’ve been going through my Halloween decorations to see what I might need. I usually put them up the last week of September, and take them down after Dia de Los Muertos, the beginning of November. Stay cool everyone!

    • Lainie Says:

      @Jerri, @Ella
      Phoenix has been hot. You and 😻😻 keep cool, @Jerri. I saw Lynn, too. Yes, she looked very nice. She’s such a gracious host, and today she really looked classy.
      I am concerned for SS, too, Ella. People keep saying she’s drunk. You can tell she’s not under the influence of alcohol. Pain meds make you spacey like she has been. I hope the doctors can help her pain. I have back issues, too, and it’s not fun.
      My sister came over this morning and walked with Mary and me. She made us all breakfast smoothies afterward. After that, I just relaxed. I had poor boy sandwiches (homemade) for dinner with pasta salad and sliced tomatoes.
      😻 and I are cozy in bed, with TV on now. Local news, cable programs, etc. I think we may be nodding off soon; it’s been a busy day. Goodnight, all.

  109. Bertie Says:

    I hope y’all are doing well. It occurred to me that Ms. Moss hasn’t posted in a little bit. I bet she’s busy at work. And I hope she’s well.
    My brother and SIL had a delayed flight getting home. They were here till Wednesday. My heaven’s, I hope I do not have to fly anywhere soon! They made it home safe and had a great time here, and I was glad to see them. We had a nice visit.
    I’ve watched a few of Somers’ podcasts, and she looks uncomfortable and some days she does seem to be under the influence of pain medicine. Alan carries the show on those days. That man can be a hoot, sometimes! 😄 I hope Suzanne’s doctors can help her, and that she is pain free soon. I have osteoarthritis, and that can be terribly painful at times. I’m with you, Suzanne, and am rooting for you to feel better.
    I’m back to my routine now, and am looking forward to a quiet weekend to get caught up with things I’ve been putting off while I had company. HSN and the others don’t have much for me today. Guess I’ll watch the news to get caught up and depress myself.

    • Bertie Says:

      Gosh darn dignity dang auto correct!! 🤬 Heavens should be plural, not possessive. I hate when it does that and I don’t notice it. MY HEAVENS, not heaven’s. Why does it make all plurals possessive? Stupid thing.

  110. Jerri Says:

    Re: Suzanne S. She made an announcement on Instagram (and probably Facebook) that she is going to get herself well and leave the shows to her family for now. Smart choice and I hope her doctors help her pain.
    Friday again, I’m just taking a breather while Mr finishes his Skype visit with Dad. I talked to him earlier. He seems to be doing ok, thankfully.
    Bertie, I feel your pain with auto correct. And I bet dignity was supposed to be dingity. Feck off, auto correct!
    Have a great weekend, all.

    • Bertie Says:

      It was supposed to be dingity! Yes, feck off, auto correct!
      I’m glad Suzanne is taking a break. Your health is everything. Hopefully she’ll be back feeling better soon.
      I’m going to just relax this weekend. Having company was great, but it always tires me out some. I’m going to lay low and look at TV and read. Have a nice weekend.

  111. Lainie Says:

    I watched a little of Lynn, hunk again and all, with Bethany Frankel. Ugh. Anyway, I liked Lynn’s top but don’t know where it’s from. Other than that, no thanks. The whole weekend on the shopping channels has been meh.
    I’ve been hanging out a little with my sister and Mary. The weather has been awful; gloomy and windy. Today, 😻and I are hanging out in my chair, watching SpongeBob. I’m making Reuben sandwiches for dinner, with salad and fries. It’s a good day 🌧️ for comfort food.

    • Lainie Says:

      I just fast forwarded through the video of Hunk’s first show. The top, in case you’re interested, is skinny girl Elizabeth novelty sweater. I must have missed it when a client came over with work for me. That’s ok; $$$$ is always good 😊.

  112. Judy Says:

    Cursed with insomnia tonight. I thought I’d see what was going on here.
    Glad to hear Suzanne S is taking a break. I hope her doctors help her with pain management. She seemed so uncomfortable lately. Get well soon, Suzanne.
    I watched Lynn today with Adrienne. Small hunk today, lol 😆. Adrienne seemed so much livelier in the studio. She looked happier, too. I think she enjoys being on HSN live as opposed to skyping. Unfortunately, same old products. But she and Lynn seemed to be having a good time. Almost reminded me of the good old days…almost.
    Time to try to get some sleep. 😻😻 are fast asleep next to me on the bed. Luckily tomorrow is an easy day.

    • Lainie Says:

      I’m insomniac at the opposite end of the night, Judy. I hope you’re sleeping by now. I’ve been awake since 2 AM; it’s now 5 AM.
      I have TV on, and a little earlier Connie Craig Carroll was on pitching fish oil vitamins. More like snake oil, I think. Ever since she came back to HSN with her crap jewelry, she has been NON LEGIT to me. Actually, the Joyce Wildenstein plastic surgery took a big chip off her credibility IMO. Making money off selling 💩 products does your reputation absolutely no good. Stick your “jims” where the sun doesn’t shine, CCC, and maybe the fish oil will lube the way!!
      Anyway, it’s kind of lonely without Suzanne S videos to fall back on occasionally. I hope her doctors help her and don’t just hand her a bottle of Oxycontin. Hopefully she’ll be back good as new.
      I’ve been wrestling with a big decision, and I’ve come to realize it wasn’t as difficult as I thought. I’m opting for status quo, for my own well being. I’m quite set in my ways, and uprooting will bring out all my insecurities, as well as other negative points. This decision will take something away, but I can’t help it. That old saying “you can’t have your cake and eat it too” most definitely applies here. 😟

      • Jerri Says:

        I hope you got some sleep. Insomnia gets me sometimes and I hate it.
        The fish oil lube made me lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣! I’m surprised CCC is still doing that; she started with it before she went back as a vendor on HSN with her “jims”. She used to be a good host, back in the earlier days. The plastic surgery and constant botoxing of her forehead were really off putting. She also seemed more pushy with sales; that’s probably on HSN. They all seemed to go in that direction. Her current jewelry is complete 💩 and she can keep it. I don’t watch when she’s on.
        So you made your decision… good for you! As we reach a certain age, we really must be our own advocates, and make plans to ensure our security and well being. The problem with choices is, whichever you make, you have to give something up. I’m hoping what you gave up is less important than what you’re keeping. It still sucks 🥺.
        We did shopping and 😻😻 food assembly line yesterday. It’s warming up a little and (hopefully) drying out. This has been a particularly unpleasant summer 🥵. We bought foods for a couple barbeques. We’ll have the kids over on Saturday for beef ribs and wings. That will be a nice day. We can pretty much barbeque year round, though we tend to give it a rest over the Winter months.
        I liked Lynn’s top yesterday, too. But too many bad reviews of Bethany’s stuff make it a big nope. That and the smell that comes with shopping channel clothes. I can probably find something similar online or brick and mortar. I don’t need it, anyway. Notice how much easier it is now days to say no to home shopping…..
        Have a good week, you and 😻.

      • Lainie Says:

        I’m glad you liked the fish oil lube, lol!! CCC is full of it. And, from what I’ve learned, for what you pay for her rip off fish oil, you could buy krill oil, a superior product. I guess junk jewelry isn’t making her enough money. Oh, well…
        My decision was to stay as is, or move to Vegas with my gentleman friend. I won’t be losing him completely by staying; just see him less frequently. And he has the choice to stay or go, too; it’s work related. I’m not going into explanations, because it’s pretty straight forward. He may meet someone else if he goes, etc. I can’t go and take way too many chances. Change doesn’t set well with me. I guess I’ll see what happens with him. I feel sad about this but at 70, a safety net is very important. And the longest I’ve cohabited with him for is about a week. It’s much different long term.
        Today is beauty day on HSN. Nothing to look at for me. I do watch Adrienne for old time’s sake. I may get the leopard top Hunk was wearing yesterday. Just to cheer myself up 🙄🙄. If it’s crap I’ll just write it off as a loss. If not, I have a pair of cream pants, and a pair of beige pants it will go with. It is definitely getting cooler here. We have 2 seasons here… warmer and cooler. Both are humid and sometimes windy. I think I’d prefer Vegas’ weather. It’s the rest of the deal that causes concern. C’est la vie 🤷🏼‍♀️.
        Have a nice time with your family on Saturday. Mary, my sister, and I are going out to dinner by the pier tomorrow night. There’s a great steakhouse that makes some Mexican food and California cuisine. They have a COVID safe patio with heaters. I’m looking forward to stuffing my face with my best girls, lol. I’m going to wear my Giuliana jeans with a long sleeve top, and a lined denim jacket. Nice looking but comfy. I have some gray suede booties that will be perfect with it. And keep my toes warm! When we come back, I’ll serve 🍷🍷🍷 at my place, with cheese and baguette 🥖🧀. I’ll finish up my client’s work tonight and she’ll come by tomorrow morning for it. That will be my dinner money. After our wine and snack, we should be pleasantly full. And after that, the girls are going home in golf carts, so no DUIs. We want to enjoy outdoor dining before it gets too cold.

      • Ella Says:

        It sounds like you made a good decision. Maybe your friend won’t take the Vegas job after all.
        Your seaside dinner sounds wonderful, as does your nightcap and snacks. A nice way to say goodbye to Summer.
        We are going to have dinner in San Francisco, then spend the night there Friday. No Wharf, etc…too crowded and too much crime. We’re just going to enjoy a night away and a nice dinner. Then come home later on Saturday. Back to cow town, lol!
        Everyone have a great weekend ♥️.

  113. Lainie Says:

    Looking at the HSN program guide, it seems Lacy Chabert, formerly (many years ago) of Party of 5, has a pajama collection debuting today. Apparently she’s a Hallmark channel star now; I don’t watch Hallmark much. So is Candace Cameron, who also hawks clothing on QVC.
    Hallmark alum take their dreck schmatte to shopping channels? Former child stars tryna make a go of it on home shopping? Whatever, I’ll pass. I already feel like an a$$ for ordering 2 of the skinny girl sweaters. I ordered the leopard one, and also the blue camo one. The chill in the air and my angst have made me a target, lol 🙄😒.
    My friend is coming over tomorrow night and staying the weekend. There’s a lot to talk about, and a lot to process. Impending doom. I’m glad for the hen party tonight; it should buffer a little of the tension
    I’m going to work out with Mary after my client picks up her paperwork soon. Then some shopping, and tidying up. 😻 has been staying by my side; he knows something is up. He’s a sweet little guy and I’m glad I found him. Let the day begin!

    • Judy Says:

      I’m glad you made a decision, and that your friend is visiting. I hope things go well and both of you will be ok. Your night out tonight sounds fun. Especially the 🍷 and 🥖 later on.
      I’m not interested in Lacey Chabert’s new line. Nothing against her, it has gotten monotonous with the level 2 and below tier celebs and their flash in the pan clothing or jewelry lines 🥱.
      And I see Lynn will host Bauble Bar again 🥱🥱🥱🥱. Another junk line of gimmicky stuff that we can all do without. Someone on here their last visit (maybe Bertie?) remarked that the Disney stuff was more for kids, minus the price. They didn’t want Goofy, et al earrings on their ears. I agree. JMHO, but the Disney thing has gone ad nauseum in this country. And I’m not a fan, so whoever wants that 💩 can have it. Leave me alone!
      The pizza club met last night at Arby’s (very much non pizza 😄) and we decided on our first new place to try for pizza night next month. How did that get here so quickly? Anyway, next month’s meet up is the last till mid January, because of the holidays. We picked a place to try then, too, in case this one isn’t to our liking.. Next month’s is a wood fired place; I’m hoping that sticks. Mr coffee date wasn’t there; I was told he ended up moving somewhere else. Too dull here for him 🙄🙄. Anyway, hard to believe the holidays are rolling around again.
      It has cooled down here substantially and the nights are chilly. My brother is having “the last barbeque of Summer” on Saturday. Wings, steaks and ribs… I’m contributing the ribs and a couple sides. Then he’s cleaning the grill, and putting it away for Winter. Mine is already put away. Fall got here FAST. I’ve had a couple fires in the fireplace already. 😻😻 loved it! They sat on the hearth, then moved a little further away. They were warm to the touch when they came up to see me on the couch. We’re expecting rain this week and even cooler temperatures. I’ve put most of my Summer clothes in the back of the closet.
      I saw Hunk’s sweater and liked it, too. Lainie, when you get yours, please give us a report, and thanks. I’m tempted to order…. but….. That would be a great help ♥️.

  114. Bertie Says:

    I have Hunk on TV now with Baublebar. Same junk as last visit. Lynn….hunk, and terrible nails. I ordinarily love purple, but her nails are lumpy and bumpy and the polish is a horrible shade of dead hyacinth or something. Sorry, but it looks like a mortuary color ⚰️. Distracting and ugly.
    Lainie, I think you and your gentleman will work something out. I think you’re making the right choice. I’ve been to Vegas a few times, on business and for a getaway. The weather can be nice, but too many drifters. And it has emptied out…it had 2 million people in 2003, 2004. Now it has 500,00. NOT a good sign. And crime has gone ⬆️, way ⬆️. I’m surprised your gentleman had a good job offer from there. I hope he researches it thoroughly before giving up what he has. Good luck!
    My granddaughters (they’re cousins) are coming to stay the weekend. This will be a nice get together for all of us. I’m making a pasty tomorrow (thank you so much, Lainie, for this discovery♥️), and I have frozen lasagna that I pre made, and tomorrow night we’re going to the wharf for dinner. There’s a place that makes great tacos and tamales, and they love Mexican food. So do I. 🌮🌮
    Fall is getting close, we’ve cooled off a bit. The holidays are indeed around the corner, y’all. Unbelievable. I’ve picked up a few Halloween decorations, and need a few for Christmas. I just do a tabletop tree, and lights and decorations throughout the house. Anyway, it’ll be here before we know it.

  115. Lainie Says:

    All I have to do is change the linens, and I’ll do that tomorrow. 😻 food made, groceries put away, house cleaned. I’ll tidy up again tomorrow and that will do. I’m ordering in Chinese for us. And I think we’re going out, probably to the pier, Saturday night.
    Good grief I saw Hunk’s nails 😧. Get them fixed, Lynn. I won’t even look back at the Lacey Chabert stuff. And ladies, I’ll be glad to review the sweaters. I hope they’re good.
    I’m having a late lunch; we’ll probably go to dinner around 6. Sis and Mary are golf carting here, and that’s how they’ll get home later. I have a nice bottle of red wine, 5 cheeses, and 2 loaves of baguette. A post dinner snack to fuel a gab fest.
    I’m well acquainted with Vegas. Been there many times, for business as well as fun. Criminals everywhere, dirty backstreets, etc. One thing I loved was the shopping. That’s gone now. Traffic going nowhere. But I do love the weather. But that’s not enough to keep me there. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
    Well, back to earth, lol. Lunch time!! And treat time for 😻. See ya on the flip side ♥️.

  116. Ella Says:

    The days have been pleasant; 70s to 80s. But the nights are cooling off a lot. Rain forecast starting Sunday. We’ve had a couple fires already ourselves. Initiate the old fireplace!! 🔥🔥
    With the upcoming rains, we decided to do our last hurrah barbecue tomorrow. Pop and BIL will come over, and bring a ham 🍖 to grill, we’re doing wings, hot dogs 🌭 and burgers 🍔. Sides of green salad 🥗, pasta salad🍝, and fresh vegetable platter 🥑🍅🥕🥒🥬. Chips, party mix, sodas and fruit infused water. Kick Summer out with a bang 💥. There will be enough food for a few days. I’ve made the pasta salad today. Then the grill will get cleaned and stored, ready for next year.
    I’ve been to Vegas a few times. Before the boom, best. During the boom, more crowds and crime. After the boom, a vacant wasteland, and more crime. No thanks. You do you, Lainie, and what works best for you. I’d be afraid of moving to Vegas with only one person I know, too. Good luck with everything.
    Lynn’s nails 😬 need work. And that color doesn’t look good on camera. I missed Lacey Chabert 🤷‍♀️. I don’t think I’ll be sorry for it. I really liked Hunk’s Skinny Girl sweater, but the smells 🤢🤢. Lainie, do tell when you get it. With the upcoming rain, I see TV by the fire this weekend. Lots of DVDs to look at.

  117. Lainie Says:

    Mary, sis, and I had a fun evening last night. Dinner at the pier was good, then our bread and wine meeting was fun. Both were supportive of my decision, and hope things work out for me.
    I’m having my coffee now, looking at the news. I had HSN on, and what a dull day. They have Lacey Chabert on AGAIN with her generic garb and I’m feeling a big nope. Beekman on ad nauseam, too. Sheesh, what a Friday on HSN!
    I’ve showered and changed out the linens, and ready for company. I’ll call the restaurant soon and place the delivery order for 7 PM. 😻 has been doing zoomies like crazy, I wonder if he’s picking up on my nervous energy. He’s 15 pounds now and you can hear the zoomies well 🥰😍. I guess we’ll sit here and look at the news, then I’ll have brunch in a bit. Whatever will be, will be, I guess. Have a good weekend, everyone.

  118. Judy Says:

    I saw the end of Lacey Chabert’s early show today. Blah, overpriced loungewear. Nicole couldn’t STFU and let Lacey speak. Nicole is evolving into the Most Irritating Host category. I muted it after 5 minutes. Ugh.
    I did the shopping for the BBQ, plus some extras. I bought beef ribs, I prefer them to pork. Yikes my checking account 😬🥺😧😬. I’d like to not grocery shop until Thursday. The cats have plenty of food, and I don’t need anything else. I don’t like grocery shopping, and for the size of our town, the store selection is pitiful.
    I’m airing out the place while it’s still nice out. We had a fire last night, and there will be one tonight. Soon, I’ll have to put the heat on overnight. The fireplace takes the chill off for now. The mornings are a little cool, but a warm shower helps with that! This Summer was unusually warm, and went by quickly.
    I’ve sent for my Halloween lights, and picked up some decor locally. I found 2 colorful glass sugar skulls at Walgreens, of all places. $15 apiece, and good sized. One is purple, with different colors of trim, and one is clear, same. I like to combine Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos, too. I also ordered some sugar skull lights. I found a mercury glass pumpkin, in purple, that goes with the sugar skull. It’s on the larger size, and I paid $25 for it at Home Goods. Glad I didn’t buy from HSN, I got nicer things at better prices… and no delivery breakage to worry about.

    • Bertie Says:

      Judy, thanks! I’m going to look at Walgreens and Home Goods. And I ordered some lights from Target. That should do it for Halloween.
      The girls will be here after work, so I made reservations for 7 PM for dinner. The pasty will be baked tomorrow. The meat is marinating now. The guest rooms are ready, and everything is done. In a couple hours, I’ll shower and get ready for dinner. Nothing fancy, just getting out of house clothes.
      Curiosity got the best of me and I watched a little of Lacey’s show, too. I remember Party of 5 like it was yesterday. Boy howdy how the years went by!! Anyway, her stuff didn’t appeal to me. Some of it was a little childish, to me, for grown women. And that Nicole can’t keep her mouth closed for 5 seconds. Y’all are right, she’s becoming very irritating.
      Enjoy your barbeques and guests, and have a nice weekend.

      • Alice Says:

        Hi, Bertie
        The days since Party of 5 have flown, for sure. I think Lacey is HSN ‘s answer to her Hallmark Channel alumnus, Candace Cameron Bure, who coincidentally also has a line of loungewear, on QVC. Nothing of Lacey’s caught my eye, either. I don’t buy much from home shopping anymore. The quality has suffered badly. And the prices are way too high. What little I do buy comes from HSN. And it’s very little.
        Judy, hi, and thanks for the Walgreens info. I’ve mainly dashed by the Halloween section there, thinking it would be expensive and mundane. I’ll have to look closer next time. I’ll also check out Home Goods. I like the mercury glass things on HSN, but they’re pricey. Also, the breakage during shipping problem is very real.
        I live in southern NM and we’re still very warm, but the nights are starting to cool. Fireplace season will probably start in a week or 2. My husband is a golf enthusiast (I prefer golf nut🤫) and he’s been playing as frequently as he can before Winter sets in. Then it’s chess. He’s very lucky that he has a friend who shares his interests. Anyway, we’ve lived here for years. It isn’t perfect but nothing is anymore. We both retired 2 years ago.
        Have a great weekend, everyone.

      • Judy Says:

        No problem. We need to share $$ saving things when we find them to help others.
        Watching Hunk, complete with hunk, hosting Jay King. Pretty emerald green dress… with that hideous muddy purple nail polish. NOT a good combination. And the dragon lady nails don’t help. Where is her style consultant? Out to lunch? Permanently?
        Great BBQ Saturday; raining today. We had it just in time. I’ve got lots of wings and ribs leftover, as does my brother. I’m making a salad tonight and some garlic bread to go along. Minimal cooking 🤗.
        It’s chilly this morning so I lit a fire. I think I’ll sit and enjoy it with my coffee and 😻😻 and find something other than Hunk to watch.

      • Ella Says:

        We had our Friday night in San Francisco, then came back and had our last of the Summer BBQ with BIL and Pop Saturday (yesterday) afternoon and evening. Between dinner in SF, and all the BBQ, I think tomorrow will start a week of salads and protein only for dinner for me 🐷. No weight gain yet, and I want to keep it that way!!
        It’s raining here, too, Judy. Mid 70s, windy, and chilly this morning. I went to Michaels this morning and bought the stuff to make a pretty Autumn wreath for the front door. I have a winter wreath, and a Valentine wreath. Our Autumn one bit the dust a couple years ago. So, time for a new one. It’s costing me about $25 to make it…much cheaper than buying one already made. It should be a fun project. Autumn begins this Friday, the 22nd. Hang in there, Jerri 🥵💙 🌬️. Hopefully Phoenix will cool off soon.
        It’s supposed to stop raining Tuesday; we’ll see. I put out some deep red candles, purple and amber ones for Autumn. Unscented, because I hate those fake scents irritating my breathing. But they’re deep jewel colors, and look beautiful at night, and on gloomy days like today. The Autumn throws are on the chairs and sofa, and the bed has last year’s HSN sheets I bought. So we’re cozy and ready for cooler weather.
        I did see Hunk and her funereal nails this morning. Egads, that purple is ugly on its own, but with the green….🤢🤮. Cut ’em, file ’em, and paint ’em nude. Please.

      • Bertie Says:

        Ella, even a sheer light purple (but not with the green 🤢) would be ok.
        My girls left earlier, after brunch. The younger one left right away, she has an early wakeup call for work tomorrow. It was a nice weekend and we had fun.
        This week I’m going to decorate a little for Autumn. And oh, by the way, the Falloween special is Tuesday night, the 20th. Double check the time if you’re watching live. We’ll see if Michelle and Adam are good hosting together. I may watch
        the video later on in the week; I’m not sure what’s going on here this week. I’d better check my calendar.
        The art teacher dropped the painting class; a relative is moving back east and she’ll be gone for a few weeks to help them. Usually she takes a break between mid October and mid January for the holidays. Looks like it’ll be longer this year.
        Anyway, I haven’t watched much home shopping, but I did see Lynn’s nails earlier. They need to be much shorter and less pointy. And stop with the horrible colors. I see Guy isn’t back yet; I hope he’s ok. His voice was worrisome. I’m tempted by the skinny girl sweaters Lainie ordered; I guess I’ll see what her verdict is. Hopefully I’ll lose interest and find something cheaper. I will need some sweaters, though, it’s starting to get cold already.

  119. Judy Says:

    To follow up on Bertie’s post, the HSN Falloween special will be on tomorrow night, Tuesday the 20th, from 6 PM to 9 PM PDT. It’s good to change things up sometimes, but I think they should have had Amy do the special with Adam. They’ve worked together a long time, and there’s a history of camaraderie there. Nothing against Michelle; I like her and she’s a good host. I just think Amy would be better here. We’ll see how it goes, I guess. Should be interesting. I may watch the video at a later time.
    Alice, hi and welcome, and do check out Walgreens. I’ve found little surprises, especially in their Halloween section, over the last several years. I found 2 cute ceramic jack o lanterns a couple years ago. A few Halloween themed candles over the years, and table covers, etc. You never know what you’ll find in places like Home Goods, but it’s worth a look. Target is the best for Halloween lights. And the prices are reasonable. Unfortunately, they’ve downsized their in store inventory. For everything. I didn’t bother looking in store, I just ordered the lights online. Great selection. JMO, but I think Target made a HUGE mistake with their in store redo.
    I haven’t been to Walmart yet. There’s usually something there for Halloween. About 6 years ago I bought pumpkin soup bowls with sandwich plates; larger size than usual. Nice, sturdy ceramic, beautiful colors. The bowls look like pumpkins, and the plates have a pumpkin over the whole thing. I pretty much use them year round, but they’re especially nice for Fall. They were in the Neighborhood market, on an end cap. In regular Walmart, I’ve found decor, too. I’ve got a collection of different stuff from different places, most bought here in town. Anyway, I’m ready for Halloween.
    Bertie, Ella, I’m waiting for Lainie’s review of the sweaters, too. I like both that she ordered. If she gives them a good review, I’ll order both. Skinny Girl has so many mixed and bad reviews, but many liked these sweaters. It is getting chilly and sweater weather will be here soon.
    It’s raining today, and I see it is where you are, too, Ella. Both of us have warm 90s temperatures later in the week, but the nights are still cool. That won’t last long, Fall is here. The trees are starting to change here, and the days are noticably shorter. Bye, Summer. And this rain today is definitely a Fall rain, not a Summer shower.

    • Alice Says:

      Hi Judy
      Thanks for your good advice. I agree about Target (and wondered if it was just our store here)and their revamp. I looked it up upon reading your post and it’s their “new look” everywhere. I prefer the old look, thank you. I’ll definitely look at lights online.
      Here, because Dia de Los Muertos is widely observed, any place that has Halloween stuff usually has some sugar skulls, etc. I have a few fun dioramas that I put out, with skeletons doing everyday things. They are colorful and humourous. But I need more Halloween stuff, so will look at target online, and Walmart. Who’d have thought you’d find those nice bowls and plates at a neighborhood market?! I must be more observant, and look more patiently.
      I may not watch tomorrow night, but I’ll definitely watch the Falloween special video at some point soon. And I like Michelle a lot, but I do think they should have paired Amy with Adam for this. It will be interesting to watch.
      As for today, not much to watch on HSN. There will be Halloween decor tonight, so I’ll look at that and be a step ahead for the Falloween show. After your finds locally, I doubt I’ll order anything from HSN for Halloween, but it’s fun to watch and get ideas. I have a lot to look at right here in town.

    • Ella Says:

      Judy, and hi, Alice
      Bummer! I forgot that Michelle was hosting with Adam instead of Amy. I like Michelle, too, but Amy should be there. Maybe she has some family obligations or something.
      I’m watching it later on, because Pop is making enchiladas tomorrow night and we’re going over there for the evening.
      I’ll definitely watch the Halloween decor show tonight, Alice, thanks. I’m going to look more locally for stuff, too. And definitely check out Walgreens. We have 2 here, and another that’s temporarily closed. I doubt it will reopen. Anyway, there are local places, I don’t need to spend $$$$ at HSN.
      The rain and gloom are Autumn for sure. And you can see it and smell it in the air. Those warm temperatures won’t last long, and the nights are really cooling down. The pumpkin fields are full and ripe between Little Town and here; it’s orange all along the highway. The grain fields are golden and the light is, too. Autumn in the Valley.

  120. Lainie Says:

    Welcome, Alice. I like Dia de los Muertos decorations, too. I have a couple dioramas and a few sugar skulls. I mix it all up.

    I took my sister out to dinner last night because her birthday is soon, and she’ll be 69. I had to do it last night because her kids have plans for her later on. So, I missed the Falloween show, like I knew I would. So I went on the program guide to get the link to watch today… and there wasn’t one. For any shows yesterday or today, except to watch live. Beauty day 🙄😒. Maybe it will change later. Meantime, feck you, HSN! Because you can’t need our $$ too badly, those of us who shop from the videos. Dicks.
    My gentleman friend took a trip to Vegas shortly before our visit. Turns out, they’re sending him there for a year, to get things running better. So, he has neighbors to watch his place at home, and he’s paying their HOA fees (which are pretty hefty) each month as a thank you. His company is paying his rent in Vegas. He was relieved it wasn’t longer (he does NOT like Vegas) and totally doesn’t want me to uproot for a year. He’ll come home and see me at least every couple months, if not every month, which is good. He’s going to be working lots of overtime because this project is difficult and not for the faint of heart. He’s glad it’s not long term, and things will be somewhat normal. I told him to bring some Vegas ☀️ and warm temperatures with him when he comes back to visit. So it turned out better than both of us thought it would. He goes to Vegas in January.
    I’m ordering in Chinese AGAIN and taking it easy today. It’s gloomy and looks like it’s going to pour. 😻 is snuggled up next to me in my chair, snoozing away. It’s that kind of day. Tomorrow is the Autumnal Equinox. Happy Fall, all!

    • Ella Says:

      I noticed that too, about not being able to watch the shows. It’s still like that 😡. We went to BIL and Pop’s last night, and I’m alone today, so it would have been perfect. I even made my lunch to eat by the TV. Thanks, HSN, for nothing 😡. I was honestly curious to see how Michelle did with Adam, too. Hopefully HSN will fix things so we can watch. I missed the Halloween decor shows last night, too, and was hoping to watch those today.
      Yes, tomorrow is Autumnal Equinox. And for me, it’s time to start putting a few Halloween/Dia de Los Muertos decorations up. I start with a few, and am usually finished by the very beginning of October. My husband and I enjoy them, and they make a cozy addition. Then a month after they come down, it’s time for Christmas decorations. And of course, once those come down, the house feels naked for awhile.
      It’s gloomy here, too, Lainie. I lit a fire earlier, but it’s warming up outside, so I let it go out. High 70s, but dark skies. I think the warmer temperatures will be gone by October. Maybe it’s me but I feel like something is missing this year.

  121. Bertie Says:

    Howdy Alice and welcome!!
    I can’t believe HSN shut down the “watch” links to all the shows! I had company last night and just decided to watch the Falloween show, as well as the other Halloween decor shows today. HSN apparently has other ideas, dang it! I was considering buying a couple things, but not now. I’ll get stuff locally. That was a dick move, Lainie, if I ever saw one, lol! You are funny.
    Anyway, it probably wasn’t as fun without Any anyway. I was looking forward to something more lighthearted, especially after the somber services for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 2. She lived a long life, but it’s still a sad thing to lose her. And bless her family, and console them in their time of sorrow.
    Anyway, I won’t buy anything, even if HSN fixes the watch link. I can shop here, or in San Diego and vicinity, and save a lot of $$$$ over HSN. They don’t give two hoots about their customers. What a bunch of sidewinders. Yes, indeed, feck HSN.
    I’m looking forward to decorating. And to borrow Lanie’s saying, happy Fall, y’all!

  122. Bertie Says:

    Not as fun without AMY, not Any. Ding dang auto correct 🤬

  123. Alice Says:

    HSN still has no links to watch anything. I’ve seen it get behind during the day by a couple hours or so, but ends up catching up, and you can watch. Is HSN blocking us from watching permanently? I bet most of their business comes from people watching the videos after the fact. Ok, HSN, lose business, see if we care.
    I missed the Falloween special last night because we ended up having company. People have lives, HSN, that’s why you NEED to keep showing videos for a few days so we can get caught up. I also missed the Halloween decor shows Monday, because I had appointments and then later, I had a phone call from an old friend and we talked for a long time. See? Stuff comes up, and it’s nice to know you can catch the shows later on via video. At least you USED to be able to.

  124. Judy Says:

    Well, guys, I missed the Monday night Halloween decor shows, as well as the Falloween special. And whether it was laptop, tablet or phone, I had the same experience as the rest of you. And, it’s still the same this morning 😡. Unless it changes soon, I’m not ordering another thing from HSN. Even if Lainie LOVES the sweaters, and I really wanted them, too. If you don’t want us to shop after hours, HSN, then we will take you literally. I may have seen something on one of those shows that I would have bought. Not to mention having something fun to watch. Who the heck made this 💩y change? A$$holes.

    • Lainie Says:

      @Judy, everyone
      Same here. It occurs to me that HSN could be having technical difficulties, however, that’s happened before, and was usually fixed within hours. If so, @Jerri, it seems they could use your Mr right now!
      I’m going shopping, then having lunch with Mary and 😻😻 playdate. I will keep trying, off and on, to see if HSN fixes or changes this. If not, the sweaters are going back (which were bought, BTW, by looking at a pre recorded video) and I’m telling them exactly why. I already called customer service about this and they “don’t know anything about it”. More like they don’t know anything, period. Oy.

      • Alice Says:

        Someone raised this question on the HSN customer service forum. I found it online on google; I’m not a member and can’t log in to reply or see more. Unfortunately, the person who responded to her didn’t understand anything she said. If you don’t know/understand, don’t add to the confusion by giving a stupid answer.
        If it is technical difficulties, hopefully someone at HSN will bring it to the attention of whoever needs to know, and they’ll fix it. Like Lainie said, usually these things are fixed in a matter of hours. This isn’t looking good.

      • Alice Says:

        Came back to add….. Just revisited that customer service post, and it’s from April, 2020!!! Apparently this has happened before. Sorry, I didn’t notice the date before. Ok, that was during the height of the pandemic, and HSN was probably figuring many things out still. But this recent thing is out of the blue…. what happened?
        Keep it up, HSN, and soon you’ll have zero viewers. Many people buy off those video playbacks.

      • Bertie Says:

        I’ve even gone on YouTube for the recent Falloween special, and they just have the one from last month. They actually only show a few videos.
        Everything I’ve bought from HSN in recent years, with a couple exceptions, has been from watching a video playback of a previously aired show. Sometimes I’ll catch a show I’m interested in, but I buy from the videos, to get full information and rewind it if necessary. And I just know I’m not the only one who does this, y’all do and so do most other folks.
        Ms. Moss, if you have any information on this, please let us know. They keep making HSN worse and worse. I’m with y’all up thread, I won’t buy another thing if they don’t have the video playbacks anymore. And I won’t watch live.

      • Bertie Says:

        I just looked back, and “watch now”, the video playbacks, stopped at 7 AM PDT on last Sunday, September 18th. Kind of looks like on purpose, to me. I hope y’all are right about technical difficulties, otherwise, HSN has just cheated us out of a practical way to buy things, and themselves out of many, many sales.

  125. Ella Says:

    Um, this just keeps getting worse and worse. It’s looking more like a decision than technical difficulties. HSN will lose many viewers and sales this way. I won’t buy another thing. Those video playbacks made shopping easy and convenient, and that’s how I bought most of my purchases, too. You can’t even get on the forums till deep in the night, because they have that stupid damn talk cloud on all day. It’s like they’re chasing us away on purpose.

  126. Ella Says:

    I ran across an article online by Yahoo finance, dated September 8th, saying HSN was going to put their shows on YouTube TV, which is a SUBSCRIPTION. I couldn’t link it, or copy it, and I lost it, but with patience you can look it up.
    In English, you will be PAYING to see those previously aired shows. What a bunch of crap. Feck you, HSN, and your momma, your daddy, and the horse they rode in on. If this is true, I won’t even have them on again for background noise. That’s a cheap, dirty elitist move to take every penny from your customers. We can’t even enjoy looking at shows we missed. Up yours, HSN. Maybe I can write an article about this somewhere if I find out for sure it’s what happened. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

    • Ella Says:

      HSN launches Livestream video shopping experience on YouTube TV

      Is the name of the article. QVC is doing it, too. They’re the only 2. Figures. Cheap mother fu**ers.

      • Bertie Says:

        Oh helllll no! When I’m through here, I’m taking HSN off the streaming devices on both my TVs, and their program guide off my bookmarks. Solidarity!!!! I don’t want them in my house ever again. I’m calling ALL my relatives and friends, and asking them to support us. And I know they will…. that was a cheap dirty move. I hope HSN and QVC go out of business for good!!!!!
        Ms. Moss, I smell a dang good article here for y’all. You go, Ella, write it up in some business publication. GET THE WORD OUT… NO MORE QURATE!!!

      • Bertie Says:

        Oh helllll no! When I’m through here, I’m taking HSN off the streaming devices on both my TVs, and their program guide off my bookmarks. Solidarity!!!! I don’t want them in my house ever again. I’m calling ALL my relatives and friends, and asking them to support us. And I know they will…. that was a cheap dirty move. I hope HSN and QVC go out of business for good!!!!!
        Ms. Moss, I smell a dang good article here for y’all. You go, Ella, write it up in some business publication. GET THE WORD OUT… NO MORE QURATE!!!

    • Judy Says:

      Sure looks like it. Like Bertie said, the way the “watch now” ended, really felt on purpose. Solidarity here, too. No more HSN in my house. QVC, same, not that I watched much anyway. I’ve called all my friends and family, too. Most of them agree there’s mostly crap on there anyway. Don’t get me started on the QVC pajama parties featuring Jane’s daughters. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
      Ms. Moss, I agree with Bertie, you have a good base for a post here. What a low down dirty thing to do to their customers. Everyone I know, is boycotting them. And most deservedly so. I don’t NEED to watch the Falloween special, I wanted to. Now they can shove it so far up their a$$es it will never be seen again.

  127. Ella Says:

    I have BCCd everyone in my email contacts, plus more. I know people all over the country due to my job, and we share recipes, ideas, all kinds of information. I’ve gotten a ton of responses; my notifications were going bonkers yesterday. They’re all boycotting HSN and QVC. And they said it’s a cheap, elitist move, too.
    My husband thinks that “watch now” will be back in the near future, when their sales tank and they get complaints. I think he may be right, but even if they do bring it back, I’m done with Qurate. I’ll watch HQ when I’m bored, watches and all. This left a really bad taste in my mouth, and I’ve been more than disappointed with home shopping in general and Qurate in particular for a very long time 🙅.

    • Lainie Says:

      Thank you for doing research that only a journalist could do. I had lunch and 😻😻 playdate at Mary’s yesterday, then my sister kidnapped me and I spent the day shopping with her and giving her decorating advice. Last night I was too tired to even post.
      I did read the article you referenced, and yes, “watch now” is toast. Gee, Qurate, thanks for nothing for your customers. And aren’t there easier ways to commit business suicide? I’m with Ella’s husband; “watch now” will be back. But I am also done with Qurate. And the sweaters should arrive Monday, and they are going right back to HSN. I no longer have cable, and HSN and QVC were super easy to remove from my streaming lineup. On both TVs. Bye bye, a$$holes! No more Hunk with her 💩y nails, no more orgasmic gasps from Colleen, no more empty headed Callie, rude Gilman, wacko Wynne, chef Todd Australia, no more leather over exposed boobs Daus, no more 💩y “jims” by Connie Craig Wildenstein, no more alien head visits by Carol Brodie. And in the kitchen with David is now without Lainie, denim and co is squirrelly without Lainie, Jane’s daughters no longer have Lainie in the audience, and no more pajama parties with Lainie watching. I should pee on the sweaters before I send them back. Better yet, let 😻 do it!! Bye, HSN, bye Qurate!

      • Bertie Says:

        Sorry, y’all, for the double post. I think my tablet touch screen is extra sensitive. I’ll try to hit “post” more lightly.
        Lainie, you are so funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I about peed myself when I read your post! If you do pee on the sweaters, definitely let 😻 do it, his pee is stronger! I like “wacko Wynne”, too!! Your descriptions are accurate, and made me wonder why I kept watching to begin with. Things like the Falloween show are what kept me watching. But I am DONE with Qurate. And happy to report that my friends and family are with us. And not surprisingly, many have stopped watching already. Many just noped HSN out after Qurate stirred them in the pot with QVC. They really did go to 💩 then.
        I refuse to watch JTV as long as The Scammer is on there. But if I need a dose of home shopping, I’ll go over to HQ. It will make good background noise, and they occasionally have some interesting things on there. I predict business will pick up for them, too, now that HSN and QVC no longer have “watch now”. How about watch never, Qurate?

  128. Lainie Says:

    Like you, @Ella, I know people all over the place. I did the same thing BCC’d emails, and phone calls. Many of these people were/are clients. Quite a few have stopped watching HSN and QVC already. Too many hassles, poor quality, poor customer service, on and on. My sis and Mary, and other friends here are in solidarity with us, too. It’s time to show these companies that they aren’t a NECESSITY, they are an EXTRA. Which means WE DON’T NEED THEM. Watch playbacks on a YouTube subscription? I think fecking NOT.

  129. Alice Says:

    My friends, family and I stand with you. My husband was disgusted when he heard the news. We read the article Ella found. He ordered garden and home improvement things occasionally. I’ve been a customer since 2000. The town in NM I live in is isolated; not much around. An hour away there’s a larger city in another state. But the crowds and traffic make it unpleasant to go there.
    Our town didn’t have as much shopping as it does now back in 2000. HSN was a popular place to shop for many of us. Back then, it was good. Customer service, great products, variety, reasonable prices and shipping. But over the years has tried to turn itself into a “boutique” to draw younger viewers. There aren’t many viewers younger than Generation X, and not many of those. Instead of listening to their demographic and trying to make it more appealing to them, to keep customers, they do these weird things that drive us away.
    Once Qurate took them over, they went from bad to worse. I don’t think I’ve ordered 5 things from them since then, and it has all been clothing. The jewelry has gotten tinny and cheap, and the clothes are bad. Stuff arrives (like face creams, etc) half used or broken. And shipping is out of this world $$$$$$$$$ When hubby and I have ordered, it’s been on free shipping day.
    I’ve crossed off QVC, they’re the same thing and do the same thing now. No JTV, for Bertie’s reason. I guess it’s back to HQ, once an old favorite. Not to shop, just to watch. At least we won’t have to pay money to watch video replays! And, guys, the Falloween special probably wasn’t that good without Amy. But trying to watch it sure lead us to an ugly truth, didn’t it?
    One more thing before I go. I was snooping around on another blog to see if they knew this. Nobody mentioned the video subscriptions, but they mentioned seeing Robert Manse’s Facebook, and he did his last show with HSN. He can’t say yet what he’s doing, but he’s gone. Good for him. I hope many more follow. Qurate is a bunch of jerks. Cheap, miserable jerks.
    Just know although I’m new as a poster, I’ve followed for awhile. You’re a great group of people, and of course, me and mine are in solidarity with you 🖤.

  130. Judy Says:

    I don’t know that many people, but those I do are with us. My SIL and brother are spreading the word, too. My SIL has a decent size family, and many friends. So far, everyone is outraged about Qurate. Some of these people buy a decent amount of stuff from HSN. Not many like QVC anymore, anyway.
    The only person we haven’t heard from is Jerri. My guess is she’s off the grid. I hope her family is ok and she’s having fun. She’ll certainly say what she thinks about all this!
    Alice, nice post, and it looks like you started the same way with HSN as most of us did. More shipping variety.
    Interesting about Robert Manse. I’ve noticed his jewelry was on clearance a lot lately. I’m sure he knows many of us buy from those “watch now” video replays. Maybe it’s why he left; maybe not. But I agree, Alice, I hope many follow him. What a burn on HSN if he goes to HQ! 🤭😧😂😄
    Have a good weekend, all. Boy, it sure got here fast. We are warm, 90s, for the week, Summer’s last hurrah.

    • Lainie Says:

      Robert Manse is a fun on air personality, although paired with Colleen Gigglefitz he was a bit much. He’ll be missed.
      I’ll miss the Borgheses, Adrienne, Andrew Lessman, Jay King (him, not his jewelry), Giuliani Rancic (very sweet and hard working), Cate Bandel (Nina Leonard), Michael Valitutti, Dimitri James, and a couple more I can’t think of. The hosts, meh. Some go back a bit, some are ok, but honestly, I can live without them. As for background noise, HQ works just as well as HSN.
      And you can bet your boots Jerro will tell it like it is when she comes back on here. I, too, hope everything is ok and she’s just having fun somewhere. I do believe Ella’s hubby has a good point; HSN will bring back “watch now” when their sales start to tank. Like Ella, I’m done with them and QVC.

  131. Lainie Says:

    I’ll miss all the SNARKING material HSN supplies me with.

    • Judy Says:

      Keep the sweaters, if they’re good. You bought them before you knew about this. Also, I enjoy snarking too. How about we watch, but don’t buy? None of us watched much anyway. I kind of want to see if Guy’s voice is ok when he comes back.
      Anyway, I do think they’ll bring back “watch now” because way too many people use that feature to shop. And when people stop shopping, maybe they’ll listen.

      • Lainie Says:

        I’ll think about the sweaters. I actually had plans where I wanted to wear the animal print one with my cream slacks next weekend; we’ll see. And I guess there’s no harm in watching, as long as we don’t buy anything. Although they have NOTHING on today. I also hope Guy is ok. I think he comes back next week? Anyway, snarking purposes is our new excuse to watch, lol.

  132. Jerri Says:

    Hi, everyone, and welcome Alice
    Mr and I took a little break and got away for a few days. The boys house/catsit, and everything is good. We got back yesterday afternoon. We won’t be able to do it again for awhile, so we thought we’d better go while we could.
    Mr and I both wanted to see the Falloween special last night, and when we couldn’t, I decided to check over here. Really, HSN??!! It costs them NOTHING to replay those videos, and they want to profit off them. I guess it’s Qurate because QVC was mentioned in the article, too. And the article makes it sound like subscribing to those reruns is a big deal; a special privilege 🙄. No, it’s a sneaky way for them to rip us off. No thanks.
    I agree with Judy, Lainie, as long as we don’t buy, watching is ok. And do keep the sweaters if they’re ok. But we all need to boycott shopping at HSN and QVC.
    Guy Yovan was mentioned; looking at the program guide earlier, he is on for 2 hours in a couple weeks and that’s it for awhile. I didn’t want to keep looking but something seems terribly wrong. You can’t look at his Facebook now, and his Instagram is old.
    Robert Manse is a nice guy, but his jewelry has shrunken and cheapened badly over the last few years. Let’s hope he’s leaving so he can make it better. People notice when quality is cheapened. Hello, Jay King. Other than the sheets from last Winter, and the clothes from last Spring, there isn’t anything I want on there. They can keep their videos and their 💩 merchandise. I get Lessman’s vitamins from his website. And you can buy Skinn from Dimitri’s website, too. You don’t NEED HSN.
    When companies do this, it shows their greed. And it isn’t flattering. HSN, to me, went from a fun place to shop to a 💩 show under Mindy Grossman. No, I didn’t like her boutique-y, movie themed shows. She also lowered quality and jacked prices and shipping up. Now, under Qurate, it’s a sewer show. There are still a few good vendors, but they have to lower their quality so HSN can make an exorbitant profit.
    Feck you, HSN, and QVC, too. I won’t buy a thing from you ever again. You can take your subscription videos and piss off.

    • Alice Says:

      Hi, Jerri
      I’m glad I’m not the only one who disapproves of the way Grossman ran HSN. I got put down a lot on other forums for my opinions. I agree with you and applaud you for speaking your mind.
      It’s hard to navigate HQ’s website, and when you ask for program guide, or click on it, you do not get a program guide. So I will continue to watch Qurate occasionally, and snark away. I also looked ahead for Guy Yovan, and he is on HSN just a few times in October. You can’t look beyond October, so who knows. I just hope he’s ok. My husband has bought a few things from him. We will buy no more from Qurate.
      Oh, and next month the Christmas decorations smother the home shopping studios 😟. Everyone, please wait till AFTER Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas. You can have your holiday sales and specials, just wait on the decorations. We have an artificial tree that always looks nice. I usually put it up the first week in December, and we take it down shortly after New Year’s day…or even sometimes before. These things lose their charm when left up half the year. Hint, hint, home shopping!!
      Good for you for getting away briefly. Sometimes that makes a huge difference in the way we feel. We don’t travel much; my sister lives up north near a larger city, and my husband’s sister and brother live in southern California, not too far from each other. Seeing them is about all the traveling we do now.
      I’m curious to see if “watch now” magically reappears before the holidays. I can’t believe the greed of these channels.

      • Jerri Says:

        Grossman also added to Colleen’s huge ego by giving her her own lines of jewelry and clothing. And the names Colleen gives her stuff 🙄🙄🙄🙄
        “This is my Tango in Tallahassee top, worn with my ” I Got the Blues Baby jeans. And my Devastating Diamonds Herkimer necklace, and my Baby it’s Cold Outside bolero jacket. This other dress is my Dizzying Dancing Damsel maxi dress, worn with my scintillating Sophisticated Scheherazade shawl, and my Honking Hot Haughty Jalapeño hat. ”
        Help me, someone, anyone, I’m drowning in dimwit dialogue 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. You get the idea.
        Grossman also substituted HSN’s sleek decor for faux living rooms with bulky furniture and chunky faux fireplaces. It looked dark and busy, and not welcoming. It distracted the viewer from the clothes (or whatever), which may have been on purpose, because most of their merchandise had gone to 💩 by then, anyway.
        Anyway, that’s my take on her stint there. I don’t like what she did to HSN, and that’s it.

      • Lainie Says:

        🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You are hilarious!! I’d like the scintillating sophisticated Scheherazade shawl 🙄😄🤭. The honkin hot haughty jalapeño hat has to be a winner, too 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Those names are actually less corny than the ones she makes up. How about simpler names, Colleen? Example: how about the Softest shawl? Or the heat wave hat? Or the cozy bolero? She’s so over dramatic 🙄. Heh heh, Tango in Tallahassee. Putta in Pensacola. Orgasmic in Orlando. Clumsy in Clearwater. Mambo in Miami. Tramp in Tampa. Silly in St Petersburg. Dimwit in Daytona. Nasty in Naples. Humpin’ in Hollywood. Chaotic in Cocoa.
        Thanks for watching the show, folks. I’ll see myself out.

  133. Neal Says:

    For those of you that have mentioned Guy Yovan, he posted yesterday on the Guy Yovan on HSN site. Says he is doing good, but slow going. He will return soon.

    • Jerri Says:

      Thank you. We appreciate the information. I’ve always liked Guy and have been hoping he’s ok. The voice change sounded scary, hence my concern. Thank you so much for the update. Sorry I didn’t see it earlier, but so many posts to look through.

  134. Lainie Says:

    Up early today. Mary and I did yoga, and walked. I feel better. It’s been partly cloudy but the day temps have been around 80. It gets chilly at night, though.
    Ok, we had fun here yesterday. And I do agree, @Jerri, about the clunky over busy sets Grossman had at HSN. Last night I looked at Amy Morrison’s Instagram, and she did an “ad” for the subscription TV thing. “HSN is on YouTube TV and you can watch me anytime if you subscribe”, or similar. Now they have the hosts pushing that? What a greedy bunch of jerks. This thing is going to take off like a lead balloon; wait and see. Who in their right mind would pay for this?! Add it to the over priced crap you’re buying from HSN, the exorbitant shipping costs…. why don’t you just sign your paycheck over to them every week 😬🙄??
    A quick glance at the program guide shows lots of electronics, Beekman 🤪, and a little Perlier and Gilman later. Nothing to even snark at!! My sweaters are due tomorrow. I’ll look them over, try them on, etc, and if they make the cut, I’ll keep them. Otherwise, back they go. My very last HSN purchase.

  135. Alice Says:

    Jerri, Lainie
    You guys are hilarious 😂😂😂. Jerri, the overdone sets were one of my complaints, too. I liked the sleek, simple sets when Barry Diller ran things. Grossman was trying to turn HSN into a boutique, and not a very pleasant one.
    Lainie, I actually came to post about Amy’s Instagram. We’ll have to see who else pushes the subscription. You also can’t look at the hosts’ Facebook anymore, unless you have an account. Although I miss it, I thought making the hosts have social media was a bad idea. In general, social media is a bad idea, IMO. But now, you can’t even see it. I don’t know if it’s Qurate, or HSN; I haven’t looked any QVC hosts up yet. There are too many changes at HSN for my liking.
    We are having nice days; mid 80s, but at night it’s getting colder. We are going to a friend’s house for BBQ later; I’m making a variety of dips and bringing tortilla chips for our contribution. It should be a nice day. Very soon, BBQ weather will be gone.

    • Jerri Says:

      Lainie, Alice
      That’s a low blow, making Amy push that stupid subscription. I’m sure other hosts will be doing it, too. And I so agree, Alice; a home shopping channel is not and cannot be a boutique; get your tasteless room settings out of here! That’s one of the reason I never cared for QVC; they always had all those stuffy room settings instead of a clean set.
      I went out early this AM, and went to Walgreens. What a treasure trove!! I bought the glass sugar skulls (2 purple and 1 clear), some adorable plastic Jack o lanterns, 3 purple, 2 orange, 1 red, and 1 green (they may be used for trick ir treating, too). I bought flameless tea lights to put in them. They had a couple set up there and they give the prettiest glow. They’re cheap; $1.79 apiece, but they look great. I have the ubiquitous Target lights, but Walgreens had a string of 10 huge jack o lanterns, in different colors. I bought 3 of those. They had small mercury glass pumpkins, orange, silver and purple. I bought 2 purple, 2 silver and 1 orange. They can be used all Fall. I bought spider web black lace table covers, and a small black (about 2 ft tall) Halloween tree, complete with ornaments and lights. When I got home, Mr acted like a kid at Christmas. We’re going to start decorating tomorrow. Yes, Walgreens is definitely worth a look!
      We’re barbecuing today, too, Alice. It’s 103° today . We went up North to cool off, now we’re hot again! But it shouldn’t last too much longer, hopefully. We’re having wings, grilled veggies, homemade pappardelli with pesto, and garlic bread. The chicken is marinating and I just put the veggies in a light marinade. Plenty for leftovers and snacks.
      The beginning of the week is busy but it calms down starting Wednesday. I’m just looking forward to relaxing and cuddling 😻😻. And HSN is really blah today.

      • Bertie Says:

        That does it! I’ve been procrastinating, and it’s time to get off my rear end and go to Walgreens. You hit the jackpot! The inexpensive plastic jack o lanterns sound great. We’ll see if my Walgreens has some of what you found. I’ve put this off too long!!
        I agree with y’all, Lainie should keep the sweaters if they’re worth it. Also, as long as we’re not buying, no harm in watching. It won’t be much with me, I relied heavily on the video playbacks. So there you are.
        I’ll start decorating soon. September is almost gone. Time for fun, spooky things! And it’s a quick minute till Christmas. This year went by like a wild twister.

  136. Amberlee Pasqualini Says:

    There are so many negative comments on this feed, ONLY about Antoinella. I loved Kristen. She was beautiful, informative and elegant. Antoinella Nester is All OF THIS and then some. She does/did have a go-fund-me for her cancer treatments. Her and her husband lost everything after being fired from “The Q”. She knows more about jewelry than anyone I’ve ever known. You horrible “ladies” need to get a life and hope you’re never down and out. Shame on you!

    • Judy Says:

      Amberlee Pasqualini
      You’re the second person who has come here to tell us what we should think. This column is not a dictatorship. If you don’t like it here, go read whatever column has posts that kiss Antonella’s butt. I’ve been down and out as I’m sure many of us have, and I didn’t blow my money and then scam strangers to feel sorry for me and donate their hard earned money to me.
      Go have a cigarette with your buddy Antonella and STFU.

  137. Jana hogan Says:

    I cannot believe the nasty terrible comments about someone you don’t even know,how can you people even look in the mirror,who gives a rats a$$ if Antonella smoked,none of your business,I watched her for years before she got screwed over my QVC,smart funny,good sales person,this crap about scamming are you frickin kidding me,nobody says you have to buy a damn thing and it you get and don’t like same policy as JTV RETURN IT. It’s amazing how social media has people saying nasty stuff behind someone’s back but you sure wouldn’t say it to her face. You all are some ugly hearted people,god don’t like ugly.

    • Judy Says:

      Jana Hogan
      Here’s the world’s tiniest violin, 🎻, playing for your bruised ego, and Antonella’s scam… I mean GoFundMe, and her horrible disease, which her smoking probably brought on.
      I don’t care if she smokes, you smoke, or your god smokes, you can STFU, too, and let people make their own opinions from the evidence provided. Antonella is cured, good. But she is a manic spender, and is one whacked out beyotch, scamming people so she and her family of grifters can live a lazy life. That’s MY opinion, which I have a right to, and I’m sticking to it. Go over to Antonella’s Facebook where you’ll find people more like yourself and let people on here, and their opinions be!

  138. candycane Says:

    Keep drinking that Koolaide Jana Hogan! That is exactly what Antonella and her lazy family counts on! Watching all her Facebook fools hand this woman money while she presents herself like a psychotic grifter is beyond pathetic. What I want to know is what happened to all her follow up medical treatments? This woman had two serious cancers apparently, she grifted off of people like Jana, got treatment and we never again hear about any follow up which is strange. Is that smoking pig still floating around on her boat with her lazy husband?

  139. Candycane Says:

    Amberlee Pasqualini

    The reason Antonella and her husband lost everything is because this duo lived well beyond their means for years. She just HAD to live in a 1-2 million dollar home, she just HAD to spend, spend, spend. This is a classic case of two idiots living well beyond their means for years and years, not planning for and managing their money correctly by making sure to always take into account the fact that someone could lose their job, there could be major medical costs, etc. This is what any good financial advisor tells their clients. These two immature idiots failed to do. So then when that did indeed happen…. what do they do? They start their own Go Fund Me and morons like you pay for their stupidity. What really stuns me is that people are that gullible and stupid that they would actually reward these two by lining their pockets and paying for their failure to plan correctly. The stupid is strong in people like you.

    And this woman Antonella clearly has some sort of mental issue. She should seek help and stop grifting.

  140. Brenda Barkkoft Says:

    You’re sure of this hire? Antonella is a nutcase. They didn’t need to sell their house but it made them more money on their go fund me. She’s so full of herself & that grin, ugh. She’s also sporting that awful yellow hair again. QVC had no choice but to fire her. She wouldn’t take direction from producers, talked over guests, just obnoxious. And again, that hair! Hard to watch. good luck!

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