QVC Pink Slipped Host Antonella, Among Others

Well, we now know some of the folks who got pink slips at QVC this week.

The list of hosts that were let go includes Antonella Nester, Gabrielle Kerr, Stacey Stauffer and Kristine Zell.

Some folks suggested that Courtney Cason was part of this blood bath, but we checked her Facebook page and she posted on June 10 that she was leaving. She had a baby a few weeks later.

The other hosts posted the news about their exits on FB.

Antonella blamed her departure on the transition of QVC2 to re-aired and previously recorded programming.

“Please know how very thankful I am for allowing me to spend time with you,” she wrote. “The last 18 years have been a dream come true for me and I owe it all to you.”

As of 5:30 p.m. Thursday, over 5,000 people had “liked” Antonella’s new FB page.

As we’ve said, we have been in their shoes, and it stinks. Good luck to all.

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221 Responses to “QVC Pink Slipped Host Antonella, Among Others”

  1. sara Says:

    They have been given Antonella the business for a few years now. They had her a nervous wreck. I am glad she is rid of them. She is very smart in many fields, especially medical. She can rest now, no more jumping through hoops and kissing ass. Be well Antonella, enjoy life now!

  2. Judy Says:

    Well said, Sara.

  3. Jerri Says:

    I feel bad for them all. Wow, time flies!! Antonella has been on QVC for 18 years?!?! 😱😱. They’ll all be missed. Losing your job sucks. I wish them all the best.
    We never reopened our salon. Covid spread like wildfire here.
    If conditions don’t allow us to open by fall 2021, I’m taking retirement at the beginning of 2022. That sounds far away, but believe me, it is not

    • Audrey Says:

      It is hard to believe Antonella joined the Q 18 years ago. Time does fly. And it sucks that she and the other good hosts are being fired.
      Back in the day, I watched some Q, some shopNBC, and lots of HSN. Except for very recently, over the last 10 years or so it’s been mostly HQ. Now, they all are terrible to watch, have inferior merchandise, high costs of products and shipping, and lousy customer service. Home shopping is a depressing shadow of its former self.
      Good luck, hosts, you will be missed. I wish you the very best.

    • Gina Says:

      I just noticed that you haven’t been working. I think you and your coworkers made a safe and wise decision, but are you doing ok? I know that must have made a big impact on you financially.
      I don’t know how old you are; I’m assuming in your 60s to think of retiring. If you can do it in 2020, I think that’s a wise decision. Covid is going to be with us for awhile, I’m afraid, because many people won’t behave safely. We need another lockdown to get rid of this.
      Hope all is well.

      • Jerri Says:

        Thanks for asking. We are doing ok, although we miss my income. Mr still works full time plus, mainly from home but 1 or 2 days/week goes in to work, and rarely, does field work. He is pretty safe, and is given hazard pay, which helps.
        I am in my 60s and 2022 was the year I was going to retire anyway, but I was hoping to work up until then….and along came covid. I agree that we need to all shelter in place and go out only for essentials. ALL of us, not some, in order to get rid of covid.
        Thankfully we have investments and a low overhead, and are able to scrimp when necessary. I hope you’re doing well, too. This has been unpleasantly surreal, and I want it to GO AWAY.

      • pam gillespie Says:

        I agree qvc has gone dowm hill its rare anymore that I shop there. I feel for the people they fired. Good luck to aall.

    • Jerri Says:

      Ok, I just looked Antonella up on LinkedIn, and she gives her QVC hosting a beginning date of 16 years, 4 months ago on there. That sounds more accurate.
      I looked it up, because we moved to SoCal early spring 2004, and about a month after we got there, I noticed her. They were saying she was a recent addition to QVC, and had been on for a couple months. That would be about right for 16 years, 4 months ago.
      I couldn’t figure out how I’d missed her in the Bay Area, before we moved, watching QVC. I watched HSN a lot more, but I tuned into QVC pretty often. It looks like she just mixed up the dates. The way time goes by, it can happen to anyone. And good grief…..HOW can 16 years fly by like that?!?!
      Good luck Antonella, and all the other good hosts and displaced QVC employees. You got a rotten deal. I wish the best of luck for your futures.

      • Jenna Says:

        I thought 18 years sounded off. I, too, had some changes in 2004 around the time I thought Antonella started on QVC. Like you, I remember them or her saying she had just started. Thanks for clearing that up.
        I also remember people on the forums saying some very unkind things about her. To me, she was a breath of fresh air in contrast to the Q’s mostly stuffy hosts, who seemed to be on Xanax or something. She was bright and alert, and endearingly real. I welcomed her as a needed change on the Q.
        I’m sorry that she, and all the others lost their jobs. But, with the current management (Mike George), and all the negative changes, they are better off out of there. They will all hopefully find better jobs. Good luck to them.

      • Maria Says:

        Hey, Jerri
        Yeah, I thought she started sometime early-ish in 2004, too. I think 18 years was a type-o, or she lost track. Either case, double check before posting, if possible, everyone.
        I liked her (Antonella) very much in the beginning. I still like her, but lately she’s been flustered and has been looking bad. The blonde hair doesn’t help, but her skin looks dull and she seems to be aging quickly. I’m not picking her apart, but am worried that she isn’t doing well. Having a pink slip hanging over your head while you work doesn’t help, either.
        Thanks for pointing that out. I know it was in 2004 that she started, not 2002. Good luck to her and the others.

      • Suzie Says:

        Antonella may have started at the “Q” 18 years ago, just not as a host, but in another role. Many start at a lower level, get trained and then graduate to hosting.

  4. katzswisdom Says:

    We knew this day was coming when QVC began cutting back on their live programming and there weren’t enough live hours to divide up among all the hosts they employ. But they let the wrong hosts go, the ones that are professional, calm, and know their products. This was the perfect opportunity to get rid of “drama queens”, Shawn and Kerstin, and dismiss the baggage that goes along with them. QVC ignores their customer’s feedback and retains annoying hosts, and continues with their stale products and programming. And now it appears there will be no alternative to watch on Q2 live. QVC continues to make the wrong moves.

    • Judy Says:

      katzwisdom: that is exactly what shop HQ did too, regarding hosts they let go, etc. And look at them now.

    • Lindyj12 Says:

      Couldn’t agree more aboutShawn!🤦‍♀️

    • MC Says:

      I agree with you totally Shawn,Kristen, Courtney and Pat need to go ! When Shawn and Courtney are on together they act Ike teenagers.
      Drama queens when they are on I don’t watch.

  5. Sandra Scott Says:

    I thought something was going on with Antonella lately. She has been looking rough these past few months. Sorry to see her go.

  6. Carolyn Simpson Says:

    i think antonellas blond hair was a nail in her coffin

    • Gina Says:

      I really like Antonella. But the blond hair makes her look hard and older. It is not a good look for her. The medium-dark brown was a perfect hair color for her.
      I don’t think it affected her job; they have image people that work with them. Apparently the blonde hair was ok with them.
      I feel bad for her and all the others in the pink slip club. And, like Jerri said, it does not seem like 18 years since Antonella joined the Q.

      • Yvonne Says:

        I agree. What are her image consultants thinking?
        It’s great to be able to color your hair any shade you like; however, being on TV should bring up some guidelines. The blonde does make Antonella look hard and much older. I can’t believe she doesn’t see it herself. Also, to go from dark to blonde is a tremendous amount of cost and upkeep, and is hard on your hair, which is clearly showing on Antonella.
        That said, if it got by her image consultants, it didn’t get her fired.
        Good luck to all those who QVC so unkindly dismissed.

      • Penny Says:

        I really like Antonella, and am so sorry she and the other hosts, along with everyone else, was fired.
        I agree about the blond hair. No, it didn’t get her fired. As others have said, all hosts work with image consultants. They seem to be ok with it. But it ages her horribly, and makes her look wrinkled and harsh. But, it’s her choice.
        To Antonella, the other hosts (who are all really good hosts, BTW), and everyone else who was fired, I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully something better comes your way.

      • Sandie Says:

        Like “old”Antonella better than “newer” Antonella, but I still do like her.
        Take a look at her new Facebook. She looks like she’s 75 years old, and has been stuck out in the sun for a month non stop.
        Not trying to be mean….but is it the hair color or something else?!? Go back to brunette, Antonella, stay out of the sun, get good skin care, and you’ll take off 20 years. Hopefully being away from the Q will get rid of some stress, too.
        And good luck to all terminated Q employees. They did you a dirty.

      • Gini Says:

        When you have naturally dark hair and are going gray a lighter hair color helps to make the gray roots less obvious

    • Lovie Says:

      I agree %10000. That blonde hair was not helpful for her career at QVC. I thought for sure she would have changed it back by now.

  7. LindaSonia Says:

    Antonella was never a favorite of mine so I can’t say I’ll miss her. She’ll bounce back – she can start a business selling her sewing machines she rehabs or start a FB following like Jill Bauer. Layoffs suck for sure, but these are unchartered times for sure so anything is possible… sorry to say.

  8. cp Says:

    Courtney Cason made a brief from-home appearance during the June 10 ITKWD to announce her departure so she could be a full-time mom. Unlike yesterday’s 4, she actually got the chance to say goodbye on-air.

  9. Aria Says:

    Gabrielle and Stacey were always professional, well-informed, provided excellent descriptions of products and allowed the vendors to talk. I don’t understand why QVC keeps and promotes hosts that ramble on about their personal lives, not prepared for their presentations, act like children and constantly interrupts vendors. It is mind-blowing.

    • Sandy Says:

      I so agree Aria! Get rid of the great hosts & keep the bad. What is that about? Some of the new host should go & bring back the ones they let go….QVC is going in the wrong direction. Very disappointing.

  10. Sandra Scott Says:

    I don’t understand letting Gabrielle go. She was an excellent host, always prepared, and professional. I really liked her.

  11. Marion H Says:

    What’s sad is..they got rid of the good hosts and kept Shawn? They should have given her the boot,long ago..Such a drama queen and fake.

    • Donna Mayo Says:

      Oh I sooooo AGREE. I can not take her at all, when she gets with Isaac she sounds like a DUMMY! They need to get rid of Shawn, Motor Mouth Jane, Loud Mouth Rick, Twig Kerstin, Courtney Khondabi, she is a Shawn wanna be, I can not understand a thing that Ali Car says, & Katrina Swish Swish.I quit buying from QVC years ago, bag lady logo clothing $98.00 jeans, that is crazy. Women are buying items they can not afford, If you can not afford to pay in full when you buy it, you can not afford it at all!

      • MDH Says:

        I like a lot of the hosts that you do not..not all of them but most of them.Shawn is ok sometimes but then all of a sudden goes whacky.Terrible attention seeker, dram aqueen,etc..So fake…She actually makes guttural noises all the time..Also,i have heard her talk private things and say things about herself and her husband…Seen her sitting down with short dresses or skirts in the past..She should have been gone a long time ago..She’s been very rude to some of the vendors…even Isaac.
        Last night the Beekman boys were trying to explain the TSV…kept interrupting..She has to be the center of attention all the time…gets away with it.
        In fact,I think she has gotten away with more than any host on there..
        They should have don what Martha Stewart did and can her.

      • pam j gillespie Says:

        Donna you are so right. They put these women in debt its aful.And Shawn I can’t stand her and Isaac. I turn them of. She was all rude to Antwenella or how ever you spell her name. Very rude to her. Shanny sues day will come it always does. Someone younger always comes along.

  12. Marion H Says:

    I really liked Kristine,too..She was very natural…so down to earth and likeable..They are getting rid of all the good hosts and keeping some that aren’t so good..It’s all about selling..I think QVC is going be the cause of their own demise..wait and see.

  13. Phyllis Wood Says:

    Why lay off the older favorites instead of some of the newer faces. Jewelry shows won’t be the same without Antonella. I used to order constantly but here of late I’ve ordered maybe 3 items this year.

  14. Hope Says:

    Agreeing with above posters that they chose the wrong hosts to pink slip.
    We all saw this coming. I rarely watch QVC anymore, as with HSN, who used to be my favorite, they’ve become boring and repetitive.
    Shop HQ was a former favorite, too.
    Some of their poor sales can be attributed to Covid 19, but let’s be honest; they’ve been slipping away for quite awhile before Covid ever came along.
    As others have said, home shopping is getting close to the end. I used to enjoy it, and it’s a shame, but I don’t think anything can save it. Looks like the last channel standing is, surprisingly, Shop LC. We’ll have to see how they fare through all this.

    • Arlene Says:

      Hope, you are so right.
      And if this country doesn’t get serious about Covid19, home shopping isn’t the only business coming to an end. Lives and health come first. There are ways to take care of people and shut things down, so we can oust Covid19, reopen and begin again.
      I really miss the old HSN and HQ of days way gone by. We’ll never see those days again.

    • MDH Says:

      Hope…..I agree..QVC is on it’s way out…IDK if it was bad management or what…probably the high prices….they have gotten ridiculous…

      • Carolyn Rogers Says:

        . . .yes, the host changes have turned me off too.
        Also materials for clothes don’t seem to have the former quality–flimsy, apparently not as substantial

  15. John Tucker Says:

    There are all women who have lost decent paying jobs at a time when finding equal or even close to equal employment will be a challenge. The classy and appropriate thing to do now, if you must say anything at all, is to just empathize and sincerely wish them well – adding that they will be missed, I will miss all of them, hope QVC settled with them fairly, and hope what lies ahead for them is as painless and as positive as possible..
    This is no time or place for the unkind and clearly irrelevant comments expressed by some unfortunate and sadly bitter writers.

  16. Bea Says:

    So sorry, lovely ladies. You are all top notch hosts, and QVC will miss you, as will your audience. We look forward to seeing your friendly faces, and in all honesty, with the junk QVC peddles, we are here to see YOU, not the merchandise. We will miss your “visits” to our homes via TV.
    Best wishes for your future endeavors. May you all find blessings and prosperity down the road.

  17. Rita Popovice Says:

    QVC is definitely not the “Q” I use to love from day one that I watched. All the wonderful hosts they got rid of is ridiculous… They were the BEST ones. Goes to show you how weird top management is getting. Only the stupid, giddy hosts are staying.Hosts like MaryBeth and Rick,Stacy and Leah and Gabrielle are the only ones I watch anymore. Jane Tracy is sickening,all she talks about are her kids. Gone are the days of John Eastman,Steve Calatono, Kathy Levine. Your company’s quality is declining and so is your company. Check your reviews

  18. Linda Says:

    I think there has been something very off with Antonella for a few years now. She’s a mess, I hope she gets help. Her over exaggerated facial expressions and horrible hair. I never could understand why she did jewelry shows, her nails were horrible and her hairy knuckles were so off putting. That giant nose and over bleached teeth were very distracting.

    • Claudia Davis (@davisesq212) Says:

      Linda, Thats awfully mean spirited of you to say about another person.

    • Claudette Says:

      I’m tired of reading your nasty posts.

    • Antonella Nester Says:

      That’s my father’s nose and those are my natural teeth.

      • Sandra Scott Says:

        Miss you Antonella. Hope you are doing well and are happy!

      • sara Says:

        I am so happy you are one who reads these blogs and better yet, answers, good or bad… You are you,,,,, nose , knuckles, sexy blonde hair and everything else. Thats what makes you you! Thats why so many adore you…. Have a great weekend,

      • Kelly T Says:

        You are a beautiful Italian woman! I always loved your sincere smile, twinkly eyes and authentic laugh. You were ‘real’. So poo on the woman who has to kick dirt in your eyes when you may be down. I loved your shows. But also loved your dark hair. Be blessed Antonella. I will miss you sweet lady.

    • Sheryl Says:

      I feel very sorry for you. The hatred you have inside is awful.

    • Deb Rosadini Says:

      What an awful person you must be to say such mean spirited things about her. I absolutely loved her smile. One of her best features. If you would’ve notice the truth she smiles not only with her mouth but with her eyes. She was one of my favorites! You better not age or someone will positively say these mean spirited things about you.CARMA ALWAYS COMES

    • susan wydra Says:

      Perhaps you aren’t really a QVC watcher and this is a drama male trying to get people all riled up as they say. Antonella was perfect to offset the perfectly presented model looking hosts. I watched her at times just to remind me of the Italian neighborhoods and friends I had there….very real..very nice. Antonella off QVC? Well I’m sure the layoffs coincided with their sales numbers. On the other hand QVC may also be following the new trend in who will represent them..more minorities as this is happening in all segments of sales especially TV ads. Too bad some of the men weren’t also given the heave should have been done equally. Antonella? My favorite..oh well. By the way..what’s with people commenting on her hair color? Her ageing (hey that’s what happens over the yrs folks..who cares? I like listening to her and her presentations..period. I’m amazed people get so much into this stuff. Good luck will reinvent yourself and hopefully the severence pkgs were very generous…but with HSN and QVC now
      one company.. (the merger you know)..I knew that down the line cutting back on employees was coming..that’s what mergers do..wait for the headquarters and executives to begin losing their positions also..or maybe that already began.
      I’ll know QVC is interested in quality when they get rid of that Laurie person with the 20000%markup items she hawks on there. Laurie teaches one that QVC is actually a rip-off of cheap products from overseas..only you don’t get the cheap part..they pocket it!

    • Debbie M Zimmerman Says:

      Wow, Linda….rude much? I’m curious as to what YOU look like? I sure hope you are “perfect.” Antonella has always been a pleasure to watch and is a very nice person. I can’t say the same for you and your mean spirit. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

    • Ann rucker Says:

      You are definitely ugly from the inside out

  19. sara Says:

    Wow Linda, must be nice to be a living Barbie Doll, such as yourself, You say Antonella is a mess, lady your attitude is disgusting. You are such a mean spirit its not funny. You must wake up with hate on your mind daily because someone like you does not have a heart. Get the hell off this page and go adjust your attitude, stop showing everyone how ignorant you truly are.. ~Bless Your Heart~

  20. homeshoppingista Says:

    To be clear, the Linda who posted here is not me, The Homeshoppingista.

  21. Linda (not homeshoppingnista) Says:

    Sara, blow it out your self righteous ass! Bless your heart

  22. sara Says:

    I knew that Linda, you have class.. 🙂 That one just got my goat,,,

  23. Carolyn Simpson Says:

    hey linda, the nasty one, has anyone ever told you what a bitch you are?

  24. sara Says:

    Carolyn, couldn’t agree eith you more… What a pitiful soul she is.. Have a great week,,,,

  25. sara Says:

    Couldn’t agree with you more !

  26. Judi Schweitzer Says:

    Linda I have been reading your Blog for years and love your writing and when you are snarky it is never mean spirited and always spot on.

  27. Jill Says:

    Constructive criticism is fine. Everyone up thread who doesn’t care for Antonella’s blond hair DOES like her, and is just saying she was prettier with her natural color, which I agree with.
    She’s a lovely person and nothing of a mess! She’s always been a good host, and fun to watch. Mean comments are uncalled for.
    May Antonella, the other nice hosts, and everyone else that the Q so heartlessly fired, have the best of luck in the future. You all deserve so much better.

  28. Gia Says:

    Antonella came across as fun loving and genuine, but let’s all be honest her hair color was not flattering, her teeth were over whitened to the point of being distracting. Even as a large women she could have come on air with more attractive outfits, some days she looked like a hot mess. Shame on QVC for not being supportive of one of our favorite hosts….I believe they set her up to fail.

  29. kchomeworx Says:

    I’ve been arguing with myself on whether I should comment here. But I think I am tired of being the silent majority and so I must speak out. Some of you seemed to have lost sight of the fact that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. You may not like how or what is said but that’s too bad and your rebuttals are as nasty as the comments you didn’t like. You are cyberbullies — viewers get to choose what hosts they like and don’t like. I didn’t see anybody jumping to the defense of Shawn or Jane or Kerstin-you obviously felt that trashing them was OK. If you feel Linda is consistently offensive then appropriately PM Homeshoppingista Linda and ask her to block the offender(s). But I suggest you let others exercise their right to an opinion and stop the group think. And PS, your opinion of their opinion is not a defense.

    • Eva Says:

      That’s what I like about this blog. We are allowed to speak our minds. Everyone does have a right to their opinions, likes and dislikes.
      If you prefer a whitewashed version, go to the channel forums where they pretty much censor everything.

  30. Karen Says:

    I’m in total agreement with you, Sara. It seemed that they were doing everything in their power to humiliate Antonella in the past year or so, from “celebrating” her 15 year anniversary with the network on QVC2, instead of the main channel, as they have done with ALL the other long-time hosts, to allowing her to be Shawn Killinger’s “whipping post” every Friday night during “Dare To Share”. By the way, Shawn, when you, more than once, asked her if she was Italian, knowing full-well the answer, why don’t you go ask that perpetually unemployed, divorced, freeloading, Frankford and the Boulevard LOSER that you paid for via EHarmony, and continue to support and buy $50,000 monster trucks for so you can brag about “your man”, the same question? By the way, your official last name is CARETTA now, right?! And on a different, but no-less- than important note.. many are curious to understand who you “know” at the Q, who would allow a full-blown alcoholic like yourself, who looks and acts like an a younger version of Phyllis Diller, and who can’t wait till the “Shawn Saves Christmas” shows, for an excuse to slop around the stage with your overbloated (from too much booze) ass flopping around in your flannel pj’s, waiting for Brett to come on to showcase a product, so you can sit spread-eagle in front of him on the couch, to actually host a prime-time shopping show, when HSN wouldn’t allow YOU to deface that network with your demental, juvenile, street-common antics?! QVC has sunk SO LOW since its glory days of Kathy Levine (Wow! She would have REALLY put that PIG Killinger in her place!), Judy Crowell, and Lisa Mason, that it is almost completely unrecognizable anymore! Antonella was a breath of fresh air on that “stale” network, and I’m hoping that she, along with Gabrielle (who always was a fine host who, in my opinion, was given poor treatment), will find their paths to much bigger and better horizons! I will miss all of you….

    • Carolyn Simpson Says:

      wow, you have said it all!!!! its all true and you put it into perfect words for us. i love it love love it.

      • Susan S. Says:

        Harsh, but I agree. It was disgraceful when Kilnger tried to make herself look good at the expense of Antonella. Her act is old, Mr Mizrahi is a true gentleman.

    • MDH Says:

      It’s sad when people are calling a sweet lady(Antonella)..a mess..She was a sweet host with a big,beautiful smile…She wasn’t let go because she was a mess…what about the other ones that wre let go…were they a mess too? No,it’s all about what they sell during the time they are more or no less…All the ladies that were let go were genuine and down to earth,imo.They tend to keep the ones that are fake and put on a show…the more they put on the show ..the better they like those types..Sorry,it’s quite obvious.

  31. sara Says:

    Like to thank you Karen, but I guess Linda (who owns this blog) felt the need to block me for sticking up for the harsh words that were said about Antonella….. I hope she blocked that Linda as well.

  32. homeshoppingista Says:

    I did not block anyone.

  33. Joyce Says:

    Kchomeworx, Eva
    I agree with you. Although I really like Antonella, some of what Linda said is true. And abruptly or kindly put, everyone has a right to their opinions.
    We are losing the right to free speech in the USA little by little….and some is because of computer crusaders who want to see only good, positive posts. I get that, but there is negative right along with the positive. There has to be a balance. Rainbows, hearts, and unicorns are beautiful, but to appreciate them, we need storm clouds, dark days, and a little grumpiness. And the freedom of speech needs to be honored.
    This blog IS wonderful. Ms. Moss not only brings us the latest home shopping news, she allows us to express ourselves and add our opinions. I gave up reading the HSN and Q forums long ago. Like Eva said, they are all whitewashed to the Nth degree. Let’s all respect each other and agree to disagree.

    • MDH Says:

      Joyce….you can have free speech without being nasty and criticizing someone’s looks as Linda did…That’s just plain cruel and uncalled for.The blonde hair was not a reason for QVC to let her go…you couldn’t get any sweeter or nicer of a person than Antonella and the other hosts that were let go..QVC doen’t want the down to earth and natural hosts…they want the ones that act like actors..the fake ones..That’s how I see it..

  34. Al Says:

    QVC should have gave maryDE Angelo the pink slip and should have kept Stacy on she is so warm and kind hearted I am so upset would QVC right now don’t know if I’m going to keep shopping with them

  35. Deborah Johnson Says:

    I am upset to see these beautiful and talented women lose their jobs. I really loved Stacey. She has a beautiful family. Antonella was always funny. Gabrielle was really cute. Why couldn’t they get rid of Jane Treacy? She’s been there since day one practically. I see she’s wearing heavy makeup. That is usually a sign of old age. With all the crazy changes it makes me wonder if this is why Sharon Fatche abruptly left

  36. Sandra Scott Says:

    I always felt that Lisa Robertson left because of Shawn. Does anyone know anything about that or is it just me?

    • Tina Says:

      Sandra Scott
      I’m pretty sure Lisa left of her own accord, to open her own business and work for herself. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if she had visions of the upcoming changes, and (smartly) decided to go while the going was good.
      She’s doing very well with her business and seems happy. I really think she made the right decision.

  37. Sandra Scott Says:

    What ever happened to Jackie Gonzalez? I hate it when they don’t tell us what happens to these people we get to know and love and then just nothing.

  38. Maddie-Louise Says:

    Very mean-spirited of you to say such nasty things about another woman!!
    How about posting a photo of yourself so we can pick YOU apart.

    • Marion Says:

      Sandra Scott…Not sure..about Jackie..all the good ones…the sweet down to earth ones…leave or get let go.

  39. arris2016blog Says:

    I am so sad to hear about this. To me she was a a great host. I just left her personality. I feel she brought a lot of life to the shopping channel. It is sad to hear that QVC has some bad stuff going around there. I am not fond of the new host they are very young they appear and act very snobby.

  40. Connie Strong Says:

    What did these ladies do that was so wrong,to have to let them go after hosting on QVC for so many years.All the years I ordered items from the website or on t.v.,I loved all of them and loved watching them describe and experience the new beauty and skin care products, and the philosophy shower products that I ordered for my husband and I. He didn’t want me to quit ordering it, because he loved how it made your skin so soft and smelled so great.

  41. Carolyn Simpson Says:

    bottom line is that antonella is a sweet kind lady. she doesnt have a mean bone in her body. i never watch shows anymore, i only purchase on line and on sale. mike george better beef up customer service. i had to get in touch with them twice in three weeks ,each time was on hold for over two hours. be careful sending anything back, they are really amess. it would appear they are woefully understaffed or dont give a damn;

    • Gina Says:

      On hold for over 2 hours?!?! That’s horrible, Carolyn. I don’t order much, so haven’t called in awhile, but 30 minutes on hold seemed bad before! I hope they at least resolved your issue.
      I think I’m done for good with the shopping channels.

  42. Pamela Says:

    I am going to miss Antonell and Stacey. They were 2 of my favorite hosts.

  43. Joyce Molnar Says:


    Stacey was the best. Why didn’t David do something to help her

  44. Michele Says:

    I have been a qvc costumer
    For over 20 years and just when I like one of the hits they get fired! Antanella
    Was hired really by Joan Rivers and I am really sorry they let her go! All so
    Do not like any new hosts I only watch when either of the Janes are in or Rick Domeier why did you also get ri of Stacy Staffer what did she do wrong

  45. Lori Annelli Says:

    I thought Lisa Robertson died from metastatic cancer??

  46. Vilma Estrada Says:

    Hi All – QVC is not the same. I hardly buy anything. Shipping takes too long. It seems that QVC doesn’t care about the customer experience anymore. We as customers appreciated certain hosts. The hosts that I was drawn to no longer work there. Lisa Robertson was one … she now has her own successful online business where she sells many products. Some QVC hosts come across so fake and they continue to cut off the guests who are selling their products.

  47. Kreller Says:

    (Ummy) alias ugly Mary, should have been fired long ago. She can’t come close in comparison with Stacie. Also, David Venable is becomming more boring with every show. I realize he is the “face of the network” but it is very tiresome to watch him. They seem to sell the same crap week in and week out. Seldom have any new worthwhile producers.

  48. Lottie Linia Says:

    And still believing she’s a Broadway ingenue/Miss America contestant/movie star….photoshopping her endless promo pics from her website and selfies to appear 30 years younger than she is….and continuing to pay her “staff” to not only work for her, but essentially be her travel and social companions/friends…and relying on her Facebook “friends” for social interaction…she is quite the sad example of a former shopping channel hawker who deludes herself into thinking she is so much more than that…

    • MDH Says:

      Vilma Estrada…I keep getting packages with no packing slip…I have a feeling it is a return…it has happened several times..I’ve got a feeling that QVC is on it’s way out…I used to love QVC….but now…it is so very expensive…

  49. MDH Says:

    LIsa Robertson’s Mother died a number of years back from cancer..Lisa is doing well with her own channel and has some beautiful things,although, quite expensive.

  50. sara Says:

    MDH, what channel does she have? I have only seen her on FB selling her wares. I feel bad for her in a way. Seems to have it all, yet she needed to have her sidekick Katie move in with her during a very bad time in her life ( her words) I guess she decided to
    She does some commercials up here in the Ct area,, something about doorbells and snack bags, don’t quote me, I really don’t pay attention, I think she was asked not to return to the Q because Shawnie Sue would be their Golden Girl. I guess in a way she got just what Antonella got, but with much less kindness,
    I just hope Antonella does stay clear of her, I see where they did have one day together already, but I think Antonella will find out just who her real friends are and I’m sure Lisa Diva is not going to be a true one…. Have a great day eveyone! * Thanks for allowing me to stay Ms. Moss……

    • MDH Says:

      sara…I like Lisa and I think she has some loyal friends…I guess you don’t? Anyway, I guess I shouldn’;t have said she had her own channel…I meant on FB and that she has her own web site…I don’t think QVc got rid of Lisa…I think she just went off on her own…probably figured she would make more money that way..
      Talking about Shawn…I have tried to like’s so hard…she’s such a drama queen..but that’s what the Q..likes..They’ll keep you around if you are fake…I have a feeling Carolyn Gracie is next..Another sweet lady..

      • Audrey Says:

        Agreed about Carolyn and Lisa.
        Lisa did leave on her own. True, she’s wanted to work for herself for awhile. But…..I think she somehow foresaw what was going to happen with the Q, and decided to get out gracefully while she could.
        Not my favorite, but I certainly don’t dislike her. Her merchandise leaves a lot to be desired, however. Very disappointing.
        As for Carolyn, I hope they don’t fire her. She’s a very popular host. Best of luck to everyone at the Q.

      • MDH Says:

        To each their own…right? I have always liked Lisa… Her prices are doubt about it….I like a lot of the merchandise she has but I usually just window shop,

      • Lex Says:

        I like window shopping Lisa’s site, too. She’s great at decorating and you can get some useful ideas.
        Her jewelry is over priced for what it is; though I have a couple Tanzanite pieces I save for special occasions.

      • MDH Says:

        Lisa is way overpriced…I only ordered some artificial flowers from her ..I probably won’t agin…altjough so pretty..too much money.I have seen some beautiful jewelry but my pockets don’t run that deep..way too much for my taste.I don’t understnd what these people or companies are thinking…QVC is way out of touch… one could get a pretty good bargain on merchandise but that is a thing of the past.

      • sara Says:

        I digress MDH : )

      • Brenda Says:

        Lisa R left because she had a stalker, QVC did all they could to help, but it was getting worse. She chose to leave the area and stay out of sight for a while.

  51. Sandra Scott Says:

    I thought the same thing today while watching Carolyn. She looked a little ragged today. I hope she stays. I really love her. She is very real.

    • MDH Says:

      Sandra Scott..I always liked her too..she’s very genuine…I hope they don’t do the same to her but QVC has changed so’s getting unrecognizable..The prices are so out of site…it’s awful…

  52. sara Says:

    MDH,,,Alwways back at someone in a snarky,, Gee you’re cute,,,, Bless your heart… Oh and btw, the comment about knowing who your friends will really be…. came from Antonella…

    • MDH Says:

      Sara,,actually..what I meant was you don’t like Lisa? Hahha…Bless your heart too…

    • Lottie Linia Says:

      Ms. R is a perfect example of someone who has alot of money, which enables her to “buy” alot of “things” (2 million dollar estates and trips around the country and the world accompanied by her “too young” assistant and other “paid” employees/friends), but the reason that sleep and restfulness alludes her night after night, is the fact that all the money in the world could NOT continue to BUY the very tatooed “one” who was wise enough to escape her “hold” and go on to another relationship with a normal, non “high maintenance” gal, who can mingle with both his family and other couples (straight) who are a part of his life. When Ms. R was jetsetting him all over the country and buying him $100 fish dinners, there seemed to be a caveat that they only associate with her sisters and her gay pals and couples. Because she lacks appropriate social skills, their life seemed be be a mirror of her current life…isolating, with certain provisions. Not a very appealing life for someone like him, who appears to be an outgoing, athletic, sports-minded, down to earth fellow. You see, when she PAYS for something, she OWNS it. She has used many people for many reasons over the years, from her QVC pals in LA and NY when she needed a place to “flop” (she even bragged on her FB page that it was cheaper than staying at a hotel), to essentially “using” Patty Reilly and Albany Irvin for “invites” to their Thanksgiving dinners for years when she had to work at the Q on the holiday. She had a very attractive friend, Kelly, who used to accompany her on more than a few trips around the country and the world years ago, but the “competition”must have been too much for her, and Kelly disappeared. Kathy Levine seems to have “divorced” herself from her, and she now seems to have surrounded herself with ones who are either young enough to be her daughters and those who she assures herself will never be competition for her, although all the photoshopping in the world cannot hide her aging face and figure. She used her old QVC assistant, Nancy, to assist her in starting her online company, when she had no one to come in at a “discount” to help her get it up and running, and after several years, seemed to dispose of her when she brought on a few others to do her job. Her giant ego and spoiled brat personality, among other “issues”, is the reason her current life consists of sitting in her mansion (most times alone), dressed to the nines with nowhere to go, photoshopping endless photos of herself, not sleeping at night and displaying all the characteristics of someone suffering from mania, pulling weeds, picking veggies and making her mother’s Special K meatloaf recipe for her Facebook “faithfuls” for the upteenth time. She’s needed therapy for a long time, but I’m guessing it’s easier for her to delude herself into thinking that her fortune would be more well-spent on material things and “running” away from the truth via cruises, “business trips”, and Grand Canyon tours. I’m certain I will be “crucified” by some by expressing my observations and opinions, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a degreed candidate in the field of psychiatry to see what is evident to more than a few, who are not IN LOVE with her….by the way, the prices for almost ALL of the items on her site are so outrageously overpriced, I’m surprised she still has a business…I suppose her “faithful” are her “faithful” customers…

  53. Gini Says:

    Just like most employers these days they want your loyalty but have none for their employees. Really sad and disgusting move on the part of corporate. Seniority obviously means nothing. Now they have 3 station two oars only rerun shows. I won’t be watching

  54. Mary A. Davis Says:

    I am sorry to see Antonella Nester leave QVC, she was a shining star to me. There are others who are older that should have been let go first, like Jane, and Lea, David is great and does a great job on the show. How did QVC determine who should leave, they let go some wonderful host., and kept older staff that need to reinvent themselves, I am disappointed.



  56. Sandra Scott Says:

    It’s against the law to fire anyone because of their age.

  57. Melinda Leddy Says:

    Wow, a lot of trashing of people you don’t even know! I prefer most of the older hosts who have been around since way back. Its the newer ones that have little personality and don’t keep you interested. I have to say David V. is the number 1 host. Will miss seeing the ones that were let go. I will have to say my number 1 complaint is the high cost of the food…. who pays $66 for 12 cookies?? But I have been shopping with them for over 20 yrs. Hoping to stay.

    • sara Says:

      LOL,,, am I reading your comment right,,,you’re upset with the “trashing”, yet you say “new ones have little personality”? Hmmm David V, number one host? If you say so………….

    • Tina McCormick Says:

      And the cookies are not even that good. Homemade is much better.

  58. Cheryl Garfield Says:

    People need to stop shopping at QVC…their prices are not cheaper (unless it is a TSV…it is the easy pay that people like…which if, they save money for 3 to 6 months at home…they could by it for cheaper and not be in a financial issue themselves…it is all smoke and mirrors. QVC takes money but then,
    believes people will just keep coming back and be told what to do…Heck no…we all have choices and large groups like these do not own us…unless we let them!

  59. MDH Says:

    Cheryl Garfield I agree but there will always be people that buy from the shopping channels…let’s face it…not only is it an addiction but also,there are people where money is no object..I keep saying I won’t buy and then find myself buying…QVC is not our friend and is staying rich because of buyers like me.

  60. sara Says:

    So many seem to think Antonella’s hair color was her downfall, i find that pretty riidiculous. What would you do if one of your fav hosts changed appearances, I mean, lets say David, we have watched him grow larger and larger, looking so weird with his dyed black hair, yet there are some who still adore him, Or Shawn, going back and forth from short to long, blonde to brown. The company didn’t fire them,,So please stop with Antonella’s hair was her downfall. I don’t know why she was let go, all I do know, it was a mean spirited way of doing so. She appears to be moving on with smiles once again, can’t we just be happy for her………………………..

    • MDH Says:

      I agree about Antonella’s hair…it wasn’t her hair…My guess is …she wasn’t selling enough during her show and that is exactly why they let people go..I do believe they fired her and tuld retire..he others..why else would they let her go two years before she co

      • MDH Says:

        My reply got screwed up…..As I was tryng to say..why else would they get rid of Antonella two years before she planned to retire..You can call it anything you want but they were fired.

      • Karen Says:

        Sadly, my earlier reply to your post, MDH, was deleted before it could be published, by the owner of this blog. My reply about my misspelling of the word “lisp”, applies to that post. As I stated therein, I don’t believe that Antonella’s haircolor or her ability to “push” product was good enough reason for her to be pinkslipped. Nancy Hornbeck has been with the Q and Q2 for years, and I STILL don’t know how they keep her, because I don’t think she’s EVER been a top-level salesperson and is a completely “indiscript” host. Boring Dan Hughes should have been let go years ago, certainly before the affable Dan Wheeler. And, David’s sidekick, “Lisping Mary”, can’t sell her way “out of a paper bag”. No, I believe there were other reasons Ant was let go…it was evidenced to others who have experienced some level of bigotry within this world and the workplace, that her problem was more to do with her ethnicity than with her sales ability. There have been more than a few “asides” thrown her way over the years, manifested in various ways, that her bubbly personality and quick laughter could not disguise the obvious pain it caused her. Just as in many workplaces, there will be favored, coddled employees, back-stabbers, and “cliches”, and The Q is certainly the “epitome” of that culture. There are more than a few of their hosts who are either not up to the challenge of that network, or who wore out their welcome there years ago. Ant NEVER fit into their culture, no matter how hard she tried to be one of their “team players”. I KNOW that better things are coming her way, as she not only has the skills, but the kindest, most positive nature of ANY of the Q’s so-called “Superstars”…

      • MDH Says:

        Antonella is genuine and sweet but that’s not what QVC wants…They want hosts that can really pour on the bullshit …they like fake and phony…not genuine people..Antonella is,I think…by nature…a natural..just sweet as can be..She will be better off..she may not think so but she will.
        IT doesn’t matter the hair color…I agree…that has nothing to do with it..QVc is only interested in making money,it doesn’t matter who they trample on… in the process.I think we will see more pink-slipped…

    • Karen Says:

      Sorry I misspelled “lisp”, not once but twice…typing on phone faster than brain is working…lol

      • Karen Says:

        And I misspelled “cliques”…again, typing on phone…fingers going faster than assembled thoughts…lol

  61. sara Says:

    @Brenda,,,Sh had her stalker wayyyyyyyyyyy back then, I mean years, so that was not the reason she didn’t return. That stalker was caught and spent some time. Lisa’s contract was not renewed. She begin to become an even bigger diva. Q saw it and decided her time was up.

    • sara Says:

      * She,,,,, Spent some time in jail, began…Gee, talk about fingers and brain not working together,,, 😦

      • MDH Says:

        How would you know about her contract…or what went on….did she tell you? Dud QVC tell you?

  62. MDH Says:

    Brenda..I don’t think Lisa left because of the stalker…I think she left on her own to start her own thing..I think she was tired of the Q.

  63. sara Says:

    MDH, You always are on my A$$ no matter what I say. I didn’y realie you have to be the head honcho of the board. Long after Lisa was let go, she went on the tv circut, when asked why she left and she told the same story. She answered all their questions, except about her ex boyfriend. Now just stop with your freaking snarky attitude with me,,, You don’t know half of what you say and it seems you have alot,,,How do you know I am not a friend of someone who indeed works there? Just let others here have their opinions be heard. Hagd

    • MDH Says:

      STFU..You are the big know t all with all the answers…not!Lisa never said anything about leaving because her contract wasn’t renewed.She has always said she wanted a change.You have no idea about any of it…so stop acting like you do.

      • sara Says:

        What an a$$ you are.. lol,, You are so pathetic. I don’t have all the answers and I do listen to others opinions, but one thing I do know, you sure do seek attention, poor thing,,,,Look in the mirror and fight with yourself, I’m done with lol lol

      • MDH Says:

        Hahha..jealous of Lisa..aren’t you? You poor darling…you need attention..Be careful…she could sue you for saying things about her that aren’t true.Brainless twit.

      • MDH Says:

        That would be you…know it all…talking shit about people and you don’t even know…LIke saying Lisa’s contract wasn’t renewed…how in hell would you ever know that? You don’t…now run along.. trouble.

  64. sara Says:

    MDH lol lol,,, lonely big mouth…..

    • MDH Says:

      Hahha that would be you…twit.

    • Lottie Linia Says:

      Sorry to disappoint MDH, but NO ONE is jealous of Lisa and her sad, empty, have-to-pay “staff” to keep her company in that multi-million dollar estate, so she doesn’t lose her mind…She used Katie for years, to go on road triops, so she could look for men (she abandoned her in the parking lot in Las Vegas so she could take a joyride in a souped-up car wtth her balding, over-the-hill friend and when she returned a half hour later, she was alarmed that Katie was gone. Katie, obviously, told her Mom, and that was the LAST road trip she took with “the user” Lisa). For a while, she was trying to replace Katie’s constant companionship with “new young girl” and paid employee, Claudia, but Claudia was wise enough to not fall into that trap. Katie and Claudia, most certainly, have boyfriends and LIVES, as do her other 4 female and male employees, so NOW she’s forever with her “Chief of Stuff”, who has to photograph her for her glamour shots (phito-shpped, of course) near her tomato plants and film her nightly cooking sessions. She would have NEVER even given that woman the time of day when she worked at the Q, and certainly not if Mr. McGee would have stuck around while, essentially, being PAID by her, to date her. Do you notice how she has a rather large family unit, but no one, including her sisters, seems to bother with her. She HAS NO FRIENDS, NO MAN, NO CHILDREN. ..just a PAID employee whose life is as sad ad empty as hers, to do her bidding and keep her company. Bottom line…NO ONE is jealous A CRAZY, USING BITCH WITH LOTS OF MONEY AND NO REAL LIFE!!!

    • MDH Says:

      That would be you…with no life..Not Lisa…She has a life and has many followers who love her..

      • Lottie Linia Says:

        That’s the point…Facebook “followers”…lots of people have those…FRIENDS are a different story…that’s why she’s tethered to her estate with her PAID employees and her FACEBOOK FOLLOWERS to keep her from losing her mind…

      • Lottie Linia Says:

        I might know a little more about her than you might think I know…believe me, there is NOTHING to be jealous of…her daily, monthly, yearly redundant Facebook postings tell the whole story…maybe you would like to try tracking down some of her old “friends” and “acquaintences” to get the REAL LOWDOWN on the one you so admire…and I don’t know what in the world the previous poster meant by “she’s still with her”? If she means Katie, of course she’s still with her…but her days of being joined at the hip while taking “glamour shots” of her, and being “dragged” all over the country by La Lisa are over…Lisa needs to get herself some REAL, her-own-age girlfriends, a la Albany, Marybeth, etc., who she can spend some “girls’ night out” type evenings with, instead of playing with the horses, goats and birds on her property, tending her garden, taking endless photos of her fingers and thumb holding a Talenti ice cream container, and getting “dressed to the nines” to have her Chief of Stuff photograph her cooking EVERY NIGHT in her “too-big-for-someone-who-has-no one estate”….maybe she can host a get-together or soiree there someday when her “friends” include more than her PAID MINIONS and her Facebook “pen pals” (er.. “friends”)…

  65. sarra Says:

    MDH,,, No problem,, just up your meds. I’ll let Shawn how you think of her, shes another one you seem to attack,, Sorry your life is so boring that all you do is hang around boards and want to fight with people,,,,so sad, so pathetic…. Now go take your pills hon,,,,,you have been blocked…Buh bye,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  66. Lisa Balvin Says:

    I think that stinks! I really liked Antonella and Stacy Stauffer. QVC you made a mistake by letting them go. If you EVER say goodbye to David Venable I won’t shop from your channel ever again. I doubt you will let him go because you would lose a lot of viewers. I’m very disappointed to hear what you have done in letting them go!

  67. Darlene Bennett Says:

    I have been a loyal QVC customer since the late 80s. I have seen changes in QVC lately that concerned me and lead me to believe that they are on a downhill trend. I hate the re-programmed shows that air over and over again. I feel like the hosts can’t be themselves anymore, but instead they’re like machine gun robots spewing out descriptions of products and acting funny and cheerful just to sell a product. Part of why I watch QVC and purchase a lot from them was that I could trust with the hosts were selling and that I also got to know them on a personal basis. QVC’s customer service is probably the one thing that I find is the worst thing that has happened to QVC in many years. It is horrible! I’ve had to stay on hold for a customer service rep sometimes for up to an hour or more. I know that these people are working from home and instead of doing their job their homeschooling their children and cooking dinner and swimming in their pools or whatever they’re doing other than answering the phone to help QVC customers because they’re being paid by the hour. So what reason is there for them to answer the phone?. I am just so afraid that QVC has gone too far With this new kind of programming and I think it’s awful. I am really sorry to see all this happen.

  68. Patty Says:

    Customer service has declined no doubt. This is an easy fix if a company really cares about their customers. They forgot what their initials stand for.

  69. Sylvia Cassese Says:

    You have a lot of nerve letting Antonella and Gabrielle go..there are other ones on there and they r goof ball and hard to take.. Especially Shawn…acts like a comedy show..ppl don’t like tht..SHAME ON COPORATE OFFICE…

  70. Linda Says:

    All I can say is that I love Monday night with Amy, Kourtney, and Shawn. I’m 63 years old and I must say…they make me happy! Sorry about all the drama but it’s all a part of working in corporate America. Thank God I was able to retire!

  71. sara Says:

    Lottie,,, I just love : ) Have a great week! I believe you know whats going on with La Lisa…

  72. Barbara Says:

    So sorry to hear about Antonella’s departure. Of all the ones to let go, ugh. They should get rid of Kirsten. She’s so much into herself it’s sickening. Antonella I loved you, not because i’m also Italian but you were for real. Love you and will miss your smiling face.

  73. Nancy Sue Sinclair Says:

    Why would you fire one of your MOST POPULAR hosts? This says ALOT about QVC. A good employer will try to accomdate their employees and they will realize when they have a LOVED personality. Sorry QVC, someone at the top needs to go, not your hosts.

  74. Gwendolyn Fuller Says:

    Shame on you QVC for firing these lovely,hard-working women.I just became aware of this today.Gabrielle is lovely,sweet,focused ,loyal and a pleasure to watch.QVC halted my shopping because I got behind in my easy-pays.Perhaps it’s just as well.I see your true colors.There is no logic in your firing people.You just don’t care.Again,shame on you.

  75. Betty Prudence Says:

    How stupid to let seasoned QVC hosts go and not more recently hired hosts. The newbies are not as personable.

  76. JUDY TRACY Says:

    Antanella Nester was a great host. Not phony like some of your so called golden host’s. Sometimes I have to gag at name droppers and some impressed with themselves. I miss Nancy Hornbeck and Lisa Robertson.
    Where is all that “we are all family” I like QVC, but I think you’re not very sensitive.

  77. Caroll Robbins Says:

    Don’t guess I will be shopping at Qvc due to them getting rid of good hosts! Not good pr!! I have spent at $20,000 with you but no more

  78. Busy Fingers Says:

    I feel sorry for all of you! Fighting about shopping channel hosts you don’t know personally, and never will, seems so trivial. Why don’t you just form your comments into an intelligent complaint letter and present it to the “powers of hiring/firing” at QVC.

  79. Sandi Sui Says:

    Antonella, sorry to see you leave under these conditions. Best of luck to you in future ventures. My only negative comment as someone from TX with all that means vocally, get voice lessons. You are not in NY any longer and your accent grates on the ears.

    • Carolyn Simpson Says:

      antonella is a philly girl and speaking as one myself i rather like the way she talks.what makes you think that a texas twang sounds attractive. namaste

  80. susan A williams Says:

    Sorry to see that some of the better host were let go. I wish them the best of luck in future endeavors. But. please,please get rid of Shawn Killinger. I can not watch when she is hosting!! She acts like a goofy teenager. I turn her right off.

  81. christine E yurkiewicz Says:

    Sorry to see Antonella axed. She made me laugh when I was having a bad day. Is QVC going bankrupt. I have problems getting my money back after returning an item. I have hundreds of items that I have never been reimbursed for. What is going on. Now things I have ordered are being delayed. Not fun anymore and I am so sick and tired of Susan Graver on. She never shuts up. Rude

  82. Layne Cook Says:

    Antonella has always been one of my very favorites on QVC. This is very sad news indeed

  83. Judy Says:

    I can’t watch QVC any more. Every time I turn on Shawn Killinger is bragging that she wears a size cc’d and yet she is stuffed into an outfit like a sausage and consistently has camel toe. Yuck!

  84. Cathy Roper Says:

    Antonella Nester was a beautiful woman and I loved her from her first day. She looked like a Roman goddess with her long, bountiful dark hair, pulled up in curls with her widow’s peak showing. I do believe that it was station “stylists” who required her to go blonde and she did it in order to keep her job, but it actually looked dreadful on her and took away from her natural beauty. Also, I began noticing her shorter nails, as when she first came on, she had the most beautiful long nails I had ever seen and showcased jewelry/rings so exquisitely. I cannot imagine who convinced her or required her to shorten them because it just took away one of her most beautiful features. I believe these hosts were let go because they were approaching their older years, and the entire corporate/industry world does not want to keep seasoned folks on their payroll for selfish, financial/liability issues, that’s just a fact. Anyone heading toward 60 is out – They better keep Carolyn Gracie because she is the spokesperson for Denim & Co. and she and Gary make that line of clothing popular for lots of us seasoned customers out here – you put a 25 year old up there hawking Denim & Co. and it just isn’t going to work – big $$$ will be lost if you do. There is a big market out here of us mature women who have money to spend and will as long as we can identify with the sales person! And, I too vote for getting rid of narcissistic, self centered, arrogant SHAWNIE SUE (who would even want that nickname????) as her personality and presentations just make me sick to my stomach, particularly when she is yakking it up with Isaac, who she acts like she is just as well known as he, when in fact, he is a long-time, well known, famous designer and deserves more respect that that – I do believe online shopping is here to stay, but the current channels are hurting themselves when they turn away from and replace procedures and methods they have used for 35 years that have made them the financial successes they have been in past years, but now may be cutting off their own nose to spite their faces…

    • Gina Says:

      Cathy Roper
      Your post is 💯 true. People keep saying the shopping channels are doing this and that to attract younger audiences. Hello, people….most millennials and zoomers have no interest in home shopping. There are a few older Xers that probably do….but it’s the boomers and what’s left of the Silent Generation that’s keeping the channels afloat.
      The younger people mostly buy from Amazon, or specialty shops online (Zara, Express, H&M, etc). If you go on the hosts’ Facebook or Instagram, and look at some of the comments on their posts, you will see mostly faces of baby boomers. These are the people buying from the channels. Yes, occasionally you will see a younger Xer, or an older millennial, but few and far between.
      And anyone, regardless of age, wants to see hosts with familiar faces. Some of the new hosts are ok; most are overtly happy and energetic to the point of making the audience want a martini! And many can’t describe the items worth doodly squat. They tell you where you can wear it, how THEY wear it, and who should wear it. Measurements? Sizes? Details?
      My post is focused on all shopping channels, and yes, I’m sorry about Antonella, and everyone else…..on screen and off, who make home shopping what it is, and were fired. There are a few “oldies” on all the channels that need to go; it seems they’re the ones who can’t get fired if they try.
      And, when the remaining audience stops watching, that will probably end home shopping as we know it, because if the younger people aren’t buying now, they will not buy in the future.

  85. Ray Says:

    Why are all the QVC hostesses with dark hair ruining it by bleaching? Whose edict is all blonde hair only?

  86. Bonnie Wheatley Says:

    Shawn Killinger, Sandra Bennett, Alberti our so loud, horrible fake laughs, talk over everyone, very rude, love attention. They all need to GO, Shawns horrible big glasses and cheap big crazy earrings, No Class!

  87. Bonnie Wheatley Says:

    Miss Antonella Nester, so natural, sweet and funny

  88. Susan Morris Says:

    I am not happy with the changes at QVC. Letting the hosts go and having QVC2 repeats. That really annoys me. iI liked the variety. I don’t watch much anymore.

  89. Susie Says:

    I will miss those hosts that were pink slipped. But, they should pink slip Shawn and Jane they are so phony that it can make you sick.

  90. Valerie Says:

    Miss Antonella and Gabrielle. 😢. They’re two beautiful people-inside and out.

  91. Denise Says:

    Firing Antonella was NOT a smart decision.
    She is very personable and did her job well with some humor
    You kept the wrong people.

  92. Katherine rubino Says:

    Big mistake for letting her go

  93. anastassia Says:


    QVC Pink Slipped Host Antonella, Among Others | Homeshoppingista's Blog By Linda Moss

  94. Marlene Says:

    People keep talking about Antonella fired because if looks , hair etc…. no so…. I think it had NOTHING to do to with looks.
    I think it was ….her very noticeable change in personality …look at her beginning shows versus after ..and be honest….
    . her facial expressions lately so exaggerated
    ,…her whole demeanor changed the point it was off putting , and distracting ….took away from the product!!
    .,it was like the show was about her not the product…..I do not know WHY the change was so noticeable but it was real….
    Really nice lady , great in the beginning.i really liked her then…..but she changed a lot …I can see why she was on list ….

  95. D. Webster Says:

    Sorry to hear about these hosts being laid off. I have been in the same position years ago. It hurts that a company like QVC would do that to people who are such good and hard workers.

  96. Linda Neary Says:

    Sorry that Antonella Nester got the axe. She was a scream and really loved her job.

  97. Sandra Scott Says:

    Saw that Shop HQ was selling Lock and Lock the other night. They had good prices, but were charging $9.99 for shipping and handling. It’s like they want to go out of business!

  98. P Diedrich Says:

    I would like to see 2 more of the older qvc hosts RETIRE…the drama and icky sweetness of Jane tracey are just toooo much. I realize people “just love her” but its been too long and I cannot watch her sell anymore with her hand gestures and cutesy faces. She acts 13 and its ANNOYING.
    2ND Person over the hill…Mary Beth
    She looks tired and she needs to be with her grandchildren if she has some.
    Sorry I’m so rude…
    No …I guess I should just turn it off.
    But thank you for releasing Antonella..that was long in coming.

  99. Ethel Burton Says:

    Miss the hosts that are gone! Some of the new hosts just don’t fit. Don’t like the new format.

  100. Shelley Says:

    You should have kept Antonella and mayb got rid of these young sales women who have NO PERSONALITY AT ALL!!!!
    It is a shame to get rid of an active & fun person and keep someone who needs plenty of experience

  101. EH Says:

    Was just thinking how QVC has gone down in the last few years….have been a customer for many years…the hosts used to dress professionally, including makeup application. They dress now like they are going to the gym…Shawn Killinger’s hair is always a mess, along with a few other hosts. The heavy makeup, with false eyelashes is horrible. They are more interested in laughing and making their time in front of the camera about them, NOT the product. Some of them look like they don’t even comb their hair.

  102. Nancy Says:

    Agree it is time for Jane Tracy to go. The way she flaps her hands during presentations makes me seasick. Liver spots are hard to ignore during jewelry shows. You sell make up that would cover that up….use it. And quit screeching. Then there’s Kirsten, get over yourself girl. Shawn remains annoying and Alberti stop with the preppy sweater and scarf thing. We get it.

  103. Lisagirl Says:

    Jesus why does everybody care so much. People are so very mean. It’s sad.

  104. Micah Says:

    Here’s the truth…..QVC has to make changes because it’s losing buyers. The majority of shoppers are 50+ and more of their diehard customers are passing away daily. Antonella was not one of the “superstars” like Jane or Shawn. I have to admit, I tuned in some months ago and actually shrieked when I saw Antonella and her blonde hair and her sort of haggardly demeanor and voice. It was not appealing.

    Younger buyers don’t care so much about jewelry. They buy more items like beauty or clothing and want hosts who they can identify with, someone younger and sorry to say, slim and attractive. Look at what is popular on Insta gram and the influencers who make millions. If QVC is to survive it has to attract newer generations of buyers and be able to compete.

  105. Cyndi Says:

    I think this is horrible! with the amount of viewers and money QVC makes why would they lay anyone off, of course to make MORE money.

  106. Dr. Deborah Schreiner Says:


  107. Pam McAliater Says:

    Don’t watch as much with Antonella gone. Can’t believe a couple hosts are there nd she’s not. Big mistake letting her go. Such a down to earth person.

  108. Evelyn Tokasz Says:

    I really liked Gabrielle…thought she was an exceptionally good host!!! Was not thrilled when Antonella went blond which was not becoming to her at all!!! Can’t stand most of the new hosts as they don’t explain the products thoroughly or in a professional or honest manner…just missing Jill Bauer who was an outstanding host and real asset to QVC

  109. Pat Thompson Says:

    Antonella was a great host. She was so real and so relatable. She didn’t come across as a typical “salesman”. She was so funny and not boring at all. QVC has mostly heavy models now, which is fine; yet I suspect it hurt her as a host. (The old weight discrimination issue.). I loved QVC for I’d say 40 years and loved it. I could tune in almost anytime and enjoy shopping. Now, however, though they have more channels, I hardly ever watch because too many times it’s just “stuff” I don’t care about; too many hosts (too impersonal); much higher prices, seem to be leaning toward expensive brands (thus went the “price” advantage); and hosts with little personality. I also don’t like TSV push taking up more than a fourth of an hour show all day long (give me a break). I could go on and on, but it never seems to matter.

  110. Marian Shriver Says:

    Hope you can help me lost directions theFrench croissants wanted to make them for Christmas I’m not sure if they have to race before you bake them if you can let me know please do

  111. Benita Says:

    Antonella was never a favorite. She reminds me of that loud Aunt who looks cheap. Loved the Janes. Pat and Carolyn seem honest like that sweet neighbor that brings you cookies. Dan is adorable.

  112. Dorothy Raber Scott Says:

    I don’t know how I missed the fact that QVC gave Antonella a pink slip! However, now that I know…good bye QVC and HSN!!! I’m done with you!!! Heartless and greedy!!! And now that she’s sick, I can’t help but think that the stress that your actions caused hasn’t somehow played a part!!! I hope MANY more customers follow suit!

  113. Meristel Shaw Says:

    You all do know Antonella is gravely ill and broke due to her illness and asking for money on GO FUND ME…

  114. Rosemary Says:

    There’s always going to be some host you may favor over another. So just turn the channel if you are that bothered! If we were all the same what a boring world this would be. The hosts are so talented all in there own way .Each one brings a little something to the show. Leah
    a “lady” in every sense of the word. She brings you right in ,like talking to a friend over coffee. Rick is whitty …gets right to the point and sells his product. Good on the eyes too, and funny. Alberti classy knows his stuff very likable someone you want to go shopping with.
    Can laugh at himself. Shawn…. this girl’s got it going on.Her talent is undeniable. How anyone can say she’s fake is beyond me .She’s an open book. The life of the party….Amy is the cutest most down to earth person on qvc and it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s not the # 1 seller on the show. You see…. they are there to sell a product. I could go on and on about each one of them. Each one is unique .
    Antonella brought a certain genuine quality to the show. She spoke the common persons language. She is so funny and didn’t put on airs for anyone.God bless you Antonella your in my prayers get well soon.
    The staff works so hard . God bless you all

  115. Tad Broers Says:

    thanks for sharing!!

  116. Lita Roxbury Says:

    I’m sorry but Antonella just wasn’t a proper fit for QVC. She seemed ok for the first couple years then slid. It was more than the awful yellow hair, she got full of herself. She interrupted, made those grotesque facial expressions and seemed oblivious to what was going on around her. Btw, could she get her face any closer to the camera on her YT channel? Not a pretty sight. Shawn should go too. QVC needs to clean up their sloppy hosts.

  117. Sara Says:

    Gee, people are still dissing a woman who is fighting cancers in her body, that is more pathetic than her “yellow hair,& gross facial expressions” as you expressed so early this morning. I just wonder why you found the need to jump on here, so early in the AM to beat a dead horse, how very sad. I suppose when you are that miserable with yourself, time isn’t a factor. Well, if you keep up with the woman you are kicking to the ground, her hair is gone now due to the chemo. Her expressions have now turned to tears and sadness, these changes would probably bring you delight. One day an illness will hit you and I hope when you look in the mirror you will remember just how disgusting you were on this day to Antonella. You really are the epitome and poster child of a mean girl. I wish you well and hope your day gets better…

  118. Sue Wilson Says:

    I think it’s pretty shi**y of QVC. someone there 18 years (Antonella) like that. They then hire much younger, thinner, and frankly, crummy new hosts. WTH? Also, QVC 2 is now live till midnight and she could have stayed. She could have retired after 20 or 25 years to get her retirement and QVC pulls that? Finally after QVC screws her she finds out she is very ill, loses her home, etc. Not right.

    • Sara Says:

      I get up this morning , turn on my pc and to my amazement, this column is still going on, I mean its been since July 2020.. Its sad to see that people still feel the need to knock this woman down. Like her or not its done with and she has much bigger battles to fight than to read negative things about herself. I’ve asked that the column be taken down but I can see it went on deaf ears, how sad is that.
      I guess some get off on hitting below the belt. Well, we all know Antonella has been known to read this page and maybe words of encouragement would be nicer for her to see when she is so down.
      If it were one of you I am sure you’d be very hurt to see this trash still being continued. With all the crazy news going on in this world, Antonella still makes the front page.. Unreal. I’m sorry Antonella, I tried, to make it go away but what can I say, some just revel in trash.

  119. Sue Wilson Says:

    Wanted to add, Antonella should QURATE/QVC for age and size discrimination. As well having more experience & seniority to hosts not let go.

  120. Sue Wilson Says:

    Should SHE QVC, that is.

  121. Sue Wilson Says:

    DAMNIT LOL. I typed SUE QVC.

  122. Sue Wilson Says:

    I typed SUE QVC.

  123. IlovemycountryUSA Says:

    Antonella was diagnosed w/two types of cancer not long after she was fired. Maybe that’s why she was “looking worn down”. Her husband also had a heart attack, but has recovered. They had to sell their house & move permanently into their 42-foot boat. Lisa Robertson left QVC after they refused to give her credit/allow her to sell her own designs. She has her own business now. & while I have heard from ppl that work/worked at QVC (I’m not far from their home base in PA) that she is very difficult to work with (one said she was a straight-up b***h), she just posted on her boutique site a pre-order pendant that is very similar to one Antonella has worn for years, & all proceeds will be going to Antonella’s Go Fund Me. I haven’t watched QVC in over a year, just kinda got sick of the degraded quality & rising prices of things. Shame, as they used to be my fave (& I watched them from their very beginning).

    • sara Says:

      @IlovemycountryUSA, Guess it has been awhile for you, all this is very old news.. Antonella is doing okay so far, Bubee her husband, is also, both are sailing around , trying to enjoy their time on the high seas, She now makes videos and posts them on FB and Youtube, letting her know what she is up to. I didn’t know of Lisa selling a necklace with proceeds going to Antonella, seems a nice gesture.
      So, she took the design of her necklace, had it made and is now selling it with all the proceeds going to Antonella? She should really, its Antonella’s to begin with.
      Have a nice Christmas,

  124. Jackie Charette Says:

    Please help me if possible…………………..I would LOVE to be in touch with Antonella……..I am Not too computer smart and am old and I mean old, but I really miss Antonella and would Love to write to her…………..facebook. message.anyway……………………How can I do this. I hope someone will help me.

  125. sara Says:

    Go on her FB page and hit message. You can leave a message there. Unless that’s been changed.

  126. LISA MARTIN Says:

    They should not got rid of you, I hate new host Mikey Robbins he needs more training in front of camera,
    And while trying to sell a record player he told the viewers that record albums can be used as chargers at the dinning room table under the plate, nothing about the ability to hear old records again. Get rid of him

    • LISA MARTIN Says:

      Get rid of Mikey Robbins he’s inexperienced in front of camera and he is very stiff and noddes his head like a bobble head. His back is very stiff. And he looks like Willy Wonka in the Johnny Depp version , very creepy. He needs a new hair cut or style.

  127. Judith Keeley Says:

    Get well and come back Antonella !

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