Paul Deasy’s Carico Lake Doesn’t Cut It For Us

We received our Evine Live Carico Lake pendant yesterday, and were eager to see what color the turquoise would be in this Paul Deasy special.

We blogged about this when we ordered the piece.

It turns out that it is a large, heavy-weight brushed silver pendant, nice work for the $177 Today’s Top Value price. However, while our pendant is green, it is the color of typical green turquoise, not the soft pistachio green that characterizes what we know as Carico Lake.

So our pendant will be going back.

We also purchased a 36-inch 4MM brushed silver beaded chain. It was a bit pricey, but it is also well-made and a bit unusual.

Also, we own several brushed silver pendants that would match and look great on it. So we think that’s a keeper.

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2 Responses to “Paul Deasy’s Carico Lake Doesn’t Cut It For Us”

  1. Twat Waffles Says:

    Not surprised!


  2. Rita Says:

    Although I have seen some stones classified as Carico Lake with more of a bluish tone, I was told that Carico Lake is Green, as you described, Linda. I bought a couple rings and some other Carico pieces from a vendor at the Tucson Gem Show 2 or 3 years ago, and he gave me the history and info on many types of turquoise, including Carico Lake.
    I do also love other types…especially the pale blue with the heavy black matrix, and the medium blue with the copper matrix. I also like the purple variety. I have a decent collection and it’s all set in modern, simple silver settings, whether shiny finish or brushed. That way, I can wear it dressed up or down.
    I’m sorry your pendant didn’t meet your expectations, Miss Moss. I hope Deasy pays more attention to the names and origins of his turquoise in the future. His jewelry collection looks nice online but I am ambivalent about ordering from Evine. I don’t even order my Suzanne Somers skin care from them. They messed up one order, and it took great pains and a lot of raised voice to get things right.
    I actually feel that way about all the shopping channels. Home shopping has become a tangled mess of poor quality and over inflated prices.

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