ShopHQ Mourns Death Of Host Mike Davidson, Who They Let Go

Talk about being disingenuous and hypercritical: ShopHQ posted a note about former host Mike Davidson, who suddenly passed away. Remember, these are the same folks that abruptly let him go!

ShopHQ is saddened to hear of the passing of former host, Mike Davidson. He was a member of the ShopHQ family for 13 years, and shared his life with so many of you. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. He will be missed.

Thanks to Lisette Gabler for posting, “Nice of you to write this but you should be ashamed of yourselves for firing him.”

6 Responses to “ShopHQ Mourns Death Of Host Mike Davidson, Who They Let Go”

  1. Suzanne Goldklang Says:

    I met Mike when we were both hosts at Global Shopping Network in New York City. When it folded a number of us went to HSN. Mike and I were both hired at ValueVision. We started our Minnesota adventure together. I put some of my stuff in his car. His uncle moved with him. I believe I actually found out from Mike I got the job. Before shopping Mike was a DJ in New Jersey. I always think of him when I pass his exit. Mike loved his viewers. He loved music trivia and jokes. He was a big guy with a big voice and an even bigger personality.

    • Suzanne Goldklang Says:

      Forgive me if that sound fragmented. I am fittingly writing this in a gas station on I80. The same road that took Mike from NJ to NYC and eventually to Minnesota.

  2. Jean Says:

    Linda, Sometimes we need to take the highroad. Some things are better left unsaid.

  3. Angela Says:

    This is disgusting and typical Keith Stewart management. They abruptly fire one of our colleagues and now they post this?!?!?!? And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Here me when I tell you that they treat those of us working here and still alive even worse. People are quitting left and right and not even with a job lined up Pharmacies are making a killing off of all the meds everyone is on to get through the day. All those millions of dollars they get paid at the top and this is what we get in return. Cold, callous and just downright awful. Keith, Bob, Annette, Jean, Nancy et al. TAKE YOUR MONEY AND RUN. PLEASE.

    • AprilD Says:

      All the shopping channels and most employers are the same. This is business not fun. If you hate it so much quit. I did with my last job I had for 15 years with no back up job in sight. I survived and am much happier.

  4. Queen Celeste Says:

    I am so sorry to hear this. Mike seemed like a lovely, warm man, and was always fun to watch. I remember when they let him go and wondered why chose to dismiss such a good host. My condolences to his family, and to Laura and his true friends.

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